Smoking While Preggers


New Member
me be nice? you're the one that said "multiple blunts". i was replying to your post and you tell me to be nice? you guys are taking this subject and twisting it around however you can to make pot a BAD thing. shame on you. :evil:

Fdd, I don't think they're are ever going to get it. I have living proof that a few tokes a day won't hurt a baby. She is 20 years old now, so if there was any harm done we'd have seen it by now.

She also knows I smoked while pregnant with her. She sat right here yesterday while I typed up my story. She is the baby in question and she said "mom I don't blame you, if I was that sick, I'd have smoked too" She is also rather offended by some of these posts. She went ahead to the mirror and counted her eyes, fingers, etc. and decided that she is in fact normal.

Than she scoffed at the lameness of some of these opinoins and went off and smoked a joint with her friends. :mrgreen:


Fdd, I don't think they're are ever going to get it. I have living proof that a few tokes a day won't hurt a baby. She is 20 years old now, so if there was any harm done we'd have seen it by now.

She also knows I smoked while pregnant with her. She sat right here yesterday while I typed up my story. She is the baby in question and she said "mom I don't blame you, if I was that sick, I'd have smoked too" She is also rather offended by some of these posts. She went ahead to the mirror and counted her eyes, fingers, etc. and decided that she is in fact normal.

Than she scoffed at the lameness of some of these opinoins and went off and smoked a joint with her friends. :mrgreen:

i'm with you; my son is only 2yrs old, but he seems fine to me.... no health problems, doctors visits are just checkups, and they say he is advanced for his age.... i give up this argument; i'll have my wife chime in when she wakes up..


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know I was preggers until nearly 4 months in and I toked daily,my daughter is as normal as a child can possibly be and healthier and more intelligent than children of non smoking peers of mine,imho no harm was done.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Fdd, I don't think they're are ever going to get it. I have living proof that a few tokes a day won't hurt a baby. She is 20 years old now, so if there was any harm done we'd have seen it by now.

She also knows I smoked while pregnant with her. She sat right here yesterday while I typed up my story. She is the baby in question and she said "mom I don't blame you, if I was that sick, I'd have smoked too" She is also rather offended by some of these posts. She went ahead to the mirror and counted her eyes, fingers, etc. and decided that she is in fact normal.

Than she scoffed at the lameness of some of these opinoins and went off and smoked a joint with her friends. :mrgreen:

:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint: aight ;)


Well-Known Member
I didn't even know I was preggers until nearly 4 months in and I toked daily,my daughter is as normal as a child can possibly be and healthier and more intelligent than children of non smoking peers of mine,imho no harm was done.:peace:
still had periods that u didnt realize ?

or do u still have periods while baby's :D ROFL I NEED TO GO BACK TO SEX CLASS: D


Well-Known Member
still had periods that u didnt realize ?

or do u still have periods while baby's :D ROFL I NEED TO GO BACK TO SEX CLASS: D

actually, sex classes teach you the basics. womens cycle do vary. some pour like a tropical storm, others you'd barley even realize it was raining. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
still had periods that u didnt realize ?

or do u still have periods while baby's :D ROFL I NEED TO GO BACK TO SEX CLASS: D
No sweetie,I had female problems which messed with my cycle it was nothing for me to go a few months without a menses.:joint:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I didn't even know I was preggers until nearly 4 months in and I toked daily,my daughter is as normal as a child can possibly be and healthier and more intelligent than children of non smoking peers of mine,imho no harm was done.:peace:

Sounds very familiar, lol. I didn't know I was unil almost 4 months too. No harm done as far as I can see, in fact I feel the opposite. My daughter is very healthy, very well behaved and more advanced than the other kids her age in her class. She is almost 6 now and is reading, writing, math, computer, etc. This could also be that we are great parents, lol.
I had irregluar periods so I was not aware until late. I smoked daily until I found out too. Once I found out I cut it back to a few tokes on the weekend here and there to ease my back pain not just to get high.
I don't feel wrong or bad for doing so at all no matter what these haters will say. To me it is so much better than any other drugs prescribed by a doctor while pregnant. Even breathing outside, the food we eat with added chemicals and all other environmental hazards are worse for your baby than weed is. Just my opinion though. :mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
No sweetie,I had female problems which messed with my cycle it was nothing for me to go a few months without a menses.:joint:
Do you have Endometriosis? I have it. That explains my messed up cycles and extreme pain. I was told I would not be able to have kids either so that's why I didn't know until almost 4 months. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Do you have Endometriosis? I have it. That explains my messed up cycles and extreme pain. I was told I would not be able to have kids either so that's why I didn't know until almost 4 months. :mrgreen::peace:
I had a double decker endometriosis and adhesions and was also told no possible chance of a natural pregnancy about two years after the diagnosis I found out a bit differently:mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
pot a BAD thing. shame on you. :evil:

Actually shame on you my friend! Smoking copious amounts of ganja while pregnant is a bad thing... and nothing is being twisted around because anyone can figure that one out my friend, I'm sorry if you're confused easily or maybe I just didn't clarify myself to your liking. Also, the OP said nothing about different ways of ingesting cannabis, she asked if smoking was bad during pregnancy so lets drop the "we aren't talking smoke, we are talking THC. i want to see something that shows NEGATIVE effects caused by THC." crap and get back on topic... :roll:


New Member
Actually shame on you my friend! Smoking copious amounts of ganja while pregnant is a bad thing... and nothing is being twisted around because anyone can figure that one out my friend, I'm sorry if you're confused easily or maybe I just didn't clarify myself to your liking. Also, the OP said nothing about different ways of ingesting cannabis, she asked if smoking was bad during pregnancy so lets drop the "we aren't talking smoke, we are talking THC. i want to see something that shows NEGATIVE effects caused by THC." crap and get back on topic... :roll:
You are twisting things even as you speak. Copious = abundant

See nobody said, hey lets get pregnant and then try to smoke a pound a day. 4 or 5 hits a day, tops, is what's being discussed. Notice I said hits, not blunts, or joints, or bags, or ounces. Hits, as in light, suck in, hold, blow out, finished.

There are plenty of things out there that are worse than a couple hits. How about the amount of crap they're putting in our food. It's just not natural for an orange to be larger than a softball. Yet I've bought some big ass oranges. Apples too, they are getting to be obscene in size. All meat is full of antibiotics. Could you even name what butter (margarine) is made of these days? I bet it isn't just plain churned milk.
Everything we eat, drink and breathe is tainted and polluted. You need to take a step back and look at the big picture.

I bet you couldn't find a natural food product in your entire kitchen, but you're ragging on weed? Shame on you :peace:


Well-Known Member
Miss Hester I don't believe you're the OP. I saw no where where the OP said 4-5 hits, she asked if smoking while pregnant was bad... I was simply stating that smoking a lot is harmful and I think most everyone agrees, I also said that smoking minute amounts, as in your "4-5 hits a day" is perfectly fine and should have no abnormal effect on the baby. And face it, not every mother is going to be an angel and only take 4-5 hits... they will most likely be joints or nice big bong rips so might as well state the facts. I look at the big picture sweetheart, that's why I grow most of my own fruits and vegetables... but we're getting off topic there so save it for another time. Oh, and please... tell me where I ragged about weed, I don't think I've said anything negative about weed in good God maybe 9-10 years. I've only stated the smoke generated by smoking weed is unhealthy in large amounts for a fetus... you call that ragging on weed? :lol::roll:
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
if you gave an infant a prenatal vitamin, the amount of iron in it could kill them, and would definitely be very harmful to a newborn....yet most pregnant woman take them and it is recommended by doctors...what I'm saying is that, the argument of "oh if you wouldn't do it to an infant than a pregnant women shouldn't do it either" is a really bad one.

No actually it is not a bad argument. You could give a 5 year old a prenatal vitamin and it wouldn’t kill them…would you give them mj … in either food or smoke form? The point is you are giving your fetus marijuana. If you have no problem giving it to your fetus... at the most critical time in their life... while their organs and brain are forming.... then I don’t see why you would have a problem giving it to an infant or small child once they are out of the womb.

OMG. I cant even believe what im reading. Dont smoke. Even if there wasnt any studies to prove it was harmful (which there are) its not worth it.

You and me both! Not only are there hundreds of articles on the possible negative effects…. I called a Neonatal nurse friend of mine with 20+ years experience in neonatal case management. I posted what she told me…. a few times… but it just gets skipped over because people here would rather try to “justify” giving their fetus a drug they wouldn’t give their child outside the womb.

There is no doubt in my mind that pot is harmless to a fully grown person, but a developing fetus in another thing.
and that's an "opinion".
As is yours just an “opinion” that mj isn’t harmful to a fetus. Without definitive proof I don’t see why a parent wouldn’t choose to play it safe and not risk it. I guess some people would rather just roll the dice and take a chance.

I suspect if there are any problems with the child….. the mother will forever wonder “if” it could be related to her pot use. I think that would be a hell of a burden to carry. :cry:

do we have ANY evidence that there might be any chances of dangers?

Do we have any evidence there are positively no chances of harm to developing organs by THC intake? I don’t know the effects of THC itself on developing organs and the brain… do you?…. I think this is where we all agree we need more research. THC in an adult is one thing… our organs are already developed….but do we really know for sure it isn’t harmful to organ and brain development in Utero? Isn’t it worth it for the sake of the baby to play it safe and just not use mj or other drugs while pregnant?

we're never going to win with beliefs like these. ten steps backwards.
all the sudden pot is a harmful drug. blasphemy.

I could make the same argument that we are never going to win because pot smokers refuse to even acknowledge the possibility of negative affects of THC on developing fetus’. Suddenly all pot users are doctors who just “know for certain” there are no problems with it and even recommend it to pregnant women. Yeah… that’ll go over well in public opinion.

I’d rather be viewed as a responsible mj user, willing to acknowledge that I don’t know all there is to know about it.

Fdd, I don't think they're are ever going to get it. I have living proof that a few tokes a day won't hurt a baby. She is 20 years old now, so if there was any harm done we'd have seen it by now.

Congratulations on having a healthy baby with no problems. That however is not definitive proof; my mom smoked cigarettes when pregnant with me…. I came out without any problems as well…. does that mean there are no risks associated with cigarette smoking during pregnancy? No… it means she (actually “I”) got lucky.

Perhaps some day it will be decriminalized and we can get definitive research on the effects of THC at every stage of fetus development done by objective medical researchers and physicians. Who knows what it will reveal????

The truth is …. today we do not know the effects of THC on the developing organs and the developing brain of the fetus. So shoot me for thinking it’s best to error on the side of caution in the interest of the baby. :?


New Member
It's very irresponsible to smoke while pregnant, to smoke anything while pregnant is stupid... no matter how benign because it starves the fetus of oxygen and there is no arguing that. It interferes with the bloody supply and flow to the fetus so your child might be born smaller and more frail than if you hadn't smoked anything, and we all know what problems small, underdeveloped babies face once they come out. I also don't see how you can downplay what Florida Girl is saying, it's exactly like blowing weed into a baby's face, except you're not even giving the baby a chance to look away, you're forcing it upon them which is beyond irresponsible, it's Darwinism. Phewww... my .2 cents. :eyesmoke:

All you.

For the record, my non-smoking baby weighted 5 lbs, my smoking baby weighed 7 lbs 6 1/2 OZ.


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with what I said? It's all facts of smoking anything. Oh, and I bet your smoking baby weighed more because you smoked, got the munchies, and thus took in more nutrients and beneficial vitamins for the baby! Yay for common sense. :twisted:

The truth is …. today we do not know the effects of THC on the developing organs and the developing brain of the fetus. So shoot me for thinking it’s best to error on the side of caution in the interest of the baby. :?
Great responses... it's sad these people just accept that there's no possibility of harm and condone it. I especially thought the same to fdd's 10 step backwards comment... imagine if the public saw this topic, now that would truly be 10 steps backwards.
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
All you.

For the record, my non-smoking baby weighted 5 lbs, my smoking baby weighed 7 lbs 6 1/2 OZ.

LOL... Are you suggesting that beyond any doubt it was the marijuana smoking made one baby heavier then the other? There were no other factors that possibly could have affected birth weight... including just good old genetics? I don't know ONE medical professional that would back you up on that "definitive declaration"..... and I work with physicians and nurses every day.


Well-Known Member
This is just an opinion from personal experience, so don't take this as a recomendation or advice.
My mom smoked weed while pregnant with me. Not a ton, but it helped with morning sickness, etc. I believe she smoked even after the morning sickness was gone, but I don't think it was an excessive amount.
Well, when I was born, there were some issues, and I was premature by a little. Not much, just a couple of weeks. I didn't have to spend any time in the hospital or anything, but there were some issues in the womb.
However, once home, everything was fine. As a child I was put into a school for gifted children at the age of 3. In 3rd grade, the school asked my parents if they would like for me to skip a grade since I was using different books than the rest of my class. My parents kept me in my original class, which was good choice.
Now that I am a grown man, I have 3 college degrees and an IQ of 135, just 5 points below the genius level. I am perfectly happy with the way I turned out and don't believe that the MJ smoke by my mom did any harm in my long term development.
Like I said, I'm not a Dr., I can only give my personal experience and opinion on this issue. I don't think its good to smoke an 1/8th a day, but if you take a puff here and there, I don't see anything wrong with it.