Looks good!
Thank you ill will get it.
Glad I changed it and mixed my own soil not using anything but organicAlso, on my first grow, I had Miracle Gro soil (as it's what I had), but imho, Miracle Gro and organic don't click well for me. MG is owned by Scott's, who is an affiliate of Monsanto, and they (Scotts) are known (and found guilty) of selling poisoned bird seed knowingly. I stay away from everything Monsanto. Although this is a personal choice of ethics for me, the plants will do fine in it.
With that size closet, I would go with a 150 watt MH-HPS for my lighting. Be careful with that tea, it can cause mold very easy. I would get me some kind of organic Fertz Veg, and Bloom. I use Dyna-Gro 7-9-5 for veg, and 3-12-6 for bloom. Works really well. These are under 250 watt MH-HPS, just starting flowering, a little to hot for your space though unless you can find a way to keep it cool in their, than it would be all right. Another good fertz, would be Plant Magic Oldtimers. good luck and happy growingHello I am Bud aka Charlie first post here planning my first grow also. I have ordered some Auto Assasssin seeds and started working on my setup. I plan on doing it in a space about 4 foot tall, 3 foot wide, and 3 foot deep. I am going to use MIrcle-gro organic potting soil and I have read alot about 1 plant need X amount of lighting and narrowed it down too about 100-120 watt CFL's. Also read up on the screen of green method or SCRog would this method and everything else I listed work with growing AA. I am on a very tight budget I pretty much had everything but seeds, soil and the light bulbs themselfs so any chance please take it easy on my wallet. Than you all very much for any info and h
I honestly youtubed it and watched different ones. It helped me understand it better.Should I top after the fourth or fifth set of leaves?
fuck dude thats so much growth for 13 days well doneWell I think I successfully "FIM"ed my plant tell me how it looks! Unfortunately I forgot to readjust my light after I was finished so It kinda stretched to it but still looks great imo