what do you guys get out of smoking?


Well-Known Member
I have glaucoma, and have some anxiety. Weed lets me just relax and live life without having to analyze everything. It helps me in other ways, I just cant quite put them into words.

And all the recreational reasons, euphoria, laughter ect. I really enjoy the effect weed has on me, in a way it makes me act normal.


Active Member
Weed has made me a lot more open-minded. When I'm stressed out and worried, it helps me relax. When I'm bored as fuck, it makes me interested in everything. Weed has also become so much a part of my lifestyle that I really feel like I'm being myself when I'm smoking/ high.

Note: Your heart beat is faster when you're high because it's making up for lower blood pressure.


Well-Known Member
what I get out if it...just keeps me relaxed. nothing to worry about. and of course I can laugh at everything (as expected). I'm more open-minded now and I think up some crazy ideas when I'm high. there's some other stuff, just don't know how to explain it.


Well-Known Member
Weed lets me just relax and live life without having to analyze everything. It helps me in other ways, I just cant quite put them into words.

And all the recreational reasons, euphoria, laughter ect. I really enjoy the effect weed has on me, in a way it makes me act normal.
For me it's a lot like this. It makes my mind quiet so I can relax or sleep. It's spiritual in that way too when I am outside or reading or something etc. Good bud also relaxes my body/muscles for hours after I smoke. Plus it's fun haha. :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
For me it's a lot like this. It makes my mind quiet so I can relax or sleep. It's spiritual in that way too when I am outside or reading or something etc. Good bud also relaxes my body/muscles for hours after I smoke. Plus it's fun haha. :joint::peace:
You might be interested in low latent inhibition. I've never been diagnosed officially, its just my excuse for feeling like I'm going crazy and cant cope with everything. Weed keeps me sane its my medication :).

Most people are able to shut out the constant stream of incoming stimuli, but those with low latent inhibition cannot. It is hypothesized that a low level of latent inhibition can cause either psychoses, a high level of creativity or both, which is usually dependent on the subject's intelligence.Those of above average intelligence are thought to be capable of processing this stream effectively, an ability that greatly aids their creativity and ability to learn and which categorizes them as almost creative geniuses. Those with less than average intelligence, on the other hand, are less able to cope, and so as a result are more likely to suffer from mental illness. Still, very many individuals who have a high level of intelligence and low latent inhibition suffer from mental differences.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It shuts all the babble off in my head.It doesn't make me lose my emotions and sex drive, like prozac.It relaxes me so much I can get every bone in my back to pop.It kills my migraines.It stops the rage.It makes me feel closer to god.


Well-Known Member
you guys get anything spiritual out of it? or is it to just pass boredom
In India i met a bunch of guys who said that there are three parts of a true spiritual guru: 1. The Guru 2. The Disiple 3. The Herb
I found this to be funny. For me weed is a release from worry, it relaxes me, and allow for new insight into myself into myself and the world around me. It has also helped me overcome depression and helps more than anything with my back pain :mrgreen: