giving defoliation during flower a try


Well-Known Member
@RM3 riddle me this:
first u plant a seed
then you watch it grow
it thinks its in the lead
but then it learns that its REAL slow

what kinda plant is this?

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
my mom put me on to this excellent defoliating guide if anyone's interested

"Suckers left to grow will take energy from the rest of the plant and cause the plant to bear fewer fruits. This isn't always a bad thing, but strategically removing suckers will help your plant bear large fruit all season long."

Another myth from the old days that just won't die. People don't THINK any more, they resort to feelings. "Well tell me, how do you feel about removing the very unit that produces those tasty morsels?" ;)
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chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Is that coming from experience ? Do you pitch a small tent Chuck? :lol:
no. sorry my friend, I have a large grow and a large penis. I don't defoliate, but I do trim my pubes because, well, Your mom hates getting them in her mouth and you know the temper she has.:cry:
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Well-Known Member
Guys, I defoliated a plant and threw that bitch in the freezer like a boss. Then I made defoliation poop. Lets all simmer down, defoliate..blond1.jpg and make some poop, k?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
just a little skywalker og nug from a non defoliated plant, wish I had a better camera so you could see the frost. these gavitas produce huge buds the size of my palm when DRY.
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