What did you do today...?


Well-Known Member
If you're talking to me, I work evenings. I generally relax AFTER work, and often find myself awake till 5-6 in the morning. So yes, I suppose I'm not nocturnal by nature, but have been habituated to act as such.
Yeah I was talking to you man, the whole bat thing I regret letting out of my brain. This cheese I'm vaping has removed the flood gates from my subconscious.
I used to work nights, it was an interesting time. Glad to have a less random sleep cycle now though. It didn't really agree with me.


Well-Known Member
Dats a boy. Don't be appologetic now, those good looks and long hair are gonna get me hundreds of unplanned grand kids. :D
Probably end up knocking my daughter up, I fear the karma of my womanising youth coming to haunt me............


Well-Known Member

Glad all is good.

I had a brake caliper lock on me just before a curve at 40 miles an hour. I hit a telephone pole head on. My seat belt didn't lock til I was almost to the steering wheel.

I had a battery in the back of the truck and it flew in the winow post on opposite side of cab and crushed it.

I don't carry loose stuff in the back of a truck any more.


Well-Known Member
Glad all is good.

I had a brake caliper lock on me just before a curve at 40 miles an hour. I hit a telephone pole head on. My seat belt didn't lock til I was almost to the steering wheel.

I had a battery in the back of the truck and it flew in the winow post on opposite side of cab and crushed it.

I don't carry loose stuff in the back of a truck any more.
My truck was loaded to the gunnels, but luckily with cardboard and plastic bottles for the recycling centre.


King Tut
I didn't like 'liking' that, but you know I mean well...
Hope it all pans out well
We're staying positive about the whole thing. We've had a run of shitty luck for about the last 9 months or so. Can't last forever.

One good thing is that i'm off work while recovering from cervical spine surgery so I can at least be there to help my wife.


Staff member
i hope you and your fam are ok with the car thing , you have some really beautiful landscaping
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Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you hit some ice, is that a discovery? I've got the Landrover Freestyle TD4 I hope I fairs better than that in the snow :lol:
Yeah, Land Rover Discovery. Now affectionately referred to as the Discothèque Wreck. Don't worry, its all down to the driver. Can't even really blame the ice as it was just minding it's own business...
How do you like the Freelander? I've had everything from Series II's to V8 Range Rovers, but never a Freelander. It's on the to do list.
I see a lot of the Petrol ones going cheap with head gasket failure. K series engines like the old Rover 416's. Almost designed to blow gaskets.