
When will people learn you can't just run around making statements about people and companies. I am sure there is a lawyer that would take this case since it is all in writing and on the Internet. Saying such things in person is very hard to prove but in this case it is in writing so the proof is here.

You really need to think twice before making a post like this, you can do harm to a really good company and that company may have employees who could loose their jobs if business goes down by making such a post as this one..

I would suggest next time when you want to make a post like this, stop and give it a hour and really think about the repercussions. I have found 9 times out of 10 I was glad I did not post what I wanted to while in a pissed off frame of mind.

When will people learn you can't just run around making statements about people and companies. I am sure there is a lawyer that would take this case since it is all in writing and on the Internet. Saying such things in person is very hard to prove but in this case it is in writing so the proof is here.

You really need to think twice before making a post like this, you can do harm to a really good company and that company may have employees who could loose their jobs if business goes down by making such a post as this one..

I would suggest next time when you want to make a post like this, stop and give it a hour and really think about the repercussions. I have found 9 times out of 10 I was glad I did not post what I wanted to while in a pissed off frame of mind.

You are obviously not a lawyer, and have no idea what defamation of character nor what would constitue an opinion, whether negative or positive would or would not be protected speech. Funny enough on a cannabis board where it's federally illegal.

While I think the OP is a moron (for not understanding testers), he's simply stating his opinion which is protected speech.
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I'm no expert, but I think it's pretty common practice for breeders to send out testers. At least American breeders..... can't speak for the Dutch and Spanish companies.

Is there an American breeder that doesn't use testers and does everything in house?
does TGA send out testers? Probably have enough gardens in the krew to facilitate in house testing, especially since a lot of strains are coming from "affiliates" (I use quotes cause I couldn't come up with any other word at that moment, plus I don't know what he calls them personally.)
You are obviously not a lawyer, and have no idea what defamation of character nor what would constitue an opinion, whether negative or positive would or would not be protected speech. Funny enough on a cannabis board where it's federally illegal.

While I think the OP is a moron, he's simply stating his opinion which is protected speech.

I did not say I was a lawyer. I am just saying you can't run around posting trash about companies. They can come after you but I doubt this seed company would.

A moron yes he is, the name of the strain is Dirty White Bud, not Boy he does not even know what he is growing ;-)
I did not say I was a lawyer. I am just saying you can't run around posting trash about companies. They can come after you but I doubt this seed company would.

A moron yes he is, the name of the strain is Dirty White Bud, not Boy he does not even know what he is growing ;-)

Fortunately many people like you have thought the same thing, talk trash about a company, sue the bastard. Luckily these cases are almost universally thrown out. An opinion isn't a crime, the plaintiff would be unable to prove that the opinion is in fact wrong, nor would damages be shown from said comment. The cases that are won usually are from competitors or from consistent harassment which has its own set of merits that need to be met. So no, again no suing on this issue.
The most salient legal point is the legal status of the enterprise to begin with. The rest, while interesting for reference to other situations, isn't relevant here due to the illegal nature of sending seeds via the mails.

Yes, I may be a moron. On the other hand, I said zero that isn't strictly speaking absolutely true. I did not impugn any other strains or the company's way of doing business. As I pointed out, I posted after comment from others I thought were both knowledgeable and aware of the unwritten rules. That clearly wasn't the case, and I did apologize for going off where it may have been premature.
The most salient legal point is the legal status of the enterprise to begin with. The rest, while interesting for reference to other situations, isn't relevant here due to the illegal nature of sending seeds via the mails.

Yes, I may be a moron. On the other hand, I said zero that isn't strictly speaking absolutely true. I did not impugn any other strains or the company's way of doing business. As I pointed out, I posted after comment from others I thought were both knowledgeable and aware of the unwritten rules. That clearly wasn't the case, and I did apologize for going off where it may have been premature.

I don't necessarily think you are a moron, you just seem a little clueless on the point of testers. And you gave your opinion which is fair, I just think it was in bad form as they were testers.
um i would test them for the sake of testing i mean this with a tone of voice that is mellow and not realy loud or offending but yes tester are unfinished work i guess with the feed back of public input be it the way the wind blows, i would personaly test them my self before selling them but testers are just that you guys are right just i got of 2 plants about 10,000 seeds if on the market 10,000 x 5 american bucks just saying 50,000 their should be room for at least a lil testing wouldnt you say and take it upon oneself to realy test germ rates and check for herms right?? i mean that was just one strain should breeders test for this them self not just saying on this dudes behalf just saying in general thats kinda crazzy since pollinating is no fucken brain work im just saying i wish both sides the best of luck and to each their own..I guess just wish more in house testing would go down.. thats all.. if you bust out 5 or 10 strains do the math 10 x 50,000 = 500,000 those are some big bucks wouldnt you want your breeder doing the testing???? half a million pluss is a big chunk thier gota be room in their for spending a lil time in house right or outdoor whatever i dont know why im in hear but good luck..
I don't know about all this, but I am a breeder. And never had such a bad experience with any of my beans. Sounds like you got a bag of shwag seeds, but kinda curious how this mota guy has a lot of the same strains as me.
I don't know about all this, but I am a breeder. And never had such a bad experience with any of my beans. Sounds like you got a bag of shwag seeds, but kinda curious how this mota guy has a lot of the same strains as me.
what are you mota??or dirty white boy i gota check this out for realz for shits and gigles
im jumping off im realy curious i didnt check up on this cat but im on the net right now lolz this is becoming quit intresting, lolz i cant find the search.. ow well im out
But one thing that needs to be mentioned also is Ttystikk doesn't grow like most people. He does vertical RDWC silo's bad genetics could literally be a disaster, doesn't sound like F2's to me
I did not say I was a lawyer. I am just saying you can't run around posting trash about companies. They can come after you but I doubt this seed company would.

A moron yes he is, the name of the strain is Dirty White Bud, not Boy he does not even know what he is growing ;-)
Oh yeah? Ever heard of reviews? almost every business has a yelp, yahoo, amazon or whatever review section. You don't see any of those people getting sued.
But one thing that needs to be mentioned also is Ttystikk doesn't grow like most people. He does vertical RDWC silo's bad genetics could literally be a disaster, doesn't sound like F2's to me
now with a setup like that why would he even be doing testers?
the real thing here is he was doing a grem test.....since he started 30 and all 30 grem`ed i would say the test was a success wouldn`t you.....i don`t understand all the crying.
I googled it and some compaines have sued. Most get tossed out of court but some have not. More and more compaines are are putting in their contracts that people can not give bad reviews online so if you sign the contract saying you won't do it and then turn and write a bad review you have broken the contract and the company can sue..

I would question a company that has that type of wording in their contract but most people never really read the entire contract they are signing..