Hillary Clinton and a lot of Democrats were also screaming WAR WAR WAR!!!
Attempting to rewrite history will not solve anything. Cheney is not going to get tried for war crimes no matter how much you want it. He is out of office, he no longer has power.
Shit, I am already almost over Obama and he is still president for almost 2 years!!
The Clintons are already far more wealthy than Mitt Romney but because he had some stock in college from rich parents he is the anti-christ.
Dont get me wrong, I am sick of them all. The system indoctrinates the politicians that want to be lifers and manipulates them into serving themselves rather than the public. The way they maintain control and divert attention is to create divisions of American people and set them against one another. Making a profit in this country is now seen as a bad thing unless you are a liberal and hate yourself and then it is ok.