giving defoliation during flower a try

Im not here getting into a pissing contest, i got plant limits in state im growing and I can only have 24 plants so obviously wherever these big growers at with 50+ lights would be great we cant do that out here.

My point was dude saying his boy using advanced gettin only a pound per light thats bs cuz he must only have 2 plants then cuz thats ridiculous. I also think its funny that everyone on this dude dick cuz he posted a pic of 2 plants in a closet like he some super hero. Anyone can grow 2 plants that's not even a challenge or any work. Do a 6 light commercial grow by yourself thats a full time job, then see how good everything comes out. Thats my point. Focusin on 2 plants is cake, run 24 of them bigger than those and post em up. Then I'd be impressed.
why do you want us to impress you?
i only say that cuz we like chatting with you. disrespecting peoples gardens which you have done is not cool.

Im not disrespecting anything those plants look good i never said one bad thing about them. I said i find it funny everyone is amazed by a pic of 2 plants in a closet that only harvested a pound. When he also said his boy used AN and only got 1 per light and used jacks and got 2 per light. Thats ridiculous. I get 2+ a light all day with advanced nutrients 2 part jungle juice. No problem. I said im tired hearing ppl talk shit about a product that I find and is in my opinion far superior than jacks or dyna gro which everyone raves about cuz they dont wanna spend money to find out about AN for themselves and proly have never used it, or used it properly.
Read january's issue of skunk magazine if u get it. Ill put a shout out or discreet reference if they let me in the article, maybe then some ppl will realize who they are speaking with on here. Til then im out. BOL everyone happy harvesting.
Read january's issue of skunk magazine if u get it. Ill put a shout out or discreet reference if they let me in the article, maybe then some ppl will realize who they are speaking with on here. Til then im out. BOL everyone happy harvesting.
you are a legend in your own mind, what a fucking idiot.

UM, you guys saw that schwag bud he posted up,right?
so, you like what riddle has to say? want to guess where I learned all the stuff I was trying to teach in that other thread before that kid threw a tantrum?
Ummm I guess I like some of the things he says as I listen to what everyone has to say here and decide for myself what to try. Actually I keep it simple as well only because I have been growing for quite some time and thats what seems to work for me. And Riddler ? Well he is unique lol. But again I try not to get to judgemental. Fuck its the internet man, try not to take it to serious lol. This thread is a perfect example of the train wrecks these discussions turn in to.
Finally something we can agree on. Let me throw you a bone: you should have included the 8 weeks of vegging, which are worth as much as those 18 oz by itself.
I believe thats the breeding room. He is a breeder you know. Gotta ask RM where's the tanning bed?
Im not here getting into a pissing contest, i got plant limits in state im growing and I can only have 24 plants so obviously wherever these big growers at with 50+ lights would be great we cant do that out here.

My point was dude saying his boy using advanced gettin only a pound per light thats bs cuz he must only have 2 plants then cuz thats ridiculous. I also think its funny that everyone on this dude dick cuz he posted a pic of 2 plants in a closet like he some super hero. Anyone can grow 2 plants that's not even a challenge or any work. Do a 6 light commercial grow by yourself thats a full time job, then see how good everything comes out. Thats my point. Focusin on 2 plants is cake, run 24 of them bigger than those and post em up. Then I'd be impressed.

I don't think anyone is saying AN doesn't work, I think people are pointing out that instead of spending $500 a month to grow weed, it can be done (in Rid's example) and improve yields for all of $30 a month.

I can attest that switching from General Organics to Jacks has doubled and sometimes tripled my yields. Growing with Jacks is so damn easy it feels like I'm cheating.

A buddy of mine uses AN and he's found out how many things can go wrong with using those nutrients. I gave him 23 clones of Pineapple Express and C99 that flourishes in my grow room and with AN his plants are struggling. It takes a lot of hit or miss dialing in those expensive nutrients.......that's a learning curve that I have no patience for such things.
The recovery from the 2nd defoil, which by the way causes branches to rise :)

So what you're saying is the plant has replaced those branches removed from output in the original axis?

I understand that plants will replace that which is lost, up to a point. But I do not practice it as it stunts the plant, sets it back. It's another gimmick, against nature's way. I did it once, plant responded with replaced branches and concluded that it wasn't worth my time.

Yes, you do post many pictures. I'll be honest with you, it's hard to visualize from these photos what's going on. Thanks for sharing.
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Im not disrespecting anything those plants look good i never said one bad thing about them. I said i find it funny everyone is amazed by a pic of 2 plants in a closet that only harvested a pound.

Not "everyone" is amazed. What he showed is what most do. Riddle is a master gardener.

Whether you're growing one plant in a closet or 50 in a room, it doesn't matter, the required cultural skills are the same, only the room mechanics/equipment are different. The 4 main cola on page one (now gone, but 2nd photo below) of my pinned thread yielded 10 oz., vegged for for 3.5 weeks under a 250W HPS with others, finished with only a HPS. This photo is about 15 years old which means I used off the shelf Walmart foods and plenty of common organics like blood and bone meal. This was long before Advanced Shysters realized there were plenty of cannabis sucker bets and started pushing their snake oils on those who don't know any better.




You can take your chest beating self and get the hell outta dodge.

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Wait a minute, this isn't defoliation! This is a method I've recommended for 15 years of posting that I learned from growing tomatoes - bury as many nodes as you can in order to induce root output along the buried trunk.

Man, for a while there you had me a bit confused, sheesh. Thought you had joined the defoil camp.

here is an actual lesson on defoil in veg to offset this 85 pages of hate

I'll let the pics tell the story

View attachment 3299582 View attachment 3299583

Wasn't really relevant to the discussion which has been defoliation = more yield. "giving defoliation during flowering a try"
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All my grows are workin experiments, some one said I could have had 4 in there, truth is I could've had 6 but the title of that grow was based on the plant count limitations set in Colorado (at the time) and was "How to get a pound off two plants" Which I did :)

I believe there are currently more than 15 plants in my garden at the moment and someone mentioned the tanning booth, yeppers I'm still usin it
Wait a minute, this isn't defoliation! This is a method I've recommended for 15 years of posting that I learned from growing tomatoes - bury as many nodes as you can in order to induce root output along the buried trunk.

Man, for a while there you had me a bit confused, sheesh. Thought you had joined the defoil camp.

Wasn't really relevant to the discussion which has been defoliation = more yield. "giving defoliation during flowering a try"
A you should know better lol
and b dude said that defoil in veg was a waste of time :)
Might as well share what I just posted at Riddle's site. Question was the use of Jack's Bloom food and my reply.


1/2 tsp. is not much, BUT, that's relative to the nutrient charge in your soil which is pretty much a crap shoot to guess what it is. That's why I like to use slow release foods. Unlike in the past I don't believe cannabis needs different foods at different times in its life cycle. That is a sales gimmick.

What every one is missing is what is the actual draw of nutrients into the plant. That can only be determined by leaf petiole analysis. Homebrewer and I had this discussion and he pretty well documented via trial and error what his plants were "consuming" while doing hydro. He had his nutrient water analyzed to find out what was left after a certain period of time. I'll PM him and see if he wants to add to the discussion.

I can't think of a more appropriate time to post this discussion we were having on the subject in a Citrus Growing forum. The following came from a professional citrus grower and is very relevant to this discussion now:

In the book "The Genus Citrus" under the chapter "Soil And Cultural Practices" it states that a fertilizer must be chosen that will replace the minerals, and their ratio, that are lost from a citrus orchard, by being taken up by the roots of the trees in the grove. It further states that citrus trees absorb nutrients in the ratio 5-1-3. Meaning that for every 5 parts nitrogen that the roots of a citrus tree absorbs from the soil, it will take up only one part phosphorus, and 3 parts potassium. Fertilizer must respect this ratio when the mineral content in the leaves is satisfactory. Obviously, in cases where the soil has an over dosage or a deficiency of one or more elements, this ratio must be changed to a more appropriate one. I use Jack's Pro High Performance 25-5-15 Fertilizer (a 5-1-3 ratio fertilizer) made by the J.R. Peter Company, because it has the perfect ratio of nutrients that citrus absorb.
Ummm I guess I like some of the things he says as I listen to what everyone has to say here and decide for myself what to try. Actually I keep it simple as well only because I have been growing for quite some time and thats what seems to work for me. And Riddler ? Well he is unique lol. But again I try not to get to judgemental. Fuck its the internet man, try not to take it to serious lol. This thread is a perfect example of the train wrecks these discussions turn in to.
I always find it funny when people get all pissy because a thread took a different direction. Most of the stuff needed was in the first few pages. Who cares what comes after that? even if it stayed on defoil. No one wants to read 88 Pages on that. probably no one is going to read 88 pages of any thread. And you are still here involved in the trainwreck on pg 88, so, aren't you part of the problem?