My Girlfriend ..


Well-Known Member
yeppers, smile and say sorry your loss.... and leave it at that completely, not another word...... sorry tho man


Well-Known Member
It already happened and had great results.
I read the thread & saw what he did,i was refering to boyfriend number 3 as new boyfriend & my scenario was for a few weeks or months from now.

How many women have any of the men here met in their life time who've allowed the man to have the last word in a break up ? wow thats a big list :mrgreen:

Her mom or best friend will convince her he's the biggest peice of shit on earth, then get her all riled up,oh it's comming allright !


I read the thread & saw what he did,i was refering to boyfriend number 3 as new boyfriend & my scenario was for a few weeks or months from now.

How many women have any of the men here met in their life time who've allowed the man to have the last word in a break up ? wow thats a big list :mrgreen:

Her mom or best friend will convince her he's the biggest peice of shit on earth, then get her all riled up,oh it's comming allright !
Unless her mindset is still in high school she'll try to call. Hoping he changed his number she'll fail, and decide to "show up" one day. In which I'm hoping he opens the door, says "No." and shuts it. Turn music up so loud he can't hear anything... And slam ass with the new catch. :mrgreen:


Active Member
This is such a great community. FLIP, you did the right thing. It sucks about the necklace but consider it an expensive life lesson. As long as you learn from this you will be OK. If you had fucked with her stuff or anything we would probably see you on Judge Judy or some shit, so it is good you handled it the way you did. Good luck with it- Dubz


Well-Known Member
yeah man I wouldn't even give the satisfaction of thinking she getting away with it. her day continues as normal. your torn up and miserable. Naw I would walk in to her work and create a scene let everyone know how she is, that's a nice little jab don't ya think.
Wow! that turned out even better than I imagined it! Good to hear.:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I just couldn't believe that the other guy worked with her :\, that'll be some shitty drama in the office now.


Well-Known Member
haha yea for real she's gotta quit work I would think...

but man, real cool the way you handled it gotta give you props about that. Really too bad about the whole relationship thing sometimes i think its not even worth it..


Well-Known Member
Just kinda sucks, two years wasted of my life because of some girl.. I think I'm done with dating for a long time.
Back to the meaningless, lonely sex!


Well-Known Member
dating is overrated... if you want a bang, the local bar/nightclub probably has what you're looking for.

dating gets harder when a person is growing indoors. there's all sorts of sights, smells and sounds that beg to be questioned.

when i was in a small apartment, occassionally i had passed on casual drunken sex because of the liability.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't think we date around here...its just hanging out, then if you like the person, you may get together.I've never been on an actual date.
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Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's just it...they don't buy you dinner and a movie!You meet at a mutual friend's, start driving around in the car,visit each other's house a few dinner and movie,unless I'm cooking and he rents a dvd!:mrgreen:
the guy who bought a girl dinner and a movie thought it was a date :)


Well-Known Member
That's just it...they don't buy you dinner and a movie!You meet at a mutual friend's, start driving around in the car,visit each other's house a few dinner and movie,unless I'm cooking and he rents a dvd!:mrgreen:
Straight to the naughty stuff where you live eh?


Well-Known Member
Man im sorry dude. i feel your pain.

I would say you straight up confront her. ask her who she was with at the mall. If she lies, be like oh ok. Fuck her, nut in her face, and tell her to get out. Then be done with her. She obviously isnt worth your time.


Well-Known Member
Man im sorry dude. i feel your pain.

I would say you straight up confront her. ask her who she was with at the mall. If she lies, be like oh ok. Fuck her, nut in her face, and tell her to get out. Then be done with her. She obviously isnt worth your time.
It's over :), read the story of how it happened, I think on the third page or something..