I would tend to agree. That is where a proper certification comes in handy as well, if you get caught with more than you are allowed in section 4. Now 450gms is less than 17ounces. We can work with that in our clinic, and I can help as an expert witness. First of all, what was the actual, trimmed weight? You cannot estimate that which can be measured, especially if the actual weight is the key issue as it is here. Now if you look at my form, it says MOST folks can get by with an ounce or less per week. In a 4 month cycle, that is 16-17 ounces, so 450 gms is starting to look pretty reasonable. What do other states that actually put limits on cannabis purchases have to say? 2.5 ounces per 2 weeks. Again, 4 month cycle, 16 weeks = 2.5 x 8 or 20 ounces. Now 16-17 ounces is not only justifiable, but starting to look a little conservative. How about the federal government? Dose of smoke marijuana to them is 9 gms a day (yes I have a tin and a federal prescription in my possession to prove that in court), now 450gms is less than an 8 week supply. Get the point? Because I have things documented I can show how and WHY it is reasonable to have even 450 gms. I suspect he had less than that. I could have easily met his section 8 burden.
But then he drove past me, drove past Dave Croker, drove past Dr. Prince and met with Dr. Proctor in some hotel or dispensary didn't he? So how did he turn out again? Still want to mail in your renewal? How have they done in Cass Co. Why don't you ask the attorney Dan Grow?
Dr. Bob