I took too much molly a few nights ago and have lingering anxiety

I agree completely. I have grown massively spiritually through my use of psychedelics, and have learned about and tried just about anything most people have ever heard of. I am not naive to substances, I respect them greatly and believe they have much to offer if used responsibly. I'm likely a lot better informed about all of these than my post came off as.

I had about 40 psychedelic experiences before molly ever came around

But I fucked up on this one, and i've fucked up before. All learning experiences that I can grow from and teach from. I'm sure that once my chemicals have stabilized as much as they can I will be far better off than I was before.

I do firmly agree about drugs not being the best choice to manage depression

The biggest problem with drugs as recreation or enlightenment is that the margine for error can be extremely slight. You can fuck up with lots if other things, if you fuck up with drugs it can be permanent. There is no other endeavor i know of where learning from other oeoples mistakes is so valuable.
Fortunately today and yesterday i'm starting to feel ok again. I was able to conquer the fears that kept me from toking and that seems to have helped a lot, as well as having a few good social events.

Still don't feel 100% myself again but i'm starting to feel like i should get there soon enough!

Started stuffing my face with all the food I can, drinking a bunch of orange juice (Mostly because its tasty, some people also say it helps so if it does then thats cool) and overall staying hydrated.

I don't think i'll be using molly for quite some time, or any other hallucinogens stimulants or downers really. Every new experience I have makes me love cannabis more and more. Its like one of the safest healthiest "drugs"
like the willy wonka, how did you know I loved that movie. Yeah sorry for the newbie like responses Ill soon get the hang of things.
Good to hear you're feeling better. What happened to you is perfectly normal after such amount of MDMA, and your brain reacted exactly like It should to it and you suffered a serotonin depletion :P All you can do in a state like that is eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from MDMA at least or any serotonergic drugs... State like this can last for months if you really go overboard with the MDMA and binge on it, but even huge one-time doses can produce this condition for a while.

Personally I wouldn't go over 300mg ever, I usually dose at around 100-120mg. For me 200mg is a dose that I really feel the next week (in a shitty way) but 100-150mg I end up with a very manageable comedown, only suffering from lack of energy and overall flat feeling.
Fortunately today and yesterday i'm starting to feel ok again. I was able to conquer the fears that kept me from toking and that seems to have helped a lot, as well as having a few good social events.

Still don't feel 100% myself again but i'm starting to feel like i should get there soon enough!

Started stuffing my face with all the food I can, drinking a bunch of orange juice (Mostly because its tasty, some people also say it helps so if it does then thats cool) and overall staying hydrated.

I don't think i'll be using molly for quite some time, or any other hallucinogens stimulants or downers really. Every new experience I have makes me love cannabis more and more. Its like one of the safest healthiest "drugs"
Ran from the light,such a shame.
Reconsider a huge dose of lsd..
Good to hear you're feeling better. What happened to you is perfectly normal after such amount of MDMA, and your brain reacted exactly like It should to it and you suffered a serotonin depletion :P All you can do in a state like that is eat healthy, exercise, and stay away from MDMA at least or any serotonergic drugs... State like this can last for months if you really go overboard with the MDMA and binge on it, but even huge one-time doses can produce this condition for a while.

Personally I wouldn't go over 300mg ever, I usually dose at around 100-120mg. For me 200mg is a dose that I really feel the next week (in a shitty way) but 100-150mg I end up with a very manageable comedown, only suffering from lack of energy and overall flat feeling.
So when I snort a quarter oz(7grams) in 72 hours,what'll be the prescription then,hoolihan?

Man drug enthusiasts these days..:-D
Ran from the light,such a shame.
Reconsider a huge dose of lsd..

Don't worry my friend, i simply said for quite a while.

My two biggest doses of lsd were 375ug and 300ug, the 375 was my first and only time freaking out completely on a psychedelic.

For now I feel like I learned a lot of important lessons, and learned through psychedelics what they were trying to teach me. I'm simply going to give my brain time from anything but a little alcohol, some weed and nicotine.

I appreciated my latest experience and wish to linger on it as my most recent for a while. I learned from it and I was humbled by it. Each day has gotten better and better, I feel better about myself than I have in months!

Psychedelic use is too heavily integrated in who I am. I plan on continuing to explore them for at least several more years, just more responsibly.
Actually sounds like it could have been real Molly. Methlyone does not deplet your brain of all serotonin. Therefore the comedown, is where most people can tell if it was MDMA or methlyone. MDMA you feel like shit for a day or two. Methlyone you just wake up sluggish, goes away in a few hours once you get moving.
Actually sounds like it could have been real Molly. Methlyone does not deplet your brain of all serotonin. Therefore the comedown, is where most people can tell if it was MDMA or methlyone. MDMA you feel like shit for a day or two. Methlyone you just wake up sluggish, goes away in a few hours once you get moving.
I honestly felt fantastic the day after my dose each time, and then the real shit set in. I was not myself. I was afraid of everything I love, it was like half of me was gone. It forced me to scramble to keep myself together. Getting past each of those things has made me stronger.

A lot of people around me have used this dose with good results. Even experienced MDMA users have appreciated the effects of this among other MDMA they have used, if that makes any sense.

And I actually found out that I have a gram of it left somehow. I vaguely remember having slightly less money than I anticipated, but now that I found the gram bag I don't have that feeling anymore lol. I don't plan on taking it any time soon at all, especially considering I didnt even know I have it.
I have had atleast one friend go "crazy" on MDMA (it was really methlyone) and one one lsd(it was really 25i-n). No one knows the side effects of these rc in regular use. Or any rc really.
Want to do drugs nowadays and care about your health; buy a test kit. Atleast then you know what your actually doing.
Actually sounds like it could have been real Molly. Methlyone does not deplet your brain of all serotonin. Therefore the comedown, is where most people can tell if it was MDMA or methlyone. MDMA you feel like shit for a day or two. Methlyone you just wake up sluggish, goes away in a few hours once you get moving.
it's a less potent releaser but it still causes depletion especially at doses like that. Probably a less horrid hangover than that much mdma but still terrible.
Eat more,suck it up Nancy...

I get more depressed over reading about comedowns than any comedown I've ever had...