Well-Known Member
Thanks bb,
think I'm gonna be buying some fancy gum.
think I'm gonna be buying some fancy gum.
I just spent about 10 minutes videotaping my eyes during this test. I had no I eyeball movements whatsoever. I also googled online and they say if you're high you can't cross your eyes. That's bullshit. I tried walking on a straight line and turn, I tried the one leg, and nothing. They would have to make shit up for me to fail.
I think these are all standard alcohol related sobriety tests?
He told me they'll have three categories,patient,grower and caregiver and you can possess a pound and a half per patient and it will be easy to get rid of overages. But of course there will be taxes.
No need for a test that checks for all the people driving around high on prescription meds I guess.
anyone go through the new process yet? I have some time on my card, but kinda was waiting to hear how the new process was working out.
I videoed this with some friends I was really hammered. We recorded our eyes following the pen. After we went through the video frame by frame, we could see one eye looking straight and one looking to the side creepy shit man .The Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus is most often deployed when the smell of alcohol and related physical conditions are not present in drivers "suspected" of intoxication (aka drugged driving).
The integrity between science (applied technology) and the courtroom has always been questionable and/or subjective. The horizontal gaze is simply a medical diagnostic tool mastered by few experienced medical doctors and training Johnny Law to perform this procedure roadside with any integrity is simply absurd. Regardless, it happens and will happen a hell of a lot more this year. I assume by years end we will be having conversations about Michigan's legal MJ blood levels and that scientific/legal conundrum overseen by our Court of Appeals, kind of like the legality of extracts and P2P relationships our community faces today ...
So what you're saying is, it ended up more expensive but its good for two years and you need a followup visit? I think I have some renewals coming up.Belle went to center for compassion in TC. due to stomach flu going around it was only a few of them, no car load. lol.
She said everything went exactly as it has been. She said the forms are very similar to the old ones. (which means she just didn't notice any difference.)
She qualified for the $25 state fee before and now that's more expensive. But everything is still the same.
I think once a year she needs to go see the doctor to maintain dr-patient relationship, but that's been going on for a little bit now.
Hope that helps cephalopod.
Since the law originally passed she has always went through one of the original places in southfield. This was her first trip to another dr for herself.
And she has several patients through Dr. Bob as well. None of them have been to his office yet this year though.