First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
I was intrested in your grow, skipped to the last page to see where u were at and it's dieing, sorry to here that, hope your outdoor grow goes better! My first grow was a complete diaster! Not that long ago either and even now i look back and feel embarassed by it lol. Gd luck with whatever you try next though!


Well-Known Member
my seeds almost ready to plant,its craced and i see the little baby stem,not out yet though going to wait till its about at 1/4 to 1/2 inch.DUDE HIGH TIMES RULES! I bought 3 magazines today and im amazed! and the bud in their is orgasmic!! haha,anyways stay tuned


Well-Known Member
Seed is planted,i need to buy a new bag of soil soon though,this one ripped me off,it didnt even fill the pot more then halfwa last time it was a 3/4 full,ad the soil is better then before,no actualy weed in it this time,but hpefully my plant starts offgood,im going to transplant to new soil after about 2 weeks or so! ill update pics once the seedling breaks ground


Well-Known Member
i took an old mcdonalds large cup and cut it in half so its about the same size as thosesolo cups maybe bigger,took the soil flled it till aout half inch,put the seed in,filled it up the rest to cover seed,watered,put drainage holes in the bottom,i put 4 slits witha knife,starting 2 more seed right now for germination!

ALL THANKS TO MY GOOD FRIEND SATMAN! going to grow out 3 plants until i know sex,after i get them sexed im going to plant the biggest and healthiest female in my 3 gallon pot ( if i got a female,hopefully) and then throw away the males,and if i get 2 females im going to keep flowering the other female in this small cup because then i can maybe get like 4 grams or so off the tiny one


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so 2 more seeds planted!!!! and the first one has sprouted not fully yet but its turning up towards the light :-) yay im happy!! i got one more seed thats germed im deciding if i should go in the field and plant it right now or throw it in front of my window in the ground,i live in an apartment and my window is street view,but im wondering if neone would know what it was like if i Top it and everything


Well-Known Member
yup ill update with pics tommorrow,giving it a day to actually grow above the soil,and maybe the other ones will pop up to :-)

Wolfman Zen

Well-Known Member
Ok guys so 2 more seeds planted!!!! and the first one has sprouted not fully yet but its turning up towards the light :-) yay im happy!! i got one more seed thats germed im deciding if i should go in the field and plant it right now or throw it in front of my window in the ground,i live in an apartment and my window is street view,but im wondering if neone would know what it was like if i Top it and everything

Maybe not at first..... but it would be hard to ignore the odor when she starts to flower =]


Well-Known Member
LOL yea everyone would be like PARTY!! but yea i might just go out in the field dig a little hole,and plant it water a little then not come back till right before the first frost


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so 2 more seeds planted!!!! and the first one has sprouted not fully yet but its turning up towards the light :-) yay im happy!! i got one more seed thats germed im deciding if i should go in the field and plant it right now or throw it in front of my window in the ground,i live in an apartment and my window is street view,but im wondering if neone would know what it was like if i Top it and everything
in front of your window is a bad idea that ish will dissappear for sure. taking it to a field is a good idea but youd do better just growing it inside i think.


Well-Known Member
LOL HAHAHA i know!!! haha im just going to take the seed into the forest over by my house and plant it GUERRILLA YO! haha btw im not going to update pics today because my cam is lost (ill find it when im blown) the 2 newer seeds didnt sprout yet but sure they will,the other one is doing pretty ok!


Well-Known Member
Hows your survial rate of these seedlings? If its not very good I got some tips for ya. It took a lot of trial and error for me to get the greenthumb. If I germ 20 seeds, Ill end up with 20 plants.


Well-Known Member
ive never failed at a germ attempt yet :-) every seed i TRY to germ GERMS! and im guessing itll all go well,im only going to flower one or 2 of them,unless all 3 turn out to be FEMS,then i have a big decision to make


Well-Known Member
ive never failed at a germ attempt yet :-) every seed i TRY to germ GERMS! and im guessing itll all go well,im only going to flower one or 2 of them,unless all 3 turn out to be FEMS,then i have a big decision to make
Yer that's why i only germanated 2 of my seeds anymore and if they had been all female would have had the same problem having to decide too! fingers crossed we both get females!


Well-Known Member
I hope so,lol i hpe i get 3 females cause ill just plant one in the 3 gallon pot,then take the other 2 and transfer to outside somewhere :-)


Well-Known Member
gobears4eva- did you find out way your last plant started turning yellow? Cos i think my new plant is heading the same way! That will be 5 then if the same happens to this one. Any ideas? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
well it could of been the shitty soil i had like a bad PH iimbalance,it helped a little when i flushed,but also it was bad nute burn the burning because i added nute spikes to my soil befor ei was supposed to and it was like RAPING my plant,btw everyone all 3 sprouted and ims toked!


Well-Known Member
Glad all 3 have sprouted! Only a another few months to go! lol. I've been counting down the weeks with my grow already and there not even 2 weeks old yet!