It's a bad week for Russians


Well-Known Member
No knots at all. GW and his cronies lied to make the Congress vote for the attack on Iraq. Iraq was in a somewhat political stable state ( OK, Saddam wasn't that nice a guy) . This brought to the forefront the divisions between the Shia and the Sunni in Iraq, and it has spread Ever since those two groups have been hacking at each other, and now you have ISIS killing every Shite they can get their hands on. Is there a connection? I think so.
So essentially, Bush did it?


Well-Known Member
No knots at all. GW and his cronies lied to make the Congress vote for the attack on Iraq. Iraq was in a somewhat political stable state ( OK, Saddam wasn't that nice a guy) . This brought to the forefront the divisions between the Shia and the Sunni in Iraq, and it has spread Ever since those two groups have been hacking at each other, and now you have ISIS killing every Shite they can get their hands on. Is there a connection? I think so.
This is simply not true and history rewritten.

Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, specifically chemical weapons. He had used them previously which proved he had them. When we dithered over invading Iraq he sent them to Syria where they were recently used there. The syrians didnt create those weapons. In addition to that fact, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and a shitload of other people were of the opition that it was true.

Now, in my opinion now as it was back then, it wasnt a good enough excuse and we never should have gone into Iraq. 15 years later most people seem to agree with that but hindsight is 20/20.

The 2 political parties keep trashing America to destroy one another and it is pathetic. There used to be some compromise and willingness to work together for the American people but all it is now is divide the American people and get them to fight against each other. It is a disgusting mess... on both sides.


Well-Known Member
In this case they had help from democrats who voted for the Resolution to go to war in Iraq. The reason I wont vote for Hillary CLinton. She knew Hussein was no threat to the USA but voted for political reasons.
So, you won't vote for Clinton because she joined the crowd that voted for invasion. Fine, that is noble, and my wife thinks the same way. Myself, would vote for Bugs Bunny as long as he (it) wasn't a Republican. What would you prefer? A cocksucking Republican in office, or a Democrat, who if she sucked great cock, her husband wouldn't have had to face impeachment. I go with Hillary.


Well-Known Member
So, you won't vote for Clinton because she joined the crowd that voted for invasion. Fine, that is noble, and my wife thinks the same way. Myself, would vote for Bugs Bunny as long as he (it) wasn't a Republican. What would you prefer? A cocksucking Republican in office, or a Democrat, who if she sucked great cock, her husband wouldn't have had to face impeachment. I go with Hillary.
Hillary aint no Bill Clinton. She isnt automatically going to win because *it is her turn*


Well-Known Member
So, you won't vote for Clinton because she joined the crowd that voted for invasion. Fine, that is noble, and my wife thinks the same way. Myself, would vote for Bugs Bunny as long as he (it) wasn't a Republican. What would you prefer? A cocksucking Republican in office, or a Democrat, who if she sucked great cock, her husband wouldn't have had to face impeachment. I go with Hillary.
You do realize he didn't face impeachment over a bj don't you?

I think bugs bunny would be a great choice for president. He is intelligent, level headed, and would only fight wars in defense.


Well-Known Member
You do realize he didn't face impeachment over a bj don't you?

I think bugs bunny would be a great choice for president. He is intelligent, level headed, and would only fight wars in defense.
That is one of the most fundamental problems in discussions today. Neither side will allow the fair representation of the issues up for debate.

Clinton faced impeachment for lying under oath. And like a good lawyer he slipped out of it.


Well-Known Member
So essentially, Bush did it?
What? No, Bush didn't cause it by invading a Muslim country and killing it leader, and putting troops in that country for ten fucking years, all the while vetoing every resolution in the UN that had anything to do to help fellow Muslims in Palestine. He had nothing to do with the anger by Muslims all over the fucking world after invading Afghanistan. He is a good man, that in his brief 8 years as President, brought this nation ???. What? You tell me what he did to make this country and the world a better place. Name fucking one. He RUINED all respect, if any, that we had on this planet.


Well-Known Member
What? No, Bush didn't cause it by invading a Muslim country and killing it leader, and putting troops in that country for ten fucking years, all the while vetoing every resolution in the UN that had anything to do to help fellow Muslims in Palestine. He had nothing to do with the anger by Muslims all over the fucking world after invading Afghanistan. He is a good man, that in his brief 8 years as President, brought this nation ???. What? You tell me what he did to make this country and the world a better place. Name fucking one. He RUINED all respect, if any, that we had on this planet.
Yeah, you are not partisan. I liked Bush I more than Bush II but neither of them were responsible for the terrorist attacks that happen constantly all over the world against hundreds of countries...

It is an excuse.

Tell me one nation that we are on better terms with now than when we were under Bush II? What has Obama's foreign policy genius brought us to this point?

Time to let bush go. You are like the old lady driving the car in front of me. If you spend so much time looking in the rear view mirror you are not looking where you are going...


Well-Known Member
You tell me what he did to make this country and the world a better place. Name fucking one. He RUINED all respect, if any, that we had on this planet.
I'm not a fan of his, so defending him makes me feel a bit icky, but he did more for the continent of Africa than any other president in history.

He increased humanitarian aid there, Obama drone bombed some people there. Where's your outrage? Which president would say the continent is better off from?


Well-Known Member
You do realize he didn't face impeachment over a bj don't you?

I think bugs bunny would be a great choice for president. He is intelligent, level headed, and would only fight wars in defense.
All I'm saying is that if Hillary knew that the true way to a man's heart, or soul, was by giving a world class Hoover (fuck food), one that you can feel the juices emerge from areas that you didn't even know existed, one that curls your toes like when the witches toes curl up in the Wizard of Oz after she got squished by the house, one that you have to resist pushing your pole through the back of her head, Then maybe infidelity wouldn't have entered the picture, so he wouldn't have to be a lying pussy boy. He should have manned up in the beginning, and said Yea, I got some head from Monica, and yea, I slipped my Corona up her who/who. So fucking what. He would have been more respected throughout the world.


Well-Known Member
/sarc on
Blame Putin, don't blame the US, I mean we only took over the Ukrainian Government illegally and installed American citizens on the Ukrainian legislature. Who would mind if a few Russians became US Senators without a vote? I'm sure the American citizen would be happy about that. Ukraine has been a separate country for going on a million years now, none of those people even speak Russian and have never known Soviets either.

Would you mind if I sanctioned you from using SWIFT? SWIFT is how you pay your bills as a country, but Russia has been locked out. They really enjoy not being able to balance their current accounts, so they will build an alternate and probably trade with China, that tiny country out east somewhere that barely has a pot to piss in.

Goddamn Putin, won't let us bomb Syria so that someone can build a massive pipeline through it so as to sell Qatar's gas to the EU. Right now Russian interests supply parts of the EU with Nat Gas so they can heat themselves in the winter. if the epitome of evil isn't selling life saving material to another country, I don't know what is.

Perhaps if Putin would stop bombing everyone, we might all get along, but that bastard has been downing jet aircraft (which we have zero proof of, but whatever, it's still Putin's fault, we are pretty sure anyway) and invading sovereign countries now for nearly 5 years. I mean just look at Georgia, they were just minding their own business when Putin tore down the walls and invaded, killing everyone.

Forget about Russia trading with Iran and China, those countries are small potatoes compared to the almighty USA which grows stronger every year, just look at median incomes, going through the roof!!

Oh Putin, your country is in such a mess that you were offering 17% interest on your bonds, but then somebody said "No Way" and halted trading in the Ruble. Poor Putin, 17% wasn't enough, who would want to earn 17% interest when they can earn negative 1% interest in a US bank? Or 2.3% on a US bond? I mean at 17% you are doubling your money every 3 years or so, who would want that?

You know things are awesome when the DJIA can move 1000 points in 3 trading days negative to positive to negative again, that isn't froth of a system about to burst, its the sign of AWESOMENESS!! The Russian stock market has taken a beating (except if priced in Rubles of course),. we win, our stock market is the best because we never allow manipulation of LIBOR, CDO's, or commodities, never has been a story in the media or anything.

Putin will lose and the USA will still be the bestest ever.

/sarc off


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is that if Hillary knew that the true way to a man's heart, or soul, was by giving a world class Hoover (fuck food), one that you can feel the juices emerge from areas that you didn't even know existed, one that curls your toes like when the witches toes curl up in the Wizard of Oz after she got squished by the house, one that you have to resist pushing your pole through the back of her head, Then maybe infidelity wouldn't have entered the picture, so he wouldn't have to be a lying pussy boy. He should have manned up in the beginning, and said Yea, I got some head from Monica, and yea, I slipped my Corona up her who/who. So fucking what. He would have been more respected throughout the world.
'It all depends on what the definition of "is" is.'


Well-Known Member
So, you won't vote for Clinton because she joined the crowd that voted for invasion. Fine, that is noble, and my wife thinks the same way. Myself, would vote for Bugs Bunny as long as he (it) wasn't a Republican. What would you prefer? A cocksucking Republican in office, or a Democrat, who if she sucked great cock, her husband wouldn't have had to face impeachment. I go with Hillary.
Honestly I would like to claim I am independant. Becuase I would consider voting for a Republican. In 2008 Mccain had my vote until he picked Palin and went all insane


Well-Known Member
That is one of the most fundamental problems in discussions today. Neither side will allow the fair representation of the issues up for debate.

Clinton faced impeachment for lying under oath. And like a good lawyer he slipped out of it.
I'm not a fan of his, so defending him makes me feel a bit icky, but he did more for the continent of Africa than any other president in history.

He increased humanitarian aid there, Obama drone bombed some people there. Where's your outrage? Which president would say the continent is better off from?
Yes, you are right, he did do a lot of good work in Africa dealing with AIDS. That, unfortunately is about the only good thing he ever did as President. As far as drones are concerned, if they are associated to any of those Al Qaeda groups in Africa, go for it. No problem here


Well-Known Member
All I'm saying is that if Hillary knew that the true way to a man's heart, or soul, was by giving a world class Hoover (fuck food), one that you can feel the juices emerge from areas that you didn't even know existed, one that curls your toes like when the witches toes curl up in the Wizard of Oz after she got squished by the house, one that you have to resist pushing your pole through the back of her head, Then maybe infidelity wouldn't have entered the picture, so he wouldn't have to be a lying pussy boy. He should have manned up in the beginning, and said Yea, I got some head from Monica, and yea, I slipped my Corona up her who/who. So fucking what. He would have been more respected throughout the world.
Common ground here Jim.

Nothing like a bj done right, nothing.

He also could have said his sex life is between he and his wife and talking about it is below the dignity of the office. That would have pissed some people off, but how can you argue with it?

He chose lie to the America people because as Gruber pointed out, it generally works.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I would like to claim I am independant. Becuase I would consider voting for a Republican. In 2008 Mccain had my vote until he picked Palin and went all insane
You just went down 3 clicks in my " Man, that is a smart motherfucker" rating. You would have voted for McCain? Holy Shit! That hurt me, because I liked you. Oh well, I am used to disappointment.


Well-Known Member
This is satire, but try to argue against it.

Keep playing the partisan game though, it's really helping....
Partisan propaganda that is only listened to, or accepted by Republican ants that listen to their king or queen idiot of the day, I mean really, do you think fucking Republicans like McConnell, Cruz, Palin, Boehner are the solution? Give me a break.


Well-Known Member
Partisan propaganda that is only listened to, or accepted by Republican ants that listen to their king or queen idiot of the day, I mean really, do you think fucking Republicans like McConnell, Cruz, Palin, Boehner are the solution? Give me a break.
Did you notice that half the presidents they made fun of were republican?


Well-Known Member
Did you notice that half the presidents they made fun of were republican?
So? The Democrats again, like saving the economy were forced to take drastic action, in order to recover from past mistakes perpetrated by the demon Republicans.