Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

maybe you can put your ego aside long enough to take what you can from someone with knowledge on a subject. i don,t agree with everything, but i take what i can. try it some day!

"look how I compliment myself while saying something insulting to you. If you respond indignantly to what other people do then you may say whatever you like." Option 1 meant saying nothing and ignoring the person. Option 2 meant saying something to make yourself appear to be standing upon a moral high ground while couching your insult in pleasant language.

Ego? Get a clue dude. Are you really referring to the imagined structures of a cokehead? You do know that Freudian psychology was discredited decades ago by real science, don't you?

Furthermore, an ego is not something that is "put aside" if you do subscribe to the theory that unobservable constructs are in control of our daily behavior. Logically, if a person's behavior is ruled by their ego, then if the conscious person could just "put [it] aside", then do we not need a fourth structure? I think that what you meant to say was "the desires of your id to demoralize and insult people are not properly offset by a moral and good super-ego, therefor, your ego's attempts to balance the two fall into what would generally be considered rude." But, I'm not a pop-psychologist and we are forgetting that the only function of your statement was to say "look at how just and good I am, I am the purveyor of all things moral on the internet." Get bent. (this is where your faulty schemas do not allow you to interpret this as a correct statement about your passive aggressive nature. Instead, you will protect yourself by first finding fault in me and then discrediting anything said. After that you will turn to a small and sheltered circle for validation of the faulty structures that have been so deeply strengthened to this point - and the circle continues. i said, put your ego aside, but i guess thats impossible for some.

no, you didn't tell me to put my ego aside. So, are you talking to me now or the original person? Everyone has an ego problem? I thought I was explaining how you misused the term in order to prevent you from continuing to look foolish. Wait, when you issue a command, if someone doesn't follow it then "thats impossible for some"? So, you misused a term and originally talked about what you do and purported to give advice on how to better use the forum, but now it was a command whose premise has somehow been validated? So, if someone chooses not to follow a command containing faulty logic, are confusing, spelling, semantic, and contraction errors aside.
Super cooooooome baaaaaaackkkkkk!!!!!!!!
Damn jealous whiners.
Hope his dad is ok I know he was having issues with his dad.
I know theres a whiner thread somewhere......oh im in it.damn where's that SS thread somehow I got misplaced.
mmmmmm good weed indeed.
I really hope ss didnt let some whiny bitches drive him away from this thread,I know hes still around,but why abandon the thread,there were more of us then them,ones who actually wanted to learn some more.
Any of you guys know what's he using to catch the water to drain back to the resavior in his system? Is that a gutter? I can find everything else except that. Any help is appreciated.
"Drain can be 2"-3" PVC or fence rails"

I've seen super's PVC drain on stink's thread but it wasn't like super's new design. They don't look like fence rails to me.

I thought super was a lazy and "keep it simple stupid" guy so it doesn't make sense for him to get a fence post, cut it and shape it, and cut another one to make a top cap.
Ive used this system. And nothing gets me better yields overall than the rails. I got 9oz from one plant in this system once
I dont understand, there were never any trolls on here. Why are they here. lol

its not a cock contest over here. Hell I havent been on here for 6 months. We all have lifes and come here to just spread knowledge or learn something.
Hi super i hope you are doing well. I have been following your PBP recipe since with great results. Here are some screenshots from your recipe and ph remixppm3b spreadsheet. your bloom numbers are very close to Mel Frank numbers, also finally a leakproof cloner, this tote doesnt leak at all....

good luck and happy growing.

ps I run RO water
Brute cloner.jpg Bloom peak.jpg Grow.jpg Induce Flowering.jpg ro spreadsheet.jpg
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Hi All,

Great thread. Have read this one and stink buds as well as a few others on this type of growing..

I'm into it a little bit now with a similar set up using Technaflora Nutes with great white , hydro guard and a little silica...

I am hoping that someone here can help me out.. I'm at about day 25 at day 21 after I started trimming a bit to clean things up I noticed that the ppm in the res shot up.. so the plants appeared to be only drinking the H20 not the nutes.. ph has been anywhere from 7.2 -6... at 6 when ppm levels are in the 1100 range..

Am I dealing with a nutrient lockout here? Or is it normal for the plants to stop taking nutes for a while? The plants appear to be growing still.. buds are filling in, no signs of distress.

I heard with great white not to adjust ph as it will kill the enzyme .. so I have never adjusted ph just allowed everything to manage itself. .

I'm starting to panic a little bit.. did a flush with straight RO water for 24hrs and then cleaned res as best I could then refilled with a new nutrient mmix.. a little stronger and no awesome blossom.. ppm are up 200 from 18hrs ago.. h20 down to 5 from 10..

Thanks for any help.
Hi All,

Great thread. Have read this one and stink buds as well as a few others on this type of growing..

I'm into it a little bit now with a similar set up using Technaflora Nutes with great white , hydro guard and a little silica...

I am hoping that someone here can help me out.. I'm at about day 25 at day 21 after I started trimming a bit to clean things up I noticed that the ppm in the res shot up.. so the plants appeared to be only drinking the H20 not the nutes.. ph has been anywhere from 7.2 -6... at 6 when ppm levels are in the 1100 range..

Am I dealing with a nutrient lockout here? Or is it normal for the plants to stop taking nutes for a while? The plants appear to be growing still.. buds are filling in, no signs of distress.

I heard with great white not to adjust ph as it will kill the enzyme .. so I have never adjusted ph just allowed everything to manage itself. .

I'm starting to panic a little bit.. did a flush with straight RO water for 24hrs and then cleaned res as best I could then refilled with a new nutrient mmix.. a little stronger and no awesome blossom.. ppm are up 200 from 18hrs ago.. h20 down to 5 from 10..

Thanks for any help.

i would suggest going a bit easier on the nutes. try around 800 ppm for week 3-4, modify from there if necessary. and manually keep your ph at 5.8-5.9 during this time. i also suggest using pondzyme (the kind with barley in it) to replace great white. its much, much cheaper and just as effective, imo. and ive had no issues adjusting the ph when using pondzyme. im guessing the plants arent showing distress yet because theyre living on stored nutes in the leaves and drinking only the water from your reservoir, causing your ppm to rise. you did well to give them a good flush though, its a good first step when things go wrong. and if youre running rails, and you can afford to go buy some extra nutes, i definitely suggest giving the ss recipe a try. i have been using it for a few years now and it performs very well for me. have you seen both the ss threads though? i ask because im basically just regurgitating stuff i learned from ss. if you havent read the older ss thread, i definitely suggest reading through it. tons of info in that thread. if you decide to try the recipe, use the one from page 10(?) of this thread. good luck