You never stop being a parent .

As my kids gain more independence and make their own decisions, my spouse was concerned about the younger one possibly staying in the "wrong" direction....I said have faith that we did a good job...I have great teenagers!

ill tell u one thing if u catch them with weed then tell them to quit buying it and that you'll give them weed if they do chores and keep there grades up and not get into trouble like only 1 or 2 bowl packs every week

it will keep them from buying it on the street, getting a drug charge and you know there not getting laced weed

make it a controlled environment for them

and plus you know there not gonna fuck there mind up at a young age from smoking too much

ill do the same for my kid/kids but im not gonna do it until ik for sure they buy weed and smoke it

and defiantly don't give them enough to sell

and i enjoyed having a session on the weekends it loosened us up and we would have deep conversations and share funny ass stories and just have a good family night it brought us closer together

but im not trying to tell u how to raise ur kids and i didn't mean it like

that raise them how u want to i was just sharing about what my mom did to keep me in line
My kids don't do drugs and while some may laugh at that they go to school, work and home, their choice not youngest goes downtown once in a while to see his girl and hang, but they're doing Starbucks. They hate the fact that I grow, that it smells, and they see the kids at school wasting away in the woods smoking dope. They tell me they have better things to do witht their miney and I believe them. They are 16 and 14 and they have the occasional cocktail that I will give them if they ask. I don't worry about drugs, booze or money going missing.
i don't envoy you guys one bit lmao

i mean i wouldn't mind having a son

but raising a kid seems expensive and hard

plus im only 18 i want a kid but not till im married and have a stable job

The only time its truly hard being a parent is that 1st day you bring your kid home , your lookin at your wife like wtf do we do now ?

After a week or two its easy peasy japaneasy .
How right you are, its very difficult to except they are no longer under your control, the worst for me is my youngest, he moved out last August, his flat or apartment whatever you would like to call it is beautiful I go and clean and do his washing every week just so I still feel like I'm part of his life. But on weekends and the nights he goes out I still lie awake wondering if he's okay or that he got home okay from his night out, when he was at home I knew when he was in safe but now I don't and its very hard, I even text him in the morning to make sure he's okay and I can't stop it I've tried but to no avail. He keeps telling me he's not a little boy anymore but to me he always will be my little boy how sad is that.:cry:

I really dig your post as well as how you stay connected , the wife & i are at the other end of the spectrum where our kids come by to check on us & do stuff around our house , its nice but sometimes it makes us feel real old , especially when they bring groceries for us & i get pissed , im like mother fukers we aint over here eating dog food the fridge is full of food & wtf am i gonna do with a 4 inch thick t-bone steak , ive got wooden teeth & would be gnawing on that big bastard for a week .

Now that i have fake toofs i gravitated twords softer foods like fish , my wife got me hooked on Caviar which is very salty & goes well with smoked salmon , now alot of times for dinner we'll eat salmon with caviar , humus & crackers along with feta cheese , our kids think were eating poorly because were not eating 12 pound roasts for dinner.

I try not to get too pissed & be happy in knowing they are interested in our health & take the time to look out for us .
I get it - 4 kids and 7 grands I'm loving life.
We got to visit everybody a couple of weeks ago - 3 weeks in the lower 48.
Twas a very nice Thanksgiving.

Boy did i get hammered , i rarely drink more than a cocktail every so ofter due to the pain killers im prescribed so the 3 tall drinks i had last night had me sloppy drunk & passed out on the couch , my son built a fire & slept on the other couch to keep an eye on me , i got him back for getting me hammered , apparently i play with my balls while i sleep & he got an eyefull , now their both making jokes saying im a perv .
ill tell u one thing if u catch them with weed then tell them to quit buying it and that you'll give them weed if they do chores and keep there grades up and not get into trouble like only 1 or 2 bowl packs every week

it will keep them from buying it on the street, getting a drug charge and you know there not getting laced weed

make it a controlled environment for them

and plus you know there not gonna fuck there mind up at a young age from smoking too much

ill do the same for my kid/kids but im not gonna do it until ik for sure they buy weed and smoke it

and defiantly don't give them enough to sell

and i enjoyed having a session on the weekends it loosened us up and we would have deep conversations and share funny ass stories and just have a good family night it brought us closer together

but im not trying to tell u how to raise ur kids and i didn't mean it like

that raise them how u want to i was just sharing about what my mom did to keep me in line

I agree with you. I got my mum to let my teenage sister smoke weed in the house with her friends. They were all over 16/17. I persuaded her that the alternative would be that they got arrested in the street/park. They were only going to do it anyway.
I really dig your post as well as how you stay connected , the wife & i are at the other end of the spectrum where our kids come by to check on us & do stuff around our house , its nice but sometimes it makes us feel real old , especially when they bring groceries for us & i get pissed , im like mother fukers we aint over here eating dog food the fridge is full of food & wtf am i gonna do with a 4 inch thick t-bone steak , ive got wooden teeth & would be gnawing on that big bastard for a week .

Now that i have fake toofs i gravitated twords softer foods like fish , my wife got me hooked on Caviar which is very salty & goes well with smoked salmon , now alot of times for dinner we'll eat salmon with caviar , humus & crackers along with feta cheese , our kids think were eating poorly because were not eating 12 pound roasts for dinner.

I try not to get too pissed & be happy in knowing they are interested in our health & take the time to look out for us .
Your kids sound amazing individuals, my daughter is a bit like that she's very protective and as you say it can be annoying but at least they love us. And what you and your wife eat sounds good to me I've never been a big meat eater, cheese and bread is my poison.
My kids don't do drugs.. Just Starbucks and booze.
You know they're drinking semen and poison don't you? Better have the Buds and the bees talk with them soon so they don't become semen caffeine addicted alcoholics later on in life.... Just my 2 cents
You know they're drinking semen and poison don't you? Better have the Buds and the bees talk with them soon so they don't become semen caffeine addicted alcoholics later on in life.... Just my 2 cents
I meant "street"drugs....and I would rather they come to me and ask me than to be getting Into a vehicle with one of their friends who's been drinking. Chewy I'm not sitting here getting hammered with my kids every night. One is a type 1 diabetic. We talk about all kinds of things...drugs and alcohol included.
I meant "street"drugs....and I would rather they come to me and ask me than to be getting Into a vehicle with one of their friends who's been drinking. Chewy I'm not sitting here getting hammered with my kids every night. One is a type 1 diabetic. We talk about all kinds of things...drugs and alcohol included.
Just giving you a hard time. Hence the semen joke, Kinda... Since it DID happen. But yeah, mother fucking Government drugs. Am I right? killer stuff...
If you don't mind the work and sift through the chaff you can find some real gem's of kind folks here.

Unfortunately the chaff outweigh the goal in some cases.
When you get older do you still let your kids win?

Playing soccer today apparently I lost 11-3. I don't think we played the same rules? Hahah "I WIN"