Some are more equal than others...

TIllegal immigration, outsourced jobs and offshore American businesses didn't all happen at the same time, and those are problems we've always faced as a country to one degree or another.

yeah... illegal immigration didnt "suddenly Happen" in 1970

outsourcing doesnt have shit to do with it

but by all means lets start assigning blame.
in a thread about "income inequality" and "wealth gaps" you are amazed that Marxism comes up? just because Marxism is the dirty little secret you lefties are ashamed of doesnt make it "hate speech"

if you dont wanna hear about marxism, the best way is to NOT EMBRACE MARXIST RHETORIC.

didn't hear a thing about marxism until you started spouting off about it (twice so far in this thread!).

pada just seems to barking up the same old less money in politics tree again. a fairly common, centrist stance if there ever was one.

"service economy" jobs pay far less than manufacturing jobs.

when good paying jobs are offshored to escape confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and the total lack of tariffs and import taxes, the net result is lower wages across the board.

add in huge numbers of unskilled labourers from other nations competing for those same Mcjobs, and the wages are depressed even further.

a rising tide lifts all boats... unless the left drills holes in our hull and dumps concrete in our bilge.

the schemes instituted by YOUR side (and some rascals who claim to be on my side too, of course) have scuttled our economy, and it will continue to sink.

those with wealth and Capital are insulated from the economic meltdown (for now) and thus are not going broke, and some are even profiting by it, through the very Offshoring you claim to despise, yet your favoured policies make it inevitable.

but by all means, focus on your "unfairness" nonsense, rather than the actual causes and the only realistic solutions

This doesn't account for the top 1%;



the schemes instituted by YOUR side (and some rascals who claim to be on my side too, of course) have scuttled our economy, and it will continue to sink.

those with wealth and Capital are insulated from the economic meltdown (for now) and thus are not going broke, and some are even profiting by it, through the very Offshoring you claim to despise, yet your favoured policies make it inevitable.
We've already established I don't have "a side", like you admit you do. I disagree and disapprove of both sides. I have no interest in supporting one side over the other, I support what I believe is best for the country, and crony capitalism clearly isn't best for the country.

Here's a clip of Piketty discussing this;

He says a lot of things you and I both would probably agree with


"service economy" jobs pay far less than manufacturing jobs.

when good paying jobs are offshored to escape confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and the total lack of tariffs and import taxes, the net result is lower wages across the board.

add in huge numbers of unskilled labourers from other nations competing for those same Mcjobs, and the wages are depressed even further.

a rising tide lifts all boats... unless the left drills holes in our hull and dumps concrete in our bilge.

the schemes instituted by YOUR side (and some rascals who claim to be on my side too, of course) have scuttled our economy, and it will continue to sink.

those with wealth and Capital are insulated from the economic meltdown (for now) and thus are not going broke, and some are even profiting by it, through the very Offshoring you claim to despise, yet your favoured policies make it inevitable.

but by all means, focus on your "unfairness" nonsense, rather than the actual causes and the only realistic solutions

those trends were in place from 1950, nothing changed in 1980.

good job on the reagan talking point though. valiant.
This doesn't account for the top 1%;



We've already established I don't have "a side", like you admit you do. I disagree and disapprove of both sides. I have no interest in supporting one side over the other, I support what I believe is best for the country, and crony capitalism clearly isn't best for the country.
Here's a clip of Piketty discussing this;

He says a lot of things you and I both would probably agree with
frenchy was spot on, making the exact same arguments i have made for the forst half of his talk:

1: inequality is NOT NEW
2: having wealth makes getting more wealth easier
3: the middle to late 20th century economy was an aberration, not the "Normal" for economics through history
4: now we are getting back to the historical norms in economics

then frenchy went off the rails, implying that :

1: "inequality" is somehow unusual or unexpected.
2: super high tax rates wont stifle growth (Ha Ha ha ha ha Ha! ohh thats hilarious)
3: super high taxes arent confiscatory, they are "Fair" (ludicrous)
4: capitalists are dangerous predatory bastards who will ruin the world economy with their evil greed.

frenchy started with all the parts needed to build a couch


threw away the diagrams and instructions, assumed shit would just come together if he Hoped and Changed hard enough, and wound up with this:

and you THINK you dont have a side, but thats just cuz you are self-deluded, and completely lacking in introspection.
ohhh another lefty eco-frootloop Fellow-Travelling his way down the yellow brick road to utopia, arm in arm with Karl, Leonid and Josef.

"inequality" is bad, and everybody should have exactly the same shit as everybody else (except the apparatchiks need just a little bit more...)

totally new ideas, never before espoused by anyone with a fancy beard in a coffeehouse in vienna...

1: "inequality" is somehow unusual or unexpected.
2: super high tax rates wont stifle growth (Ha Ha ha ha ha Ha! ohh thats hilarious)
3: super high taxes arent confiscatory, they are "Fair" (ludicrous)
4: capitalists are dangerous predatory bastards who will ruin the world economy with their evil greed.





Higher tax rates = higher home ownership and lower poverty rates

Piketty even addresses how the tax system he proposes wouldn't affect middle/lower economic classes of people, and wouldn't stifle growth since it's less significant compared to their total income

You simply don't agree with the facts


Piketty is a capitalist..

and you THINK you dont have a side, but thats just cuz you are self-deluded, and completely lacking in introspection.

I don't support or approve of the democratic party or the republican party. You support the republican party and their policies
ohhh another lefty eco-frootloop Fellow-Travelling his way down the yellow brick road to utopia, arm in arm with Karl, Leonid and Josef.

"inequality" is bad, and everybody should have exactly the same shit as everybody else (except the apparatchiks need just a little bit more...)

totally new ideas, never before espoused by anyone with a fancy beard in a coffeehouse in vienna...

Do you really think you're smarter than Paul Krugman & Thomas Piketty?




Higher tax rates = higher home ownership and lower poverty rates

Piketty even addresses how the tax system he proposes wouldn't affect middle/lower economic classes of people, and wouldn't stifle growth since it's less significant compared to their total income

You simply don't agree with the facts


Piketty is a capitalist..

I don't support or approve of the democratic party or the republican party. You support the republican party and their policies

1: you failed to include the loopholes and dodges that ensured that those tax rates existed solely on paper
2: even your own graph doesnt show "higher taxes = more home ownership" and the "less poverty" claim is ludicrous.
3: the facts are well established. i dont agree with YOUR conclusions
4: he doesnt sound like a capitalist, and neither do you. it's super easy to call yourself a capitalist, but when you speak you demonstrate that you are in fact a democrat socialist. (psst, thats actually Fascism...)


since the invention of the income tax, it's rates have never been anything but bullshit

high rates, low rates, it doesnt change shit.

and FYI, rich people dont pay "income taxes" they pay capital gains, which your graphs invariably ignore because capital gains taxes are directly linked to the nation's prosperity.

income taxes are a tool for keeping the working classes in their place, and you espouse a tax system which would create a caste system in america, ensuring that a garbage man's kid can never be anything but a garbage man.

Do you really think you're smarter than Paul Krugman & Thomas Piketty?
given the evidence, Yes.

neither of those clowns could balance a household budget using their wacky schemes, and if they tried it they would be in the poorhouse.

like all lefties, they think their madcap theories are just dandy, as long as it's somebody else footing the bill.

kinda like you.