Best anti-depressive strains?


Well-Known Member
So we are hunting for some seeds and want a strain which will provide us with some stress relief (while maintaining the ability to work and function normally) - NOT a couch locker. So far, I've heard that Original Strawberry Cough and Durban Poison would be good choices for me. I suffer from extreme anxiety, bi-polar disorder, and the depression/mania that comes with it. Anyone care to suggest a good strain for these conditions? We are looking for a good day-time uplifting buzz :blsmoke:
Thanks for the replies guys :-) No one seems to sell DJ shorts gear anymore. I would LOVE to get my hands on FLO or Blue Velvet !!! Dutch Passion carries Blueberry, but I'm always hearing about their seeds going hermy, and I have no time for that. Anyone know who still sells DJ shorts gear AND is a trustworthy seller?
maui waui is supposedly a really good anti depressant. but popular strains are usually outrageous price wise, so id look for something leaning towards sativa, but still a hybrid. most strains with this effect have these type of genetics, not too heavy sativa but most often its dominant. dont wanna get too indica leaning because then youd have the couchlock effect, and dont harvest too late. check seedfinder, youll probably find some good strains.
Chucky's Bride or Holy Princess would probably be the first choices for this particular condition based on my experience with C99. First time I smoked C99 I cleaned my entire house and felt great. I do not like to clean. has some good c99 crosses too if im not mistaken, underrated breeders but ive heard good things, most strains are still f1s though.
I honestly wouldn't fuck with the polyhybrid messes if you're looking for something quite specific. C99 will definitely treat you right, there is no doubt at all. Stability of the line is good-great depending on the source. Some may be better than others, but all will offer that anti depressant effect with little doubt.

Some folks have had a lot of luck with Lemon Skunk/SLH as well. Lemon Skunk is impossible to find as it sells out instantly (amazing breeding stock, amazing plants in general). People who know realize it's a very true breeding plant with absolutely amazing qualities. I doubt if GHS ever releases it in seed form again for this reason. DNA did a drop and it sold out in like a week. They both have the exact same cut from the same plant and worked together to aquire it.

SLH will always be around. For me I find it wasn't as mood lifting as C99, but I know some feel differently. We're all a little different brain chemistry wise. The other thing is, I know for a fact you will enjoy the flavors of these plants based on your preferences and hate for anything Hazy.