First time grower,going to stick through it till the end


Well-Known Member
LOL i know the feeling,my first plant was a week,then my 2nd 3 weeks when it died,and these better live or im going to fucking cry!!! hahaha ill get pics soon!! my cam sucks so im trying to wait till they r big enoughto c on the cam HAHA,im only going to be vegging a month or so,then transfer one to big pot but i need to sex tem first so yea! lolim stkoed


Active Member
that poor thing was stretched to shit... but keep your cfl's less than an inch from the top of the plant, they dont generate enough heat to do any cellular damage!

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Seedlings are very tender. 1 you get thrru 3or4 weeks and get them in some bigger pots they are pretty hardy. Good luck!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
yea,will be up shortyl,im on the phone with 2 chicks right now who r horny :-) so yea kind of busy trying to keep them in the damn mood! haha


Well-Known Member
Ok so heres the pics of the seedlings:

The cups im using,one mcdoandls,one white castle,and one Golden Corral HAAH


White Castle Seedling,told u my cam is kind of shitty!

NVM not Golden Corral,TACO BELL!! I forgot haha this is Taco Bell! hard to c but u see it!

The oldest,2 days older then the rest this is Mcdonalds haha getting big

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Looking good so far gobears. Remember keep them moist but don't over water, and no nutes for 2 or 3 weeks and you should be on your way to big buds!

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
yup,ill start nuting 3 weeks in to be safe with my Schultz plant food the NPK value is 10-15-10 and i heard to start off with 1/4 the reccomended strength so thats what ill do,ill update pics every 2 days,plants r looking extra nice and bigger today!! and ive been keeping them moist,and not over watering i got the drainage holes,ALOT of drainage holes so it drains nice,and then the soil absorbs the water that drains slowly to keep it good! thanks guys at least now people r watchig my thread again!


Well-Known Member
yup yup bro,im hoping for the best!! growing is a learning game,kind of like learning how to play the ladies,u suck at first but the more u do it the easier it gets,take me for example i can get any female to eat out the palm of my han ;-) j,p but seriouslly im big pimping! haha

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hows gobears4eva today? Hope you and your girls are ok. Any new pics?
They grow so fast when they are this stage. I finnaly saw some trics changing to amber last night so I think this week some time I will harvest my first crop of 2 plants. Just in time because my next batch of 6 are getting pretty big.

:peace:peace man:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey there goobear i just starting reading your thread today and found it intresting and funny lol. that really stinks about the first 2 plants im on my first grow and i dont know what id do if they died :X you should check out my thread ive had a few hiccups also but my plants seem to be doing good! Ive been using grow lights that i found at lowes.. and a few cfls. Ill have to say the grow lights seem to work better but are hot :/ but i did find a flurocent grow light at walmart that seems to be working very well i also am on a tight budget but found this for 10$ and it seems to be good might be something to look at :X well i hope this grow goes better for you! Dont give up, dont over think, just use your instinct and ull be fine :) i also had nute burn on my smallest plant but flushed right away and it has been doing great since.. ill never nute early again lol! ill stay tuned and gl again:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thanks to all u guys for being infroemd,and i will check out ur thread later on im about to leave,pics updated tonight,got new student orientation at college so ill b gone 5 hours! ill update tonight bros!


Well-Known Member
ok some updates of the seedlings,I bought a bag of new soil for when i flower it,and i got some new hooks cause mine r shitty!

Side View of Mcdonalds

Taco Bell!

Damn its White Castle,i got a bad pic lol u can see the big leaves! haha

Best pic of all,u can see all 3,whats wrong with mcdonalds,its droopy,the 2 newer leaves r drooping bad!
See how bad its drooping,is it overwatering?I noticed its not draining as well as the other cubs maybe i should cut more slits!


Well-Known Member
You should put a reflector on those lights. They sell them at hardware stores, you can put two cfls in one reflector using your y adapters.

Other than that they seem to be doing fine, excellent quality photos by the way:mrgreen: