I took too much molly a few nights ago and have lingering anxiety

So when I snort a quarter oz(7grams) in 72 hours,what'll be the prescription then,hoolihan?

Man drug enthusiasts these days..:-D

HAHAH! :D Well, I quess you don't remember shit and felt dead afterwards. Didn't mean to sound like a huge douche on that post, but quess I did. I like drugs... They're the most interesting thing I've crossed paths with to this day and I'm planning on using them in the future also without fucking myself up in the process. Maybe I will fuck myself up, but I'm not intentionally gonna aim for snorting a quarter of crystals over a weekend, It's fucking stupid and there must be a silent agreement with yourself to accept that theres no 100% recovery from such drug use.
I second that^^

You never know what kinda shit will happen with drugs, especially large doses. Most of the time you just have fun. I took an 1/8th of shrooms i should've taken a gram of once. I ate an 1/8th of shrooms I wish I would've at more of. Shit varies. Once upon a time, spice blew my blew my brain up, cuz it's crappy shit. I couldn't smoke weed for 3 fucking years after and I still have permanent effects. I take one vicodin now I'm all fucked up cuz i'm so sensitive. My friend smoked the same damn spice the same day. Hell, he smoked all kinds of the crap every god damn day while on probation. I do it like 5 times in my life and my brain blows up.... Be safe(as you can be :P), have fun.
Lol I almost died from spice. Legit no fun at all. There was no such thing as walking. Everything moving and morphing. I swear I was staring at an object rotating that had a fuck ton of dimensions. Pretty trippy shit. That was after I almost died and finally calmed the fuck down.

Heart was pounding so fast I couldn't possibly count the number of beats. Was truly impossible.. I know that sounds crazy but Foreal
HAHAH! :D Well, I quess you don't remember shit and felt dead afterwards. Didn't mean to sound like a huge douche on that post, but quess I did. I like drugs... They're the most interesting thing I've crossed paths with to this day and I'm planning on using them in the future also without fucking myself up in the process. Maybe I will fuck myself up, but I'm not intentionally gonna aim for snorting a quarter of crystals over a weekend, It's fucking stupid and there must be a silent agreement with yourself to accept that theres no 100% recovery from such drug use.
Remember everything and felt fine other than my nose...
Different genetic make up here..least that's what I been told..
Weekend? Try Tues the wed night....I ain't got time to be fucking around trying to get high...
"humans are so cute, when we say goodbye we put our arms around each other and to show we love someone we bring them flowers. we say hello by holding each other’s hand, and sometimes tiny little dewdrops form in our eyes. for pleasure we listen to arrangements of sounds, press our lips together, smoke dried leaves, get drunk off of old fruit. we’re all just little animals, falling in love and having breakfast beneath billions of stars :~)"
what's that quote from? Beautiful