Do you regulars in Politics actually even smoke weed?

you don't have to read my anecdotal can even put me on ignore if you'd like.

Over the past two decades, the use of antidepressants has skyrocketed. One in 10 Americans now takes an antidepressant medication; among women in their 40s and 50s, the figure is one in four.

it's no longer the stigma it used to be and i'm glad i was smart enough to get help, unlike my mom, who denied it to her grave..this is very sad for our family being scanda and all we live a very healthy long life..grandma just celebrated her 98th in november and she still drive a car and all her shopping..she even bails out my scumbag, trash family from prison.
Let me help you with that source you linked, and because you linked it, you now own its every word.

Here is what that blog article was REALLY about:

The study, published in April in the journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, found that nearly two-thirds of a sample of more than 5,000 patients who had been given a diagnosis of depression within the previous 12 months did not meet the criteria for major depressive episode as described by the psychiatrists’ bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (or D.S.M.).

The study is not the first to find that patients frequently get “false positive” diagnoses for depression. Several earlier review studies have reported that diagnostic accuracy is low in general practice offices, in large part because serious depression is so rare in that setting.

That article says that 2/3rds of the diagnosis for depression DO NOT MEET THE CRITERIA FOR IT!!!!!! So in reality, less than 4% of people are ACTUALLY depressed enough to need medication. OR that there is a 67% chance that you were MISDIAGNOSED and should no be taking those drugs.

In other words: Doctor Feelgood just wants your insurance/money.

Seriously girl, you need to read your sources all the way through to make sure it doesn't directly contradict whatever point is is you are trying to make. You have linked things that way countless times, and every time you do, it makes you look less and less credible.

Why do middle aged women get a little bit sad and run to a magic pill for the solution?
What is she going to do when her looks fade to the point that men simply dont see her anymore?

Maybe a bigger pill?
What is she going to do when her looks fade to the point that men simply dont see her anymore?

Maybe a bigger pill?
If I were a middle aged woman, I would be scoping out those young guys at the college.
Young men love the attentions of more experienced women.
What is she going to do when her looks fade to the point that men simply dont see her anymore?

Maybe a bigger pill?

oh! be-have! baby!..these days you never have to be any older than 39 and i never will..lucky the man who wins me:wink:

I smoke all the time, like every hour I am awake. I smoke, and have smoked so much that I can' work anymore. I am what is called TFUATT (totally fucked up all the time).
I was an electrician for 30 years, then came Bush and the Great Recession, and the company that I worked for shit the bed. They never tested, but to get a job now, anywhere, you have to test. So, what I did was use my knowledge of electricity/plumbing/carpentry to create a 3 room perpetual garden in my basement, which nets me a grand a week.
When I get bored/finished with my gardening I come here to rant and rave. I find it relaxing actually.

You are talking about the Barney Frank/Bill Clinton, rip of China with bad loans, Recession?
Hooka starts a thread about getting stoned and everyone starts talking about alcohol, then pills. They start in on women and diet pills.

Hooka? Maybe this answers your question, huh?
You are talking about the Barney Frank/Bill Clinton, rip of China with bad loans, Recession?
Nope, I talking about the one that moron from Texas left us with 7 years ago. That one ( did me a favor, in an obtuse way, that cocksucker)
Nope, I talking about the one that moron from Texas left us with 7 years ago. That one ( did me a favor, in an obtuse way, that cocksucker)

No. GW didn't do that. He was there when the rotted fruit fell on China's head is all.
I do. I get stoned all day, every day.
Maybe you should stop, and be more productive with your life ( I gave up), instead of sitting at your keyboard smoking all day. Don't you have a life, other than RIU? Oh that's right, your a techie and have no life outside of your dark, monitor lit room, AND YOU JUST LOVE FUCKING WITH PEOPLE. I'm right, right?
Let me help you with that source you linked, and because you linked it, you now own its every word.

Here is what that blog article was REALLY about:

That article says that 2/3rds of the diagnosis for depression DO NOT MEET THE CRITERIA FOR IT!!!!!! So in reality, less than 4% of people are ACTUALLY depressed enough to need medication. OR that there is a 67% chance that you were MISDIAGNOSED and should no be taking those drugs.

In other words: Doctor Feelgood just wants your insurance/money.

Seriously girl, you need to read your sources all the way through to make sure it doesn't directly contradict whatever point is is you are trying to make. You have linked things that way countless times, and every time you do, it makes you look less and less credible.

Why do middle aged women get a little bit sad and run to a magic pill for the solution?
Maybe it's called menopause?The article also states that these diagnosis were for patients over a 12 month period.That is not long enough, actually it is a joke. Depression is usually a cycle, that say a person like me, a difficult case, will only really go down the drain 5 or 6 times a year, the rest of the time I am normal, as long as I have my weed. I was in and out of everything (rehabs/psych facilities/police stations/ court/jail) before I was diagnosed. It took fucking years, until I was told I was Bi Polar. Then it took another year to get proper meds. (Zoloft didn't work)
Her heart is in the right place, which is more than a lot of people on this site. Go girl, keep on contributing.
Maybe you should stop, and be more productive with your life ( I gave up), instead of sitting at your keyboard smoking all day. Don't you have a life, other than RIU? Oh that's right, your a techie and have no life outside of your dark, monitor lit room, AND YOU JUST LOVE FUCKING WITH PEOPLE. I'm right, right?

Maybe you should just give up on ordering me about? I'm made in the shade. I have, Money, Time, Position, Freedom, Respect, all that. Why do you care if a speed typer/speed reader like me, spends a minuscule amount of time on RIU, to regulate the chumps?

Maybe you spend an enormous amount of time puzzling what it all means, how to control me, etc. I just do this waiting for phone calls and meetings to start.

It seems like a lot to you because you are not me, just you.. This is seriously nothing. I'm much more present on, playing a game right now, as a matter of fact.

RIU doesn't strain my brain as it seems to do to you.
Fucking with people is my job, being a senior manager software development. These people, I manage, btw, are a lot smarter than you.

So, RIU is just warm up. It's like swinging two bats. You would know, if your parents let you play baseball.

All my real sneakiness comes from Sun Tsu and Chess.
Maybe you should just give up on ordering me about? I'm made in the shade. I have, Money, Time, Position, Freedom, Respect, all that. Why do you care if a speed typer/speed reader like me, spends a minuscule amount of time on RIU, to regulate the chumps?

Maybe you spend an enormous amount of time puzzling what it all means, how to control me, etc. I just do this waiting for phone calls and meetings to start.

It seems like a lot to you because you are not me, just you.. This is seriously nothing. I'm much more present on, playing a game right now, as a matter of fact.

RIU doesn't strain my brain as it seems to do to you.
Oh boy, C'mon mutherfucker, ( I meant oh wondrous one) Time and place.