The Dons' Organic Garden

Also from Microbes:

All manner of macro- and micro-arthropods are able to live in mulches, speeding decay, adding to soils organic content, and attracting other members of the soil food web.

I find this amazing, the combo's and synergy NEVER STOPPA

This is why we took our mulch game up.. it improves everything.
Mulch vs nutribullet, round 2


Add this to a little VC, soil, and wood chips, then see how it tests

Filtered this one for fun. Looks alive! Couple tbsp soil, cup of water, a male, and some trimmings from a house plant.
With a good amount of worms in each pot or plant zone, they pull decaying mulch down into the topsoil, making richer castings.

Im all about the worm tunnels and dens, and the increased aeration and water retention they bring. Thats why I mix them in with the mulch now. They keep reproducing like crazy so why not. Plants like worm exudates, they carry beneficial bacteria and fungal spores too. Then boom these bacteria jump off cause they like the root's exudates. An insane restaurant, I imagine it'd be like riding tremors underground, mon.

Side note:
Not to knock P's worm researcher, he was a pioneer, but in Teaming with Microbes they say each cocoon has about 15 babies. However, they don't footnote their sources until the end of the book.
? I've always said up to twenty worms per cocoon. Oh well...
She was just a bit finicky, like you said!! Just needed some unconditional ushering.

and yes leaving a couple untopped, my man! au naturelle.. even though i sourced a deadly blade from an OG cloner yesterday.. so thin it bends like nothing, so sharp it can slice a finger and nail off

what i will do is take a couple clones here and there and see if anyone can start flowering them.

Btw a black forrest germinated and then came out upside down, root up, seed down...the other one is proper tho.

our only Gravy xxx meanwhile germinated, hopefully it pops thru!!!
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Gawd Dayyam, cutting up medicinal with this bendy Gillette blade has to have taken the Jamaican way to the next level, bra's.
Under the 80x microscope i'm seeing about 80-90% unpopped bulbs in this pile, vs 20-60% with scissors. After cutting, this is RIGHT before vaping or smoking. For when you pursuing a REAL clean, psychooooactive high!
@DonPetro you REALLY GOTTA try brewing some tea with that good ol coconut oil and some thc packed leaves, even some CBD/N laden stems.. just anything. Yerba Mate is best but whatever you like. I don't even use honey its been the truth. I don't know if you'll ever make caps again. It's that good. I won't be stopping the tea. Its a very well rounded, relaxing, clean amazing glow that leaves you smiling heavily, profusely enjoying the moment, even in line or normally frustrating situations, you're elevated, grounded, and energized. With a calm, potent forward leaning focus.
She was just a bit finicky, like you said!! Just needed some unconditional ushering.

and yes leaving a couple untopped, my man! au naturelle.. even though i sourced a deadly blade from an OG cloner yesterday.. so thin it bends like nothing, so sharp it can slice a finger and nail off

what i will do is take a couple clones here and there and see if anyone can start flowering them.

Btw a black forrest germinated and then came out upside down, root up, seed down...the other one is proper tho.

our only Gravy xxx meanwhile germinated, hopefully it pops thru!!!
I had high hopes that she'd come around for It could have to do with the plant self-regulating like in nature. Takes time to adjust.
The fat be crucial, and I prefer a long, slow, low-temp steep
I will have to try that. I think my coconut oil may have spoiled on me. Texture was off last time.
@DonPetro you REALLY GOTTA try brewing some tea with that good ol coconut oil and some thc packed leaves, even some CBD/N laden stems.. just anything. Yerba Mate is best but whatever you like. I don't even use honey its been the truth. I don't know if you'll ever make caps again. It's that good. I won't be stopping the tea. Its a very well rounded, relaxing, clean amazing glow that leaves you smiling heavily, profusely enjoying the moment, even in line or normally frustrating situations, you're elevated, grounded, and energized. With a calm, potent forward leaning focus.
Pot butter Really messes with my guts. How the "tea" on the ole belly?
I had high hopes that she'd come around for It could have to do with the plant self-regulating like in nature. Takes time to adjust.

I will have to try that. I think my coconut oil may have spoiled on me. Texture was off last time.
Damn! thats a shame.. But good on you, you won't regret it, bro!
I tasted some expensive coco oil it was sooooo creamy, so melty, so tasty. I don't even like mine for flavour but I get it in, lol.