christians against science...but let one get sick

Why don't you just answer the question I asked you instead of going off on a fucking tangent and talking about a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with anything? Nobody gives a fuck about your babbling bullshit.

Were Stalin and Hilter right to you?

[And then this is the part where you reply "Yes" or "No". And possibly explain why. If that's not too difficult for you.]
Are you for real? Your a backwards bastard. Gormy boy, I wouldn't respond but..... YOU are what's wrong with this world. Red is a gentleman, I however am a cunt but still will show respect to anyone that deserves it. You HATE religion we get it, you got blacksheeped (my own colloquialism, before you jump in You little peda' , again my own hybrid word for pedantic paedo) by your religious family ( maybe daddy had some late night 'bible studies') and that's why you want to run naked and scream abuse. Get over yourself, show respect and grow up. P.s. You could still walk around in spedos, why don't you? Answer my fucking question oh open minded one
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Are you for real? Your a backwards bastard. Gormy boy, I wouldn't respond but..... YOU are what's wrong with this world. Red is a gentleman, I however am a cunt but still will show respect to anyone that deserves it. You HATE religion we get it, you got blacksheeped (my own colloquialism, before you jump in You little peda' , again my own hybrid word for pedantic paedo) by your religious family ( maybe daddy had some late night 'bible studies') and that's why you want to run naked and scream abuse. Get over yourself, show respect and grow up. P.s. You could still walk around in spedos, why don't you? Answer my fucking question oh open minded one
You are so wrong. I don't need to explain my life on here but no my dad didn't have late night 'bible studies' whatever that means. My dad never went to church or even acted like he believed in god or whatever. I'm pretty sure he had his doubts about it all, even though he himself went to church as a kid, just like me. It was my mom's side of the family that I went to church with. And no I wasn't blacksheeped by my family. My family isn't a highly or extremely religious bunch but they all subscribe to Christian beliefs. I just simply couldn't buy the stories of Christianity, while for some reason they all can. I argue with them about it and everything, we still stay in contact and see each other all the time though.

I don't walk around in speedos because that would cause attention in society. It isn't seen as the "norm." Sure I would if everybody else did too, but I don't deliberately want to draw attention to myself. My whole point about being naked is that society should see it as a "norm," it shouldn't be a taboo. Society as a whole should change. Everyone should do it because it is natural and normal. I just like nature and would rather live by nature's rules if possible instead of man's rules. Last time I checked nature said being naked is A-OK, and actually recommended.