Charlie Hebdo does it again

I knew you were a chickenshit.
That was an excellent rebuttal, I will try not to rustle your jimmies in the future for fear of such mighty rebukes.

Now as far as a conspiracy theory, why don't you just click the link that I put in that post? Is it that hard or were you unawares of such things as links which when clicked will take you to more information?

Ever heard that famous adage? You can lead a monkey to knowledge, but most likely you will just get shit thrown at you. You heard that one?
The media has taught you everything they want you to know. The media never lies, and when they do, they promise to never do it again and you believe them. This goes on and on and on because the programming is so damned good.

Reveal your secret conspiracy theory!
This is all made up, even the President and former PM of Turkey ( a NATO Ally) says the charlie hebdo massacre was a false flag event to create enmity towards muslims.

But don't think about that, just think of all the rage they have manufactured in your innocent little hearts.

Please elaborate. We all want to know about this conspiracy.
Ok, you have it right again, oh Grand Pooba. That really doesn't matter now, or it shouldn't, but surprise, surprise, it does alienate a shitload of very religious people. What to do?
ya know what? charlie hebdo printed pictures of jews offering retail shopping discounts in exchangefor palestine


and no jews stormed their offices with machine guns.

how about the holy ghost and jesus pulling the train on jehovah?


when did the christians bust caps in cartoonists' asses?

even the notoriously thin skinned catholics didnt kill anybody when this "atrocity" was printed:

how many cartoonists does obama get to kill for THIS unspeakable offense?

you are afraid, theres nothing wrong with that.
change your britches, clean the puddle of fear urine from the floor, and cowboy up.
if some poncy french doodlers can stand up to the servants of mahound, surely you can stand up to say the attack was WRONG without your bowels turning to water.
ya know what? charlie hebdo printed pictures of jews offering retail shopping discounts in exchangefor palestine


and no jews stormed their offices with machine guns.

how about the holy ghost and jesus pulling the train on jehovah?


when did the christians bust caps in cartoonists' asses?

even the notoriously thin skinned catholics didnt kill anybody when this "atrocity" was printed:

how many cartoonists does obama get to kill for THIS unspeakable offense?

you are afraid, theres nothing wrong with that.
change your britches, clean the puddle of fear urine from the floor, and cowboy up.
if some poncy french doodlers can stand up to the servants of mahound, surely you can stand up to say the attack was WRONG without your bowels turning to water.
I am afraid? My bowels are liquid, puddles of urine?
Shut the fuck up. I guess those other "cult's" didn't have an issue, right? The Muslims do. So let's fuck with them harder, like that rag did today.Keep fucking with Muslims. Let's see how far that will go. Oh, that's right! They blow up trains, stations, markets, air planes ALLREADY because they feel ostracized and abused by Western society.( never happened?) So let's keep doing it, in 2015, because it has worked so well in the past.
I am afraid? My bowels are liquid, puddles of urine?
Shut the fuck up. I guess those other "cult's" didn't have an issue, right? The Muslims do. So let's fuck with them harder, like that rag did today.Keep fucking with Muslims. Let's see how far that will go. Oh, that's right! They blow up trains, stations, markets, air planes ALLREADY because they feel ostracized and abused by Western society.( never happened?) So let's keep doing it, in 2015, because it has worked so well in the past.

if your reasoning is sound, then explain THIS SHIT:

what did the filipinos do to provoke the moslems?

the hindus apparently also are "asking for it"

even buddhists are sick of the musselman's shit.

it's not just "the west" who are targeted by mohammedans.
I am afraid? My bowels are liquid, puddles of urine?
Shut the fuck up. I guess those other "cult's" didn't have an issue, right? The Muslims do. So let's fuck with them harder, like that rag did today.Keep fucking with Muslims. Let's see how far that will go. Oh, that's right! They blow up trains, stations, markets, air planes ALLREADY because they feel ostracized and abused by Western society.( never happened?) So let's keep doing it, in 2015, because it has worked so well in the past.

There is a long list of peoples "the Western Society" has fucked with. Are you going to justify blowing shit up by all of those peoples too? Should the Pols be excused for blowing up schools because of Polish jokes?
I am afraid? My bowels are liquid, puddles of urine?
Shut the fuck up. I guess those other "cult's" didn't have an issue, right? The Muslims do. So let's fuck with them harder, like that rag did today.Keep fucking with Muslims. Let's see how far that will go. Oh, that's right! They blow up trains, stations, markets, air planes ALLREADY because they feel ostracized and abused by Western society.( never happened?) So let's keep doing it, in 2015, because it has worked so well in the past.

We just let them provoke us past the point of no return and then we carpet bomb them to death. Or nuke them or gas them or whatever...

Keep telling us we need to learn about Islam and Islam will learn about redneck America.
ya know what? charlie hebdo printed pictures of jews offering retail shopping discounts in exchangefor palestine


and no jews stormed their offices with machine guns.

how about the holy ghost and jesus pulling the train on jehovah?


when did the christians bust caps in cartoonists' asses?

even the notoriously thin skinned catholics didnt kill anybody when this "atrocity" was printed:

how many cartoonists does obama get to kill for THIS unspeakable offense?

you are afraid, theres nothing wrong with that.
change your britches, clean the puddle of fear urine from the floor, and cowboy up.
if some poncy french doodlers can stand up to the servants of mahound, surely you can stand up to say the attack was WRONG without your bowels turning to water.

you left out the part where several organizations sued over the content. probably didn't fit your narrative so well.
We just let them provoke us past the point of no return and then we carpet bomb them to death. Or nuke them or gas them or whatever...

Keep telling us we need to learn about Islam and Islam will learn about redneck America.

nice genocidal rage, sistah.