InB4 the Eco-Loons

You specifically claimed, "since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence". Citation required.

Actually, that was the claim from Nasa. I heard it repeated on numerous newscasts and included in every article about their current claim.

Here's the first line from the article ON THE NASA WEBSITE.

The year 2014 ranks as Earth’s warmest since 1880, according to two separate analyses by NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists.

I just simply put it in perspective.
Here's another.

Both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and NASA calculated that in 2014 the world had its hottest year in 135 years of record-keeping. Earlier, the Japanese weather agency and an independent group out of University of California Berkeley also measured 2014 as the hottest on record.
Washington post, LA Times, ABC news

It is official: According to both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the year 2014 was the hottest ever measured, based on records going back to the year 1880.

Weird huh?
Many RIU members recognize your delusions as an indicator of mental instability.


And many RIU members recognize those member's delusions as an indicator of mental instability AND unfettered ignorance with a healthy dash of naïveté.
Many RIU members recognize your delusions as an indicator of mental instability.

Are you talking about RIU's Nazi-hunting guard-chihuahua? :mrgreen:

And now, the news...

Here's the "hottest year on record" technicolor...


WOW...what a sizzler!!!
Dear burqa-covered ladies and double-fisted gerbilmen, perhaps you'd like to know the reason why the above graphic and "Hottest Year" claims should be tossed into the recycling bin (don't forget the comments and follow-up articles):

Average "annuals" are not practical measures of anything, unless you're in the business of political agendas (with commensurate multi-billion dollar reasearch budgets), not science--even if that is your ultimate purpose. Sure, they can be useful as 1st order approximations for the purpose of directing further investigation, but not for the purposes of conclusive hypotheses.

It's disappointing that scientists have to be dragged into such stupid games, but that's what happens when research grants get slashed and there's no "cold war" fear to give extra impetus for the cheque-writers to put their signatures on the line (I'm not talking about the piddly, public-private partner research grants).

It's kind of funny, actually, how even SoD uses a wrong value for the specific heat capacity of ocean water (he assumes pure water when solutes will have a lower SHC than pure water...Chem 101), which someone finally points out in the last comment of the last article (posted on 11/07/11 at 5:11). :lol: That's one of the ironies of intense calculus; one can solve mind-boggling Navier-Stokes equations with the grace of a pro-fencer but lose track of how to do things like simple long-division.
However, the point is made...

Bonus question: What deceptive practice is applied in the above graphic with respect to the "official" narrative?
Hint: normalization...

Climate Politics is a messy business. Now that il Papa nero is getting into climate politics, I wonder when al-Qawhodat is going to issue a fatwa against Carbon...I can't imagine they'd let those infidels in Rome get the upper-hand in media buzz. Allah wants to be #1 in attention whoring! They need to find their Mohammed al-Gore pronto...


HOLY SHIT! We's all gunna drownded! (I know, I's another mean measure).
Isn't water amazing? If there's one substance which is quasi-magical, that is it. Sure, graphene is fun, but water is life.

(There are two parts after that vid...but the publishing bias is the part worth emphasizing here).

We now resume our regularly unscheduled character assassinations, already in progress...

i wouldn't call pat michaels, who receives his funding from the oil industry and works for conservative "think tanks" like the CATO institute, a climate scientist, heckler.

he's more of a stooge or paid shill.
Actually, that was the claim from Nasa. I heard it repeated on numerous newscasts and included in every article about their current claim.

Here's the first line from the article ON THE NASA WEBSITE.

I just simply put it in perspective.

You specifically claimed, "since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence". Citation required.
You specifically claimed, "since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence". Citation required.

Are you going to let it go? Or can you scale up the font size more? :lol:
Try turning it up to 11 like Spinal Tap...don't forget the dancing dwarfs.

He made a hyperbolic comment which is obviously meant to point out the reasonable, instrumentation "record" is ridiculously short when compared to the timescale of the planet's existence (anything beyond 36 years is questionable from my perspective...satellites, eh).

Or do you think the world began in 1880? How many instruments were measuring global data at the end of the 19th century? You probably have more thermometers in your garden...(that's another hyperbole, in case you're still trying to fire up your cognitive engine for today).
Can you spot the problems (Type-I errors, in statistics jargon) arising from the following? Watch carefully, because the shit moves fast after the preamble:

hyperbolic obviously
Obviously hyperbole indeed. In fact, I see nothing but hyperbole from the science denial crowd, including yourself. Despite what scienceofdoom says, I won't be abandoning the findings of climate scientists that 2014 was the hottest year on record. Your incessant and over-worded hyperbole is starting to remind me of Dr Kynes, since you so clearly think you know more than everyone here such that you don't have to make proper citations for your claims regarding science (I don't care if you have a PhD, you are not arguing from authority). How about instead of your ad hominems toward UncleBuck in your response to my argument, you expect your hyperbole to be treated like hyperbole when I remind you that your citations are crap or nonexistent.
Obviously hyperbole indeed. In fact, I see nothing but hyperbole from the science denial crowd, including yourself. Despite what scienceofdoom says, I won't be abandoning the findings of climate scientists that 2014 was the hottest year on record. Your incessant and over-worded hyperbole is starting to remind me of Dr Kynes, since you so clearly think you know more than everyone here such that you don't have to make proper citations for your claims regarding science (I don't care if you have a PhD, you are not arguing from authority). How about instead of your ad hominems toward UncleBuck in your response to my argument, you expect your hyperbole to be treated like hyperbole when I remind you that your citations are crap or nonexistent.

Just out of curiosity, how much hotter was 2014 than the previous record temperature? Was it in line with the IPCC model's predictions?
Just out of curiosity, how much hotter was 2014 than the previous record temperature? Was it in line with the IPCC model's predictions?

Just out of curiosity, how could there be a hiatus if 14 of the 15 hottest years on record occurred in this century? I'll tell you how, cherry-picked data. You have already demonstrated that you think that the slow in the rate of temperature rise is the same as temperature drop. When scientists PREDICT that it is going to get hotter and it does get hotter, nay-sayers such as yourself shout HIATUS!

You know, if you look at a graph based on Hansen's model (the one you allude to as "IPCC model's predictions") which will show that what was predicted was a range and not a precise point on the graph and that what actually occured was within the lower end of that range. The most prominent nay-sayer, Lindzen, on the other hand was FAR OFF on his predictions.

It is just like that other thread, when you say that incest rates are the same in red states that they are in blue states, you're way off.
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You specifically claimed, "since we have been keeping records or 1/333,000,000th of the earth's existence". Citation required.

You do understand basic division, yes? I know a certain ignored member that has real trouble with basic math, but you?

Instrument record divided by the earth's existence

135/4500000000 = ??

Oh wait, 333,000,000

What exactly are you having trouble grasping? Or does my simple exercise in perspective set off your common sense alarms and the stupidity of such a minuscule sample set is at odds with your desperate need to advance the agenda?
You do understand basic division, yes? I know a certain ignored member that has real trouble with basic math, but you?

Instrument record divided by the earth's existence

135/4500000000 = ??

Oh wait, 333,000,000

I don't see a proper peer reviewed study which shows that such a vast body of research gathered from ice cores and geological survey ought to be abandoned in favor of your assertion that there only exists data from the last 135 years regarding climate and greenhouse gas levels.