Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Sadly after he went deaf he probably thought you were coming on to him! LOL those types can't learn. @Singlemalt don't forget wrist circumference.

well I was wearing my most awesome party footwear. We were on our way to go out that night….


But I don't think he was hitting on me. He was such an asshole. I mean you sensed it just by being within his orbit. A guy who is that pissy wouldn't be hitting on a woman I don't think. If so, then he should rethink his game, AND his Serpico shoes.
well I was wearing my most awesome party footwear. We were on our way to go out that night….


But I don't think he was hitting on me. He was such an asshole. I mean you sensed it just by being within his orbit. A guy who is that pissy wouldn't be hitting on a woman I don't think. If so, then he should rethink his game, AND his Serpico shoes.

Oh nice shoes! I would wear those! Size 6 perchance?
fucking school project im so irritated by it i cant get myself to even focus on it
i dont understand anything im finding research wise ugh
Izzit still Native peoples and self-government?
yeah i just dont get it.

i cant find any research that isnt completely written in political jargon i can even remotely fucking understand its making me really really really irritated.

i dont understand it, and i dont understand how im going to make a 15 minute talk on facts alone. i just dont get it.
nothing is written in plain fucking english and its due fucking monday
yeah i just dont get it.

i cant find any research that isnt completely written in political jargon i can even remotely fucking understand its making me really really really irritated.

i dont understand it, and i dont understand how im going to make a 15 minute talk on facts alone. i just dont get it.
nothing is written in plain fucking english and its due fucking monday
Whats the premise of the topic? Is it NP forms of gov't? Is it teaching NP how to self-govern? (as if they need that). Whole thing sounds like utter bullshit?

Sunni, post a url on a couple of the research materials you're using, and something the teacher has published
Whats the premise of the topic? Is it NP forms of gov't? Is it teaching NP how to self-govern? (as if they need that). Whole thing sounds like utter bullshit?

Sunni, post a url on a couple of the research materials you're using, and something the teacher has published

the thing is there really is no premise, which makes its harder because teacher is giving you free reign, she gives you a topic i have to write 4-6 page report than i have to do a public speaking for 15 minutes on it but it cant be my report itself.

teacher said i can only use websites that are .org or pdf file.
i havent found anything that isnt just straight up political law from the canadian website, aside from the nunavut website and the yukon website which are self government provinces (kinda) but even their websites are just more political jargon.

im supposed to give facts just straight up facts about first nations self government but there isnt much go on, aside from indian acts of 1876 and what the canadian government has already had in affect.

furthermore im not native so i dont really understand why first nations people think its a good idea to have their own government and have nothing to do with the canadian government but live in canada..

its not a realistic ideal....neither is conforming or loosing heritage but self government imho doesnt really make sense :/

whos goingto be under that self government, does the indian act stay in affect? does anyone who lives OFF rez continue to be under canadian law or self government law?
too many what if factors in it...

what about prisons, and criminal acts...
id unno man im just lost, because im ignorant to it i dont understand it, and i have no one who was a grandparents who taught me about aboriginal culture, anything i know is self taught, or from a history book and we all know aboriginals never kept written text back than or even today
What I'm trying to understand is: are "they" (not NP) inferring that NP gov't would be different type from any other form somewhere in the world? I always try to understand the motives behind questions, and it seems as if the assigned work isn't well thought out and way too ambiguous.
Dunno if its acceptable, but maybe contrast Can. NP tribal gov'ts with U.S. NP tribal gov'ts, economic resources, like casinos or owning lands with valuable desired natural resources? a thought
What I'm trying to understand is: are "they" (not NP) inferring that NP gov't would be different type from any other form somewhere in the world? I always try to understand the motives behind questions, and it seems as if the assigned work isn't well thought out and way too ambiguous.
Dunno if its acceptable, but maybe contrast Can. NP tribal gov'ts with U.S. NP tribal gov'ts, economic resources, like casinos or owning lands with valuable desired natural resources? a thought

well native people dont have self government in america either, the state of reservations doesnt have to do with self government so it would be off topic or rather would be the criteria of the assignment itself. the assignment is self government which is native people have their own government while living in canada and not having to follow any canadian law.
the issue im having is understanding exactly what native people mean by self government there is nothing of value to be found to really understand what they want , and how they plan to get it.

they all preach self government but there is nothing to make an entire report off of except current canadian laws and legislation that havent passed which i dont understand because its all written in highly political reports which i mentally cannot comprehend
OK, now I get it. Sumthin like the Quebecois wanting their own gov't? So, you are supposed to support or oppose the concept of self government, with arguments, facts and theory, correct?
Basically secession?
OK, now I get it. Sumthin like the Quebecois wanting their own gov't? So, you are supposed to support or oppose the concept of self government, with arguments, facts and theory, correct?
Basically secession?
yes just like that except
it is neither support or oppose is just straight facts... but anything im finding its just all politcal wording i dont get it
i am simply too stupid to understand anything that is written about this and i cannot mentally comprehend anything im reading so its causing alot of distress and no report.