Can Men and Women be only friends.


Well-Known Member
So I have always been the kinda guy who laughs, frowns and despises guys who can't accept the fact that a woman just wants to be his friend, nothing more. I kinda hate dudes who think the woman must be in love with him or at least more into him.

These last couple weeks the roll kind of reversed as I fell in love with an old friend who used to be sorta into me.. but I didn't know. We've been talking lately and occasionally do stuff as friends. But I know we're just friends.

I've come to the conclusion that men and women should never be friends. If your in a relationship sure, you better be good friends too.. but I say now, Fuck being some chicks girlfriend, its not right.

Men and women can never be friends.

What do you think.
hehe at the fem, straight guys who have women friends almost exclusively.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't know.I can be friends with a guy, but a lot of the guys I have been friends with in the past always have some sexual motive.One guy friend I had a crush on, we hung out for a long time, then ended up having sex one night.Totally ruined the friendship.


Well-Known Member
I think it's very difficult to be friends with a female after a long period of time. I've noticed in my relationships that I tend to get feelings after being friends with a female for awhile, but I think it's kinda natural ya know. Love grows. Your signifigant other always ends up being your best friend anyway - make sense?


Well-Known Member
I have a tons of friends that are female and a few guy friends that should have been....


Well-Known Member
In my experience someone always ends up getting a crush. Kinda sad really because they are often one sided. Its nice when a friendship grows and develops into a relationship though.


Well-Known Member
You know what's REALLY weird? Being friends with a lesbian who thinks your husband might worry that she's gonna hit on you, and she can't be "too nice" to you because her girlfriend might get all borked about it. That's really weird.

In my experience it is perfectly possible for men and women to be friends, but it's rare, and sometimes those relationships become more like siblings than anything else. I have had two male friends in my life who had ZERO sexual interest in me, nor I in them, yet we were best buds. I miss them, to tell you the truth (especially the chiropractor friend, Jack really knew his shit, good back cracker, I tell you what).


Well-Known Member
its easier to be just friends with ugly girls

its definitely possible to be just friends in the short run. i'm not sure about the long run.


Well-Known Member
I've never been friends with a lady and not ended up sleeping with her or doing some other highly sexual activity ... It's just how I'm programmed ... Well its how everyone is programmed but society tells people its wrong, and they listen ... I don't really listen ... If I want to have sex with a girl, I'm going to end up having sex with her... Even if she's married ... Maybe not if she's just married that week to the ' love of her life' tho ... When you pick up women, it helps if u act like you just want to be friends and try get her to impress you, instead of you being a dick trying to impress her ... it sounds counterintuative (spelling?) but it's always worked for me.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Is this Sally?Nevermind.
I've never been friends with a lady and not ended up sleeping with her or doing some other highly sexual activity ... It's just how I'm programmed ... Well its how everyone is programmed but society tells people its wrong, and they listen ... I don't really listen ... If I want to have sex with a girl, I'm going to end up having sex with her... Even if she's married ... Maybe not if she's just married that week to the ' love of her life' tho ... When you pick up women, it helps if u act like you just want to be friends and try get her to impress you, instead of you being a dick trying to impress her ... it sounds counterintuative (spelling?) but it's always worked for me.


Well-Known Member
I have found that i have been able to be friends with girls, although i have found it to be rare and often does lead to a bit of a crush. This once i had a girlfriend and we broke up and are now amazing friends (which gives my current girlfriend all sorts of grief), ... actually now that i think about it it's probably more trouble than its worth :?


Well-Known Member
You know what's REALLY weird? Being friends with a lesbian who thinks your husband might worry that she's gonna hit on you, and she can't be "too nice" to you because her girlfriend might get all borked about it. That's really weird.

In my experience it is perfectly possible for men and women to be friends, but it's rare, and sometimes those relationships become more like siblings than anything else. I have had two male friends in my life who had ZERO sexual interest in me, nor I in them, yet we were best buds. I miss them, to tell you the truth (especially the chiropractor friend, Jack really knew his shit, good back cracker, I tell you what).
Exactly but I only had one female friend like that and I loved her like a sister. She was probably the single human being I opened up to most. She was my first kiss and my first love. She over dosed on oxycodone about 4 months ago. I was really torn up about it for a long time and am still pretty messed up when I get to thinking about it...Rip ckk, ill miss you for the rest of my life:cry:


Active Member
talk to them on msn and act like ya friends
never let them take you shopping its the worst thing ever

and always bring up fuck buddies?
in a joking kind of way
so if she is a bitch and doenst want to have fun u can be like erm.. i was joking


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I hate shopping.Reminds me of how much money I don't have.
talk to them on msn and act like ya friends
never let them take you shopping its the worst thing ever

and always bring up fuck buddies?
in a joking kind of way
so if she is a bitch and doenst want to have fun u can be like erm.. i was joking



Well-Known Member
i have acouple lady friends and we don't share romantic feelings with each other.
they happen to be the friendliest, most trustworthy friends i have.
just peaceful, happy stoner girls, i love em! :blsmoke:

and i would not want it any other way. being in a relationship with any of them would seem odd. they are like sisters to me i guess.


Well-Known Member
Who's Sally?

they are like sisters to me i guess.
I don't have sisters ... I guess that may effect my judgment a bit haha.

Shopping is awesome! Well guy shopping is ... I can't believe how long some women can spend in ONE shop! ... Is funner when you have a lot of money for sure! haha


Well-Known Member
i keep around numerous female friends...i was brought up in a house with 7 women.
i hang out with dudes too cause every now and again you need some testosterone around.

but i will say this...
when you dont seem to want nothing more and actually mean it.
they tend to like you a little more.

is it because its something they cant have ...
that i dont know.or maybe there used to being around guys that are allways drooling over them, but me, im to Gemini, allways here and there to be caught up.

i genuinely enjoy female company...
i like to talk, express my feelings,the usual, and i like that they like to do the same.

but i think the same goes for both men and women...

you just see alot more men being friends with women just because they want to go further.... i know the opposite happens for guys , albeit less common.

but yes ive seen with my own eyes (gasp) most of the women i deal with are very feral, they just hide it better than men...
example. do you see chicks honking car horns at guys, or whistling at them, or screaming absurd pick up lines??...

you women are good mental ninjas....
i like that.

keep it coming.


Well-Known Member
Exactly but I only had one female friend like that and I loved her like a sister. She was probably the single human being I opened up to most. She was my first kiss and my first love. She over dosed on oxycodone about 4 months ago. I was really torn up about it for a long time and am still pretty messed up when I get to thinking about it...Rip ckk, ill miss you for the rest of my life:cry:
man i am so sorry to hear that.... i can only hope im fortunate enough to have a bff , man or woman i dont care.


Well-Known Member
This thread is amazing, its nice being able to discuss such a topic with individuals who are on the same level as you.
Everything I've read is somewhat comforting because I know my philosophies about this topic are shared by most of you.

Ledgic, the hard to get card kinda works?
I'll put my story into detail.. I have an old friend, when we were kids she had a crush on me, I didn't really care too much about girls then and didn't ever think anything more of her than a friend.
We've been talking lately and I've been pretty 'in love' because of it..
She told me I'm a good friend, so I'm confused, ya know? She has a new Boyfriend she seems to be madly in love with and I always seem to talk to her as more of a friend, simply because I don't want to ruin anything.. I guess overall if you like somebody a lot, you can be content with spending time with them and seeing them happy, I have put it out there that she is good looking.

I'm wondering if I should regularly compliment (Totally deserves it, she's stunning) or play it different.

I'm liking this discussion(Sorry to go off topic with personal issue)


Well-Known Member
So I have always been the kinda guy who laughs, frowns and despises guys who can't accept the fact that a woman just wants to be his friend, nothing more. I kinda hate dudes who think the woman must be in love with him or at least more into him.

These last couple weeks the roll kind of reversed as I fell in love with an old friend who used to be sorta into me.. but I didn't know. We've been talking lately and occasionally do stuff as friends. But I know we're just friends.

I've come to the conclusion that men and women should never be friends. If your in a relationship sure, you better be good friends too.. but I say now, Fuck being some chicks girlfriend, its not right.

Men and women can never be friends.

What do you think.
hehe at the fem, straight guys who have women friends almost exclusively.

I'm not being mean here, but it sounds like u deserve it ;) here u were busting guys balls for thinking as you do now....

fuck it dude, just take her out and BE more than a friend, if she turns u down, tell her its her loss and just walk away.. i bet she calls ya ;)