Medical marijuana transportation law ruled unconstitutional by Benzie Co. judge

I picked up a lockbox because I have a van that doesn't have a trunk so I didn't want to take a chance, but you're right, no lockbox is ever mentioned. I think it's just that with the way that LEO does whatever the fuck they can to subvert the will of the people, people try to cover their asses in every way.

Huel is right though, it does not say anything about a lockbox. The interpretation is pretty straightforward too:

I think the locks just take care of the "readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle" part. Popo can't say it was accessible when it was locked up.

That was my interpretation when I read the law. My vehicle doesn't have a trunk so I figured a lockbox was safest. I just bought a tackle box and a combo lock...
legislature refuses to give what their constituents demand. constituents write their own law, take the initiative to get it on the ballot, and get 63% of people to vote for it. Legislature proceeds to find every single back door they can think of to resist and almost a decade later we have the largest black market for medical marijuana....ok, maybe not the largest, but it is a pretty big market.

Who is running this clownshow? More importantly who is still buying tickets to it? I guess all we can do is go vote no on the sales tax. I was never cynical about government until I saw the resistance to marijuana. 10 year property tax owner desperately looking to sell and GTFO of Michigan!
Sounds like u pretty well covered it itsbakin..
Except the movin part, they're gonna have to throw me out...

Watch for all sorts if local road n school taxes to get tagged on in May...
Our law (MMMA) per a public vote is NOT a simple "medical marijuana criminal exemption act" providing protection up to 2.5 ounces and/or 12 plants per patient period. The fact that we allow those whom Section 4 is designed to protect us from to read and interpret this section at will is absurd. The problem isn't the law, it is the system it addresses whom as is have the power and control to read and interpret as they see fit (conflict of interest). Of course none of this would be possible without the shear ignorance of the public they exploit and the financial inability to challenge the system civilly (of which they also control) ...

"shall not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner" is not very hard to understand from an integrity perspective, regardless if your IQ is 80 or 125.
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