
Well-Known Member
I've never posted here before and I don't make a habit of trashing other people's/companies' reputations... unless they deserve it.

Mota Rebel seeds sent me a whole shitload of 'F2' beans of DWB. Most popped- it was a germination test- and then the fun started.

By the time all was said and done, we had three females out of thirty seeds?!?

Worse, one had zero smell- and BOTH of the other two were TRUE HERMAPHRODITE!

THE MOTHER FUCKERS HERMED OUT FIRST, before ever setting bud!

None of the rest of the crop of other strains from other sources showed anything unusual, so it was not environment or grower mistakes.

This happened TWICE, or I would chalk it up to chance.

Fuck Dirty White Boy, and Fuck Mota Rebel for lying about their 'F2's.

That is all.
Yeah wow, quite the POS you are.
Lets see..
Did he send these to you under your guys agreement that they are tester and was checking germ rates?
Did you take these thinking you were getting free seeds and was just looking to find a keeper for free?
Did you correspond with mota about your concerns, what did he say?
Is this the only place you have made this post, a place I'm sure mota doesn't frequent?
If you have posted this somewhere else could you provide links so I can how well those posts were received
I can Post this thread at other places like the labs or the farm and see what the response is like their where there are lots of mota fan boys. ( me not being one, have never ran his gear)
Seems like a very cowardly chickenshit way to get your voice heard.
Have had nothing but awesome from Mota, everything I have popped and my friends as well. I only see Dirty White bud, so this sounds like tester to me


Don't see it on his updated list of new releases:

Wants to bitch, but either got the name wrong or bitchen about a strain mota hasn't released. Classy, he will know how you feel about his strains and the generosity he showed to you letting you test for him.
Part of the game for testers. Don't know how someone could bitch about free beans and complain. You decided to be a tester, don't bet the farm it will work out. If anything you should have thanked him for the opportunity, tell him what happened and chalked it up to a bad selection. Move on. It's another thing if you buy beans and this happens, then feel free to bitch, otherwise you are simply being a bitch.
Part of the game for testers. Don't know how someone could bitch about free beans and complain. You decided to be a tester, don't bet the farm it will work out. If anything you should have thanked him for the opportunity, tell him what happened and chalked it up to a bad selection. Move on. It's another thing if you buy beans and this happens, then feel free to bitch, otherwise you are simply being a bitch.

If they misrepresent their work, they aren't telling the truth, FREE OR NOT.

And since they can't tell the truth when there's no money on the table, I'm sure not putting any of MINE down.

Mota Rebel has great gear.


His herijuana crosses - and Woodhorse's - and Sannies - occupy the bottom of the 'Last Resort' bin. I've no doubt others would love it. Want some? :eyesmoke:

Who cares? They were represented to be stable F2 beans. Whether I paid for them or not is irrelevant-

You're wrong. Who twisted your arm to grow the free seeds?

His herijuana crosses - and Woodhorse's - and Sannies - occupy the bottom of the 'Last Resort' bin. I've no doubt others would love it. Want some? :eyesmoke:

You're wrong. Who twisted your arm to grow the free seeds?

So it's only a lie if I paid?

YOU buy from them!
So it's only a lie if I paid?

YOU buy from them!

I did. I posted my gripes above.

No offense, amigo....and to show you there's no hard feelings, I've got a couple of dozen of untested F2s you can have.

I would have given them to you, but instead they'll cost you $75 for ea 10 pack. Then, if you're disappointed, no one will ridicule you [ much ] when you decide to post the bad news.

Which you won't, of course - they're stable.

So it's only a lie if I paid?

YOU buy from them!
You didn't buy.
Unstable ?!?! STFU you got two hermies out of 30 seeds?!?!?! Find those kind of ratios in any released strain out there right now, putz. What was the last strain you popped three packs of that you paid for? show me the super keeper that You expect from popping those kind of numbers. What was unstable about it?!?!? are you considering the M/F ratio unstable?!? you sir are a hack and have no business testing seeds for serious breeders.
So it's only a lie if I paid?

YOU buy from them!

i'm also not trying to be a dick here, but they're called testers for a reason imo..
many breeders will give out thousands of beans as testers.. they could be testing one of many things, germ rates, how they handle different environments, intersex traits, etc, etc.. being that most growers can only grow x amount of plants at one time, testers are a vital part of a strain project..
often times testers will report back with say intersex traits, bad germ rates, w/e, and the entire project will get scrapped and or put on a back burner.. this is the role the person testing said beans plays.. if you're testing gear, ime, it's not best to run a test crop and nothing else, unless you don't mind your time and effort all being for naught, except the information to help said breeder..
to slam a breeder for test beans though, idk, that's why they're called testers and they're not for sale yet imvho..
Amos and the others on point.

You recieved testers. For free, to test. You ran into a problem, your job at this point is to report it, and move on. That is why they are called TESTERS! And yes it matters, you didn't purchase these beans , you were a guinea pig, and in exchange you get genetics that may or may not be good. That is the roll of the dice. Your job is to not be an ungrateful bastard, thank him for the opportunity and explain what happened and what your environment is like. That's what you signed up for.

I can see paying money and having some hermies and being pissed. That's fine as a breeder should be straight forward and know how often these things occur if at all. The breeder didn't say prerelease, untested and you bought them. No, you go them for free yet you bitch. Simply an ungrateful bastard who doesn't know what testers mean
You didn't buy.
Unstable ?!?! STFU you got two hermies out of 30 seeds?!?!?! Find those kind of ratios in any released strain out there right now, putz. What was the last strain you popped three packs of that you paid for? show me the super keeper that You expect from popping those kind of numbers. What was unstable about it?!?!? are you considering the M/F ratio unstable?!? you sir are a hack and have no business testing seeds for serious breeders.

Two of the three surviving females were TRUE hermaphrodite- that is, they spit male flowers first, before any female parts. That's something that shouldn't ever get near an F2.

I'm no breeder but I get to call bullshit when I see it, that's what these forums are for.

Otherwise, any unscrupulous moron could chuck pollen and call it what they want, quality be damned. If that's not how Mota Rebel really does business, the quality of their response will speak for itself, right here.
Two of the three surviving females were TRUE hermaphrodite- that is, they spit male flowers first, before any female parts. That's something that shouldn't ever get near an F2.

I'm no breeder but I get to call bullshit when I see it, that's what these forums are for.

Otherwise, any unscrupulous moron could chuck pollen and call it what they want, quality be damned. If that's not how Mota Rebel really does business, the quality of their response will speak for itself, right here.

And that's a bummer. But again what you signed up for by TESTING!!!!!

You report it, let him know his selection was poor, let him know your environment/setup and thank him for the opportunity.

Dragging down his name on testers isn't appropriate. You think this is the first time things like this have happened with testers? Jesus you are ungrateful as fuck!

Eta: for what it's worth, I've heard only good things about montarebel. I haven't grown his gear but bitching about testers is stupid as fuck
And that's a bummer. But again what you signed up for by TESTING!!!!!

You report it, let him know his selection was poor, let him know your environment/setup and thank him for the opportunity.

Dragging down his name on testers isn't appropriate. You think this is the first time things like this have happened with testers? Jesus you are ungrateful as fuck!

Eta: for what it's worth, I've heard only good things about montarebel. I haven't grown his gear but bitching about testers is stupid as fuck

I'm not a breeder. I'm a noob to breeding and seeds in general. I was led to believe this was a rare occurrence, perhaps by someone with their own axe to grind.

I'm well aware of the dangers of hasty judgements, which is why I waited and got what I thought was expert advice.

Nevertheless, my experience stands on its own. Anyone who runs across this and has a similar experience will realize they aren't alone, and that's plenty valuable info in its own right.
Dude, you're a little bitch!

I am not! I don't even know why I hang out with you guys, anyway.

'Cause you're a piece of shit.

I am not a piece of shit!

Yeah, but you're a little bitch.
I'm not a breeder. I'm a noob to breeding and seeds in general. I was led to believe this was a rare occurrence, perhaps by someone with their own axe to grind.

I'm well aware of the dangers of hasty judgements, which is why I waited and got what I thought was expert advice.

Nevertheless, my experience stands on its own. Anyone who runs across this and has a similar experience will realize they aren't alone, and that's plenty valuable info in its own right.

It's not necessarily a rare occurrence. This can happen in a poor environment, hence why you should let him know how your feeding is, pot sizes, average temperature ranges, types of lighting/wattage, etc.

It could also be simply selecting a poor mate. These things happen. It's a gamble anytime one crosses different plants. Perhaps the F1 cross was fine from a stability control standpoint but the f2 showed a recessive hermie gene buried in the mix.

You can't bitch if you test beans. It's like rule number one, perhaps rule number 2 as you need to report to the breeder any problems as well as your growing techniques. I stand by my point of you being a whiny bitch at this point
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