christians against science...but let one get sick

To humour you, you have pulled images from Atheist Republic. Does that site require membership?(subscription)
What is Astrophysics? How many quotes have you used from astronomy preachers? Do you know who Arther Poliden is?
I know im sounding like a dick, believe me when I say it is computer talk, some words I use whilst typing, I wouldn't use. I am a non Christian, who believes in a creator. My belief encompasses ideas from many ism's and particle physics. I know religious contradictions, but also know, man wrote every single bit of information we have today. Mankind are corruptible. It is our purpose to not be corrupted and find our own path amongst all the confusion. Defining your self as anti-religious, closes off all your options. As does defining yourself as a Christian. Do you believe in aliens? I believe in entities not quite of my understanding. Life has been compartmented into categories and labels attached. Why as an intelligent society do we not compromise? We are not allowed to because, our peers wont allow it.
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Hey Red. Would you post links to the Gates/Trump thing? That's sounds interesting, but I can't find it. When looking up Trump + Gates, there is some interesting back and forth. I've posted a couple below. Thanks...

A quick search also showed that Buffet is active in philanthropy and charitable causes, giving 5% of the $30 billion per year promised to the Gates Foundation since 2006 (largest charitable contribution ever) -

It seems Buffet is currently giving away billions per year, and will give away the rest upon his death -

He actively supports the following charities -

Charities & foundations supported 9
Warren Buffett has supported the following charities listed on this site:

I actually saw the broadcast where Trump made his statement about Gates and challenged him to contribute to some charity. A couple of weeks later, Gates announced the formation of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I think I saw this on Fox News, but not sure. It would have been just a couple weeks or so before the original announcement of the foundation.
No, I don't "subscribe" to anything. I can care less about status, image, or being fashionable. I never even knew about the word "atheist" until a couple years ago. I've grown up in a Christian family and used to go to church as a kid, but never ever could believe in the stuff. And as I got older, I realized how I don't like any religions. They all are scams to me honestly.

I truly don't know where you are coming from with the whole idea of I'm contradicting myself. Please point them out since you're the one accusing me of it.

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I like how he says. "I can't gather people in a room and talk about it" While he's gathering people and talking about it.
Ya key word: "THOUGHT". Manson was mentally unstable and had serious issues. I don't decide what's right and wrong, ethics and morality are universal, just like the laws of physics. And no "right" is not what benefits me. Think of "right" as being something that benefits everybody. Or just simply being a good person.
Ethics and morality are not universal. To even say that they are indicates you are extremely naive. Perhaps "right" is not what benefits you (or you just aren't honest with yourself), but it is to the home invader breaking down your front door, the banker foreclosing your home, the pool boy screwing your wife, the stock broker churning your 401k to generate commissions, the slave traders of long ago and today. Manson may have been insane, so was Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro, and Hitler. They all thought they were "right". Sorry, but you don't get to pass judgement on yourself.

But who decides what is "right"?
I wish these threads would stop.

For the most part the ones that keep saying this are ignorant.

Most Christians believe in science and even that the earth is millions of years old. There are a few denominations that believe and teach creationism.

Christian and religious organizations build and run some of the best hospitals in the US.

With the exception of evolution. All Christians do not believe in that.

not true at all.

the earth is billions of years old by the way.
God never forces anyone to follow him. Everyone has free choice to seek our creator. The Good News is to teach us how to have a happy life with many examples of those who strayed from God and ended up not happy. KISS. Sorry I don't have any bumper sticker slogans to add to the thread.
Like I said a hand full of hard core creationist might be a hinderence.

Been visiting various churches for over thirty years.
Most are educated people that even work in science related fields.

Like I said there are a many large hospitals run by religious organizations that also research new medical cures.

What you say is out dated and ignorant.

I bet you are an angry person that does very little to help those around you.
If your not, quit knocking others that do.

lol, bible smasher identified.
You have spent to much time around fire and brimstone preachers. That is who they are.

Check out some contemporary services. They even allow the devil music, Rock n Roll.

I don't know where you are coming from with this. Yes there are things that christians will tell is wrong.
You can not blame a person for standing by their beliefs, no more than I can blame you for standing by yours.

You know what church was for me growing up?

Ice cream socials during the summer. Pot luck dinners. A community that takes care of each other. A group that cares for its community and the people in it. Multiple mentors teaching me right from wrong.

They send a bus around to pick the kids up and feeds them when the parents blow their money on dope. It buys them shoes and clothes.

Man those Christains! What horrible people.

A man, considered to be a 2nd father to me started my interest in electronics.
He worked for a bank, later bought out by Bank of America.
He took me inside to show me the inner workings. Showed me the hard drives.
They were the size of washing machines that held very large drums for the drives.
He was a smart man that also had a degree in physics.

It seems to me that you are the one that is not very tolerant.

you left out the part where you persecuted gays and actively worked to deny equal rights because of your little book.
Nothing good comes from this discussion. Whoever made this post isn't a preacher or a scientist!!! Some people may be looking for answers in the wrong place.
Ethics and morality are not universal. To even say that they are indicates you are extremely naive. Perhaps "right" is not what benefits you (or you just aren't honest with yourself), but it is to the home invader breaking down your front door, the banker foreclosing your home, the pool boy screwing your wife, the stock broker churning your 401k to generate commissions, the slave traders of long ago and today. Manson may have been insane, so was Pol Pot, Stalin, Castro, and Hitler. They all thought they were "right". Sorry, but you don't get to pass judgement on yourself.
Once again key word "THOUGHT." Hitler and Stalin and those guys THOUGHT they were right, but they were clearly doing immoral things. You don't need to be a genius to understand that. And you don't need to be a genius to know right from wrong either. In the case of morality, Hitler, Stalin, etc.. were clearly WRONG.

Home invading, pool boy screwing your wife, stock broker churning your 401k, etc... are also wrong. Even if whoever is doing the crime thinks it is right- it is still wrong.

I don't care about your rants about how Bill Gates didn't want to donate and give his money away. That still wouldn't make him a bad person. He worked for his money, he earned it, and he has a right to keep every penny he's ever made for himself if he wanted to.