giving defoliation during flower a try

My veg room is 3k. Get ready switch to bloom gotta stake everything and get the dollys in and move everything manana. What you mean than what, thats what I mean. Lol. Confused by the statement?? I was referencing the fact that dudes are fascinated by (2) small ass plants in a closet. I got a 12x10 veg room getting ready for bloom. Gonna show you what some real plants look like pumped up with Advanced Nutrients. Trying to say they only get a pound a light thats a joke, and bs. Tired of hearing people say Advanced isnt good ill show you how good the shit really is. Thats my point.
I for one have never said advanced isn't good. But you are the one who keeps saying that only cannabis specific nutes are good. Which is absolutely false.
Im not here getting into a pissing contest, i got plant limits in state im growing and I can only have 24 plants so obviously wherever these big growers at with 50+ lights would be great we cant do that out here.

My point was dude saying his boy using advanced gettin only a pound per light thats bs cuz he must only have 2 plants then cuz thats ridiculous. I also think its funny that everyone on this dude dick cuz he posted a pic of 2 plants in a closet like he some super hero. Anyone can grow 2 plants that's not even a challenge or any work. Do a 6 light commercial grow by yourself thats a full time job, then see how good everything comes out. Thats my point. Focusin on 2 plants is cake, run 24 of them bigger than those and post em up. Then I'd be impressed.
6 lights is commercial? Ha!
6 light commercial grow, I missed that

So 2 in the pink and one in the stink?
a 6 pack carrier?
The Six-Pack

Used to get a bitch's attention when munching rug. Put your thumb in her ass and your middle finger in her twat so that you are grabbing her taint. It is kind of like grabbing a six-pack of beer by the plastic holders.

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I for one have never said advanced isn't good. But you are the one who keeps saying that only cannabis specific nutes are good. Which is absolutely false.

6 lights is commercial? Ha!

Yes actually 6 light is considered commercial. If your producing over 10 lbs every 60 days thats a commercial grow. Youre not supplying mom and pop smokers anymore. Thats medicine for alot of people. Where Im growing thats one of the larger caregiver grows in state, its really small in this state so not many people are licensed to have caregivers dispensary card for master cultivators, which i am licensed as in the state. Here we got plant counts which are dependent on patients and whether u have a master cultivator license and caregiver dispensary card.

So unfortunately over here its not the wild west man u need to realize that. I have 3 grows total of 14 bloom lights and 10 veg lights, all of them are at diff locations bcuz we have plant counts if u get caught exceeding its automatic 120 days and 10k fine. So I have a few partners/patients whose buildings/homes I use, and run commercial grows as a caregiver which is considered anyone who can grow over I think a 6 lbs supply per month something along those lines.
U guys remind me of this broad i used to date 10 years ago loves nit picking everything u say to twist ur words and try make u sound like an asshole, u guys need to fuckin chill out, esp esteves cuz i seen ur bs plants u shudnt be saying anything to anyone. Ur pathetic little weasel
If u read the post u would see that i said that when asked what it was dipshit. Ur plants r garbage and flowers r crap, so go back to ur job at the circus clown
I think why some people are giving you a hard time is because your acting like nothing about you or your gardens are flawd, and everything your saying is fact and what some are trying to point out is bull shit. No one really likes to be around those type of people in life. If was to point out something i think your doing wrong, (which i have found one) you would blast the fuck out of me saying how stupid iam and that your way is the only right way. Were all on the medical forefront together man.
These are finished pieces of white fire Og and a P that im getting ready bring to dispensary later on today. Just got clean up some leaves and its good to go. So here I just broke up a cola so u can see it, so what u got now? Thats grade A premium right there chump. Hats probably around 17-19% thc. Top seller right here.
I focus on yield per plant cuz if I dont hit my 5-6 ounces per plant i wont hit my goal of minimum 2 per light. Running (6) per light, thats what I need get everytime and Im good.
So you don't focus on yield of 'a' plant, but the yield in total, which was my point. I rather have many plants with medium size colas than one or a two with huge colas.

The main factors are space and time. And what some people forget is that those create the limit.

You constantly speak of yield "per light", while there's only so much light one can fit in a given space. It's grams/oz per sqft/m2 per week (or year) what matters. Anything else, in the context of achieving max yields, is missing the point of indoor growing (being able to have more than a single season/cycle/run per year).

Anyway, what no pissing contest? You said you were going to show pics. Let's see some stalks too. Looks like I don't have a good pic of my thickest this round, so you'll just have to take my word for it that this was the skinniest bitch, didn't make the selection (too short internodes amongst others). The fattest is the one behind it. Those are 3.25" netcups.


I believe thats the breeding room. He is a breeder you know.
Only more reason to grow more than a couple. Those 5 weeks after repotting could have been used to grow out a whole bunch of smaller but still large plants that together would have yielded more, but on the space, in the same time. 8 weeks veg + 9 weeks flower is apart from a week enough for me to do two rounds if I germinate my seeds under T8 a couple of weeks before the first run is done.
I think why some people are giving you a hard time is because your acting like nothing about you or your gardens are flawd, and everything your saying is fact and what some are trying to point out is bull shit. No one really likes to be around those type of people in life. If was to point out something i think your doing wrong, (which i have found one) you would blast the fuck out of me saying how stupid iam and that your way is the only right way. Were all on the medical forefront together man.

I never tell people they r doing shit wrong, ive said many times that there are many many diff ways of cultivating this plant, noone and i mean noone knows everything. Im always learning new things. Im just giving my experience from what I know works, u guys r the ones callin me a liar and tellin me im trying to sell people shit. U guys r callin me a liar and telling me advanced and canna sucks, when i can prove that isnt the case. Ppl wanna pop shit but im at least backing it up with photos and evidence. So please go thru the posts in these forum sections and see who is taking all the shit. Its not me im just defending myself and my techniques i recommend bcux for me they work with great results. I run jnto problems all, the time in my growd everyone does. Its part of the game, unalways have hiccups im just giving ifnormation i know first hand is what works for ME!! Doesnt mean it works for u, as i can proly try ur methods and ur nutrients and it wouldnt work for me bcuz im not familiar with them. U need to try new shit all the time, not just read suttin someone posts and think its true, like saying goes u cant knock it til u try it. And im giving proof advanced is perium shit, and im tired of hearing ppl poppin shit about suttin they proly never even used before.
So you don't focus on yield of 'a' plant, but the yield in total, which was my point. I rather have many plants with medium size colas than one or a two with huge colas.

The main factors are space and time. And what some people forget is that those create the limit.

You constantly speak of yield "per light", while there's only so much light one can fit in a given space. It's grams/oz per sqft/m2 per week (or year) what matters. Anything else, in the context of achieving max yields, is missing the point of indoor growing (being able to have more than a single season/cycle/run per year).

Anyway, what no pissing contest? You said you were going to show pics. Let's see some stalks too. Looks like I don't have a good pic of my thickest this round, so you'll just have to take my word for it that this was the skinniest bitch, didn't make the selection (too short internodes amongst others). The fattest is the one behind it. Those are 3.25" netcups.

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Only more reason to grow more than a couple. Those 5 weeks after repotting could have been used to grow out a whole bunch of smaller but still large plants that together would have yielded more, but on the space, in the same time. 8 weeks veg + 9 weeks flower is apart from a week enough for me to do two rounds if I germinate my seeds under T8 a couple of weeks before the first run is done.

Im going to the spot in about an hour so u gotta give me a few to get there finish work and get back to post them. Proly be able to put pics up by say 230 roughly. Ill put the photos of my nutrients right in front of my pots so u can see, how advanced "snake oils" really perform. And trust me they work really well.