My Girlfriend ..


Well-Known Member
Here is a womans perspective on this.
I once did something I wasn't proud of. I didn't kiss anyone, but, I was talking to a ex on the phone behind my current boyfriends back. Well, the current bf put a recorder on my phone, and then he would check it. So of course he found out I was talking on the phone with another. He was living in my home and had some of his things in there. When I got home from work one day all his shit was gone. My stomach was in my throat. He left no note, nothing. I called him, he didn't answer for days. Finally he answered and all he said to me was 'why do you think i packed up and left' I just sat there not knowing what to say. Later I found out about the recorder, and to this day I still feel like shit about what I did.
I think we should just keep quoting this girl here. Everyone makes mistakes I feel no ill toward ya jtreuth. He obviously wasn't the right one for ya if you were chatin with the ex anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Here is a womans perspective on this.
I once did something I wasn't proud of. I didn't kiss anyone, but, I was talking to a ex on the phone behind my current boyfriends back. Well, the current bf put a recorder on my phone, and then he would check it. So of course he found out I was talking on the phone with another. He was living in my home and had some of his things in there. When I got home from work one day all his shit was gone. My stomach was in my throat. He left no note, nothing. I called him, he didn't answer for days. Finally he answered and all he said to me was 'why do you think i packed up and left' I just sat there not knowing what to say. Later I found out about the recorder, and to this day I still feel like shit about what I did.

i don't think hanging out with someone who records your calls is good for you anyways. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
i don't think hanging out with someone who records your calls is good for you anyways.
This was during the Bill Clinton days, when Janet Tripp did her recording thing. I guess it gave him the idea to go to Radio Shack...
I agree, it isn't good to hang with anyone that records your calls.


Well-Known Member
I revel in the fact my ex misses me so much so cries herself to sleep weekly... I love it, for all the shit she's done to me. Thing is, I've been over it completely for almost 2 years and she's just getting started :lol: Oh well, shouldn't have opened her legs while drunk. To you though good man, keep it movin' and you'll find someone eventually... no matter what anyone tells you, there is always someone else in the world that will make you more happy and will fulfill you more than the person you're with and that goes for everyone, married or not.


Well-Known Member
i don't think hanging out with someone who records your calls is good for you anyways. :mrgreen::peace:

Your right. But It makes me wonder what prompted him to record them? Kinda like growing weed. If the leo is just recording your calls with no reason until one pops up that's wrong. If they have suspicions it's another story right. then you get "charged" and go to "court" jtreuth said her b/f asked 'why do you think i packed up and left' and she" just sat there not knowing what to say".

It's just one situation. She could have been talking to him cause she was now with a better man and has found closure with the ex etc. this would be a bonus for current b/f and recording calls would have been bad on his part.


Well-Known Member
The reason he was recording my calls is because he knew I wasn't over my ex. I didn't even know I wasn't over him, but he was a lot older than me and he had wisdom and he knew. He always told me his biggest fear was that he was a 'T' man, meaning he was just a transitional guy for me and that even though I had well meaning intentions, my heart was elsewhere.
His theory turned out to be true.

With the guy with gf problems, I am just trying to stress to you that less is sometimes more. Meaning that if you don't make a huge ordeal out of this it will have more of an impact on her.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to her office right now, her shits all in my car and I'm about to leave.
Wish me luck..
Ill be back in about an hour to update.


Well-Known Member
Okay well just got back.
I went into her office work place thing and she has a little cubicle or what ever it's called near the center left of the office. So I just went up to her with her things and told her everything was there and that she wont have to come back to the apartment and to get out of my life. She just stared at me with the stupidest dumbstruck face I have ever seen. I did say it in a fairly loud voice to get attention, wasn't too loud though. She just says 'What are you talking about?' Oh, and the 'other' boyfriend, she works with him, he was there, staring. So I told him to come over, in a very calm voice I said it.

So I asked if he knew who I was, and of course he had no idea who the hell I was. So then I asked if he was going out with the her and he said yes, for about 3 months. (I've been going out with her for 2 years and a couple months) So I asked him if he had any idea that she was cheating on him, and I told him I was going out with her for two and a half years.

The hole times she's quite just looking stupid.. I think he got a lot madder than I did haha. He started yelling just full out. Everybody that was there was just staring at this point, it was perfect. So I am glad that I didn't go up to the guy and just punch him, he seemed like a pretty decent guy. Anyway's before I left she just said 'I'm so sorry' Now I thought that that was pretty damn pathetic. So I said the first thing that popped into my mind which I hear on movies and have heard my parents say it countless amounts of times when I've been caught doing something I shouldn't be doing when I was younger. I said 'No you're sorry you got caught' I thought it was very clever haha. Anyway's I feel much better actually.

She's tried calling me a few times but I haven't bothered picking up yet. I'm thinking about going to a friends house and staying over there for a while. Don't know if I should stay in the house incase she turns into some crazy bitch and raids my apartment or something. Anyway's It made me feel hella good.

So that's the end of that.


Well-Known Member
No, I just bought the apartment, so I haven't started growing yet, I'm planning to next year.

I thought of that :)


Good job man... You took the very mature route to this and I'm glad you actually got to confront the other guy.

I would of loved to see this happen.