Random Jibber Jabber Thread

An independent country as it were> Think about infrastructure, financing, trade agreements; how is this going to be financed, stuff like that
but its facts , there are no facts for what ifs. youre bringing up excellent points but thats not the aissngment the assignment in based straight on fact
she doesnt want what if this happend she wants facts government written facts and laws, i have those BUT I CANT MENTALLY UNDERSTAND what they say im too stupid...
fuck it , i give up sorry man i know youre trying to help but this is just adding more frustrations
but its facts , there are no facts for what ifs. youre bringing up excellent points but thats not the aissngment the assignment in based straight on fact
she doesnt want what if this happend she wants facts government written facts and laws, i have those BUT I CANT MENTALLY UNDERSTAND what they say im too stupid...
Email me someof the references that you are referring to.

And no, you are not too stupid....that shit is purposely written so only lawyers can understand it
Maybe make your verbal presentation on the argument you present here and just regurgitate the shit from the government for your paper.
Maybe make your verbal presentation on the argument you present here and just regurgitate the shit from the government for your paper.
cant. nothing ont he report can be in the presentation it is essentially two assignments in 1.
ontop of this i have 14 other papers due by monday which were given out by thursday (yesterday)

how the fuck does anyone even get that done in less than 5 days
ontop of this i have 14 other papers due by monday which were given out by thursday (yesterday)

how the fuck does anyone even get that done in less than 5 days

At some point it will become impossible to finish everything. They are seeing how you respond to pressure and how you prioritize. You are easily more than smart enough for this shit and I'd be willing to tell you if weren't.
Jr. High school girls discovered the efficacy and versatility of tissue paper^^^^

Compacts to much and you still end up sloshing about like you're in your mama's shoes!

Your not going to tell me who that chick is huh?
Look right now she needs you to bang an instructor or two so they'll lay off the assignments for a bit. FOCUS here please! and as CN says, "Take one for the team".

Shoes... Nice

I had court yesterday and won! Furthermore I did it muhahahahha View attachment 3293573

Yeah you still OWE ME THOSE BOOT IMAGES! Congratulations on that win! Those are the tastiest.