giving defoliation during flower a try

It's his job!!!!

When I worked at the Honda dealership.. Honda's where the best.
When I worked at the Polaris dealership.... Polaris was the shit!!!!
When I was service manager at the Husqvarna dealership guess what.... Husky was Bad ass!!!

Get my point???

PS: Honda is the best!!!

We drive a Lexus, or, we don't drive at all. ;)
i was just interested in how the op subject was going......then i read the above dick posts lol

forget it ill read from the
Unwere at the boston expo last month? Lol ur an idiot
Kyle kushman had a shirt with a huge pot lead on it w a plastic frame case w pot leaves w like 8 diff color leafs on it he was passing sround showin ppl how his vegamatrix nutrients work bro what r u talkin about. The dudes from h&g gave me nutrient recipes for the chem they run using there bio1 line noone wouldnt talk about growin pot idk what ur talkin about cuz aint noone keepin shit hush hush last month
SO< WHERE ALL THE WEED AT??????????????????

Glad my plants can't read.

Bottom line to all this? There's a lot of chest beating and blowing smoke over nothing. As long as the plant is getting its 13 essential elements in a balanced ratio, it doesn't care about brands. That's a human profit thingie. As you know I lean on a high N food which is totally against the grain of the snake oil salesmen. I've persuaded many a gardener who benefits by getting away from the ultra low N foods. As I've said before cannabis is nothing more than a foliage plant that flowers, like all foliage plants. Accordingly, it loves N.

What we have here is a master troll who has hooked us all. ;)
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Glad my plants can't read.

Bottom line to all this? There's a lot of chest beating and blowing smoke over nothing. As long as the plant is getting its 13 essential elements in a balanced ratio, it doesn't care about brands. That's a human profit thingie. As you know I lean on a high N food which is totally against the grain of the snake oil salesmen. I've persuaded many a gardener who benefits by getting away from the ultra low N foods. As I've said before cannabis is nothing more than a foliage plant that flowers, like all foliage plants. Accordingly, it loves N.

What we have here is a master troll who has hooked us all. ;)
doesn't really make sense... he works at a store that sells multiple brands, not the advanced nutrients dealership. he also recommends other nutrients, which really aren't that much more expensive. for example, botanicare is the same price as dyna-gro where I live (16 bucks a quart). I tend to agree GH flora and floranova is shit, and the bottles of dyna-gro have a tendancy of forming crystals in the bottom, which was giving me N tox so I moved on.

so.. is anyone actually trying this defoliating during flower still :confused:

All of the shops I have worked at sold multiple brands. Sorry the meaning of my post was missed!!

He works in a hydro shop, he pushes what his shop sells not what another shop sells. It's the way the game works! If he got fired today and went to work at another shop in the morning, he would be pushing what they sell!!

I stopped removing parts of the plant's directly after doing my own experiment with defoliation. I don't even "clean up the lower part of the plant" as it makes some wonderful butter!!! Waste not, want not.....

PS... I do not claim to be a good grower or know what I am talking about! I just experiment and see for myself...
I thinned her out a little but man its still so leafy . I dontbtake much out
a quick quastion ........ this thread to big for me to catch up with and is just wondering how your plant turned out with defoliging ?... mines at about this ^^ stage and i might give it go :)......thanks.

edit: there was a pic in your post but its not there....i think it was on like page 3?..idk
Bro I own a hydroponic gardening store. And for the 3rd time!!

I dont carry Canna indont have an account w them because they regulste who gets their products and theres a store about 20-25 miles from me thats been open for a few yesrs before Indid and they have the Canna account, so by me saying canna and their boost is best bloom enhancer including the pk13/14 for a base nutrient and additive that works. How am I trying to sell people shit I dont even carry?

Like i said Canna IMO is the best all around complete nutrient line up that you really dont need to add anything but calmag too. And thats how this whole thing started.

I also recommended other companies like Advanced and Botanicare that I feel have great all around products including their bloom enhancers. ( these 2 companies I do carry). I am not trying to sell anyone amything Im just saying that they work well and that was my response to the threads question which led to everyone jumping on me saying im trying to sell shit when i am never gonna see anyone one of you at my shop anyways so what would it matter to me what you buy?

If u came into my store I dont psuh products i recommend things that I know work for certain applications some better than others. If i wanted to make money Id tell everyone to buy GH and I make most profit off that. advanced and botanicare dont make slot bout 50% opposed to 100% on other brands so plesse stop saying im a salesman bcux thats not the case at all which Ive made very clear. Thank you
So since I like certain products better than other im a salesman.. So unce ben must be a rep for dyna gro and jacks classic cuz he tells everyone to use those then too right? Im trying to sell ppl shit i dont even carry? Lol u guys r ridiculous seriously.
Bro I own a hydroponic gardening store. Bla bla bla.... If i wanted to make money Id tell everyone to buy GH and I make most profit off that. advanced and botanicare dont make slot bout 50% opposed to 100% on other brands ...... Thank you

That is why I stay away from those stores!!! It's all about the markup and making the $$$$$........

Of course that is my personal opinion on that subject!!
Bro I own a hydroponic gardening store. And for the 3rd time!!

I dont carry Canna indont have an account w them because they regulste who gets their products and theres a store about 20-25 miles from me thats been open for a few yesrs before Indid and they have the Canna account, so by me saying canna and their boost is best bloom enhancer including the pk13/14 for a base nutrient and additive that works. How am I trying to sell people shit I dont even carry?

Like i said Canna IMO is the best all around complete nutrient line up that you really dont need to add anything but calmag too. And thats how this whole thing started.

I also recommended other companies like Advanced and Botanicare that I feel have great all around products including their bloom enhancers. ( these 2 companies I do carry). I am not trying to sell anyone amything Im just saying that they work well and that was my response to the threads question which led to everyone jumping on me saying im trying to sell shit when i am never gonna see anyone one of you at my shop anyways so what would it matter to me what you buy?

If u came into my store I dont psuh products i recommend things that I know work for certain applications some better than others. If i wanted to make money Id tell everyone to buy GH and I make most profit off that. advanced and botanicare dont make slot bout 50% opposed to 100% on other brands so plesse stop saying im a salesman bcux thats not the case at all which Ive made very clear. Thank you
theres nothing wrong your job so long as you know what your talking about.....good luck
All business is about making money. Same reason u grow for to make money or limit costs on paying for it from someone else. Money is irrelevant in buying nutrients some products that are awesome are some of the chespest things i carry, while other products that sre super expensive are also worth the money but they come eith cost. But if they increase yield and quality then price is only a deterent of returns on your money. Theres no nutrient thats so expensive the average person cant afford it, so idk why ppl treat it that way. Example canna bases by quart are roughly same price as a quart of gh or botanicare, advanced quarts are few dollars more but nothing crazy. Its mostly only the bloom enhancers and roots stimulants that command top dollar but their also the products that do the most for your plants in addition to the bases you are using. Theres not one magic nutrient anywhere im sure someones trying figure that out right now but it wont happen bcuz all varieties are diff and require dif shit. Thats why using a combination of diff products from diff companies is ideally whats necessary to have best results. Once again thats my opinion on the situation. Im sure someone will have something to say lol