It's a bad week for Russians


Well-Known Member
Partisan propaganda that is only listened to, or accepted by Republican ants that listen to their king or queen idiot of the day, I mean really, do you think fucking Republicans like McConnell, Cruz, Palin, Boehner are the solution? Give me a break.
Pointing out that the last 4 presidents have bombed Iraq is partisan?

No, I don't think McConnell, Palin, Boehner are the solution any more than I think Pelosi, Reid, Boxer are.

Speaking of listening to the king or queen idiot of the day, what's your thoughts on what Gruber thinks of the democratic voters?


Well-Known Member
So? The Democrats again, like saving the economy were forced to take drastic action, in order to recover from past mistakes perpetrated by the demon Republicans.
So passing NAFTA ( Clinton) had NOTHING to do with it? Making China favorite trading partner (Clinton) also had NOTHING to do with it? You must be a partisan shill if you think only republicans are to blame. Both parties can take an equal amount of shame for flushing our nation down the shitter.


Well-Known Member
So passing NAFTA ( Clinton) had NOTHING to do with it? Making China favorite trading partner (Clinton) also had NOTHING to do with it? You must be a partisan shill if you think only republicans are to blame. Both parties can take an equal amount of shame for flushing our nation down the shitter.
One thing I've noticed is fewer and fewer people are willing to identify with the pub party while more are becoming independent. It's the last holdouts that are keeping us from breaking the stranglehold of the two party system.

I think as more dems are able to admit their party has failed them, (granted 8 years of Bush made it easier for pubs) then we'll see less lifetime politicians. IDK though, prolly a pipedream.


Well-Known Member
You just went down 3 clicks in my " Man, that is a smart motherfucker" rating. You would have voted for McCain? Holy Shit! That hurt me, because I liked you. Oh well, I am used to disappointment.
Because Mccain actually loves this country. And there was a time were he would work with democrats.
He also knew what the word Compromise means. Yes i was seriously considering John Mccain for president. Then he went all "mavericky"


Well-Known Member
Because Mccain actually loves this country. And there was a time were he would work with democrats.
He also knew what the word Compromise means. Yes i was seriously considering John Mccain for president. Then he went all "mavericky"
Dude went crazy in a grass hut like 40 years ago. If there was ever a candidate for the Manchurian it would be McCain, he is a NEOcon wet dream.

10 years ago i would have agreed with you.


Well-Known Member
One thing I've noticed is fewer and fewer people are willing to identify with the pub party while more are becoming independent. It's the last holdouts that are keeping us from breaking the stranglehold of the two party system.

I think as more dems are able to admit their party has failed them, (granted 8 years of Bush made it easier for pubs) then we'll see less lifetime politicians. IDK though, prolly a pipedream.
Yeah, the democrats have some thing s I like, the pubs have some things i like also, but all the bad shit they both stand for I don't like, both sides of the aisle are to blame for the shit stains on our constitution.


Well-Known Member
So passing NAFTA ( Clinton) had NOTHING to do with it? Making China favorite trading partner (Clinton) also had NOTHING to do with it? You must be a partisan shill if you think only republicans are to blame. Both parties can take an equal amount of shame for flushing our nation down the shitter.
yeah I was against Clinton on NAFTA


Well-Known Member
This is a trade war.

US allies dumping oil to hurt the Russian rouble. Borrowing low interest currency like the Yen and naked shorting the Rouble. Russia hits back with sharp interest rate hikes and almost immediately US/RUS transactions are disallowed to allow the big money to cover their positions. Meanwhile derivatives insurance passes Congress around the same time. Further putting the risk on anyone but those taking them. The ability to have the system shut down completely in response to this is somewhat amazing and shows just how complete and thorough the corruption is. You would have to be crazy or connected to be playing in these markets.

These are all part of a trade war. These kind of things often tend to lead to actual wars. It isn't like Russia hasn't been preparing for some of this though, signing trade agreements that bypass the dollar completely with various neighbouring countries including China.


Well-Known Member
And a Jihadist just killed 2 hostages in a chocolate shoppe in Australia for all their war crimes.... Oh wait.

If I was motivated I could provide you a list of all the hundreds of countries that have been the target of terrorist attacks but you wouldnt get the reference...

They are going to try to kill us either way because we dont worship their god....
Meanwhile your Congress just passed a bill ponying up a large sum of money to "moderate" extremists in Syria to help finance their assault on another pro Russian nation. The same "moderates" selling hostages to Isis and openly supporting them. And your allies continue to finance Isis and you don't say shit to them. Well, actually Biden said something about it and then immediately apologized because he's just a dumb (talking out of line can get you killed in this game) puppet on a string.


Well-Known Member
This is a trade war.

US allies dumping oil to hurt the Russian rouble. Borrowing low interest currency like the Yen and naked shorting the Rouble. Russia hits back with sharp interest rate hikes and almost immediately US/RUS transactions are disallowed to allow the big money to cover their positions. Meanwhile derivatives insurance passes Congress around the same time. Further putting the risk on anyone but those taking them. The ability to have the system shut down completely in response to this is somewhat amazing and shows just how complete and thorough the corruption is. You would have to be crazy or connected to be playing in these markets.

These are all part of a trade war. These kind of things often tend to lead to actual wars. It isn't like Russia hasn't been preparing for some of this though, signing trade agreements that bypass the dollar completely with various neighbouring countries including China.
It seems much of the things we do is a proxy battle with Russia. Every middle east war we are in or support is in conflict with the wars Russia is in or supports.

It also seems as though China walked in the back door and kicked it's feet up while the US and Russia played games.


Well-Known Member
Meanwhile your Congress just passed a bill ponying up a large sum of money to "moderate" extremists in Syria to help finance their assault on another pro Russian nation. The same "moderates" selling hostages to Isis and openly supporting them. And your allies continue to finance Isis and you don't say shit to them. Well, actually Biden said something about it and then immediately apologized because he's just a dumb (talking out of line can get you killed in this game) puppet on a string.
Those allies that are funding ISIS were once upon a time considered part of the coalition against ISIS depending on who was talking that day.

Such a clusterfuck.


Well-Known Member
It seems much of the things we do is a proxy battle with Russia. Every middle east war we are in or support is in conflict with the wars Russia is in or supports.

It also seems as though China walked in the back door and kicked it's feet up while the US and Russia played games.
The US has been aggressively attacking Russian interests for some time now. Eventually they will say fuck off and war will start. A lot of idiots on here it would seem think this would be a good thing and the US is somehow justified in these actions (they are not, creating an enemy to fight... lying about your reasons, subverting foreign governments with Coups like in the Ukraine).


Well-Known Member
The US has been aggressively attacking Russian interests for some time now. Eventually they will say fuck off and war will start. A lot of idiots on here it would seem think this would be a good thing and the US is somehow justified in these actions (they are not, creating an enemy to fight... lying about your reasons, subverting foreign governments with Coups like in the Ukraine).
While it's true what you say about us, the same holds true for Russia. They have been doing their best to circumvent the dollar which by some can be seen as act of war (economic war) giving us any excuse we need.


Well-Known Member
This is a trade war.

US allies dumping oil to hurt the Russian rouble. Borrowing low interest currency like the Yen and naked shorting the Rouble. Russia hits back with sharp interest rate hikes and almost immediately US/RUS transactions are disallowed to allow the big money to cover their positions. Meanwhile derivatives insurance passes Congress around the same time. Further putting the risk on anyone but those taking them. The ability to have the system shut down completely in response to this is somewhat amazing and shows just how complete and thorough the corruption is. You would have to be crazy or connected to be playing in these markets.

These are all part of a trade war. These kind of things often tend to lead to actual wars. It isn't like Russia hasn't been preparing for some of this though, signing trade agreements that bypass the dollar completely with various neighbouring countries including China.
I'm glad other people see this for what it really is.
Getting tired of the usual "Putin is evil, the news told me so." Chant I hear so often.


Well-Known Member
While it's true what you say about us, the same holds true for Russia. They have been doing their best to circumvent the dollar which by some can be seen as act of war (economic war) giving us any excuse we need.
If you invested a dollar into something and got paid back 70 cents, would you keep investing in it?
The US kind of FORCES all other countries to either accept this deal for its treasuries or be a victim of our military forces. It's as simple as that. Some of these countries actually have the audacity to believe that they should see a return on their investments instead of losses.

Halting trading is just a time out for the TBTF institutions to unwind their positions at the detriment of everyone else. I wonder how much in derivatives is based on the rouble?