what do you guys get out of smoking?

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
title says it all.
personally, i see things out of the box and get a better feeling of who i am. my downside of smoking is i can get paranoid easily, and i get self conscious.


Well-Known Member
I suppose I agree with your self consciousness...
But for me, the plus sides are: stress free and lower blood pressure.. I'll post more when I think of them.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, there could be other factors involved, so I'll look into it...

Doesn't raise mine, unless a cop gets behind my car... heh


Active Member
it actually makes my blood pressure too low. I'm already diagnosed with hypotension so most of the time I wind-up passing out because it gets so low, but I always tend to think outside the box and I can write some amazing papers for my college classes.
High Papers = A Papers. Always. =)


Well-Known Member
Makes me eat,and helps me to ignore my darn joints without it I would have prolly checked out long ago...that in itself is pretty spiritual.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ive learned alot bout myself since I started smoking. Some good some bad. It helps me calm down and just sit for awhile, so I'm not so damn antsy.


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing like coming home after a long stressful day at work and firing up a bowl of some killer bongsmilie it's a major stress reliever for me :mrgreen:


New Member
i get off work at 4 and make it home in time for 4:20 everyday it also relaxes me after working 8 hrs a day and shit plus it opens up my mind to bust a few rhymes


Well-Known Member
This wonderful plant that we all love has done good things for me:

  • Stop my muscle spasms in my lower back
  • Relieve my aches and pains without feeling nausea
  • Helped me quit smoking tobacco
  • Helped me quit using cocaine
  • Helped me quit drinking so damn much
Plus it helps me tolerate crappy TV and roommate's girlfriend.


Active Member
Seriously it does lower your blood pressure. Atleast when your high anyway. High Blood pressure runs in my family and yes I have inherited it as well, I noticed this one day when I got off work and had checked my pressure at Wal-Mart. It came out like 177 over 100 which is Hypertension level 2. A few hours later I smoked a blunt with my wife at and then had to run to Wal-Mart so being high as a kite I checked my pressure again and it was like 130 something over like 78 or 79. But aside from all that I just like how it makes me feel relaxed and laid back or should I say stoned. I can't say I have any negative side effects from it. I drive with more caution, and it make me more aware of what's going on around me.