Some are more equal than others...

What caused economic inequality to sharply increase starting in ~1980?

Seems like a pretty straightforward question
Certainly not court rulings in 2010 and 2014. And, according to the graph you posted, it didn't "sharply" increase at all. So not a straightforward question at all, but a lie disguised as a question.
Certainly not court rulings in 2010 and 2014. And, according to the graph you posted, it didn't "sharply" increase at all. So not a straightforward question at all, but a lie disguised as a question.

Citizens United & McCutcheon v. FEC compounded the issue, I've said that 3 times to you now, why do you persist in claiming I said those cases caused it?

What caused the increase in economic inequality starting around 1980?
What caused economic inequality to sharply increase starting in ~1980?

Seems like a pretty straightforward question
so now i have to explain exactly how economics works...

those with Capital use that Capital to amass more Capital.
those without Capital sell their sweat to those WITH Capital, in exchange for currency
when those with Capital can must pay more to Labour for their sweat, Profits decrease for Capital
when Profits decrease for Capital, Labour has more currency
when the reverse occurs, Capital makes more Profit, and Labour has less Profit

blaming Capital for the rest of the world rebuilding their manufacturing infrastructure after WW2 resulting in more competition in the Labour pool is like blaming cats for chasing mice.

American Labour now has to compete with Foreign Labour, as well as unrestricted illegal immigration, a regulatory and tax scheme that seems to be designed to drive US companies to foreign shores, and shitheels who scream cry and hurl blame at anyone who is successful.

Labour has lost a lot of power, and wages are down as a result. this is not the fault of Capital, it is the inescapable cycle of economics.
Now it's the "prove me wrong instead of me proving I'm right" ploy (again). You already proved yourself wrong when you claim court decisions in 2010 and 2014 caused changes in 1980.

Is "Tell me where I'm wrong and lets have an honest discussion about it" a direct quote from "Rules for Radicals"?

honestly, are you retarded or blind?

he cited two court cases from before 1980.
"McCutcheon, et al. v. FEC

Case Summary

On April 2, 2014, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in McCutcheon v. FEC that struck down the aggregate limits on the amount an individual may contribute during a two-year period to all federal candidates, parties and political action committees combined. By a vote of 5-4, the Court ruled that the biennial aggregate limits are unconstitutional under the First Amendment."
Sorry. Not even a "C" for that one. " all political campaign contributions" and "biennial aggregate limits" are two different animals.
Citizens United & McCutcheon v. FEC compounded the issue, I've said that 3 times to you now, why do you persist in claiming I said those cases caused it?

What caused the increase in economic inequality starting around 1980?
Because you DID say it. Quit trying to lie your way out of it. You posted a theory. It's up to you to prove your theory, not up to me to prove some different theory.
since when did we get rid of immigration laws and why is obama deporting so damn many illegal immigrants?

stupid fucking reality.
1: Bwana Obama did not "get rid of immigration laws", he just instructed Cockbreath and the rest of the alphabet soup to not enforce them.
2: "caught at the border and turned around" is not "Deported". changing the way shit is reported to make The One look good is nothing new
3: if he is so busy personally ejecting illegals from the country, why is he so insistent that we have "immigration reform" which is really just another amnesty.
4: why, if The Brahmin In Chief is so adamant on illegals, did he let all those tens of thousands of illegal minors into the country like they were invited guests?
5: you bore me.
American Labour now has to compete with Foreign Labour, as well as unrestricted illegal immigration, a regulatory and tax scheme that seems to be designed to drive US companies to foreign shores, and shitheels who scream cry and hurl blame at anyone who is successful.

Outsourcing jobs, illegal immigration and offshoring businesses didn't all of a sudden simultaneously increase at 1980, so that answer just leaves more questions and doesn't account for the sharp increase in economic inequality at that time
Because you DID say it. Quit trying to lie your way out of it. You posted a theory. It's up to you to prove your theory, not up to me to prove some different theory.

No I didn't. I clearly said Buckley v. Valeo & First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti caused it and Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC compounded it. Go back to page 1 and see for yourself
Outsourcing jobs, illegal immigration and offshoring businesses didn't all of a sudden simultaneously increase at 1980, so that answer just leaves more questions and doesn't account for the sharp increase in economic inequality at that time
the sudden and remarkable turnaround in the US economic markets did that.

the Carter Recession was a direct result of Carter In The Whitehouse. as soon as he go the boot, Profits increased, and when Profits increase Capital makes money.

i really do have to explain every minute detail of economic reality to you dont i?
1: Bwana Obama did not "get rid of immigration laws", he just instructed Cockbreath and the rest of the alphabet soup to not enforce them.

then why are they being enforced?

nice racist jab there by the way.

2: "caught at the border and turned around" is not "Deported". changing the way shit is reported to make The One look good is nothing new

so is that the only thing that is happening? no actual deportations?

or did you just feel a need to repeat a GOP talking point rebuttal when the thing to be rebutted was not even stated?

3: if he is so busy personally ejecting illegals from the country, why is he so insistent that we have "immigration reform" which is really just another amnesty.

because it's the right thing to do.

4: why, if The Brahmin In Chief is so adamant on illegals, did he let all those tens of thousands of illegal minors into the country like they were invited guests?

obama is not sitting on the border with a gun and a beer like the racist vigilante groups you support.

those kids crossed the border and went to authorities because they were escaping all sorts of violence in their own countries.

US law gives them a fair shake at asylum or refugee status. obama is actually being sued by the ACLU for his detain and deport handling of the situation, actually.

kinda sucks for you that none of your nativist bullshit has any basis in reality

5: you bore me.

then go back to AmRen where you came from. or chimpout.
the sudden and remarkable turnaround in the US economic markets did that.

the Carter Recession was a direct result of Carter In The Whitehouse. as soon as he go the boot, Profits increased, and when Profits increase Capital makes money.

i really do have to explain every minute detail of economic reality to you dont i?

my god you could do standup in boulder county being your normal self and everyone would think you are some satirical genius rather than an unskilled, middle aged, overweight racist.
the sudden and remarkable turnaround in the US economic markets did that.

the Carter Recession was a direct result of Carter In The Whitehouse. as soon as he go the boot, Profits increased, and when Profits increase Capital makes money.

i really do have to explain every minute detail of economic reality to you dont i?

You're not addressing economic inequality, you're just saying the economy got better, which doesn't answer the question I asked you; What caused the sharp increase in economic inequality starting ~1980?

If the economy gets better, everyone does better, but the only people that have done any better since ~1980 are the top 1%, having garnered 93% of the gains while 99% of Americans have garnered the remaining 7%


Notice where those lines diverge. Your explanation doesn't address the cause
You're not addressing economic inequality, you're just saying the economy got better, which doesn't answer the question I asked you; What caused the sharp increase in economic inequality starting ~1980?

If the economy gets better, everyone does better, but the only people that have done any better since ~1980 are the top 1%, having garnered 93% of the gains while 99% of Americans have garnered the remaining 7%


Notice where those lines diverge. Your explanation doesn't address the cause

Having Money Makes Getting More Money Easier.

that's groundbreaking shit right there!

your unstated but obvious solution is Redistribution Of Wealth, one of the cornerstones of Marxism

yet even when Marxism becomes dominant, "inequality" persists, every single time.

crying and weeping at the "unfairness" of some being successful, while others are unsuccessful is pointless.

want more money?

go earn it.
Having Money Makes Getting More Money Easier.

that's groundbreaking shit right there!

your unstated but obvious solution is Redistribution Of Wealth, one of the cornerstones of Marxism

yet even when Marxism becomes dominant, "inequality" persists, every single time.

crying and weeping at the "unfairness" of some being successful, while others are unsuccessful is pointless.

want more money?

go earn it.

and there he goes derailing into marxism.

republicans are great, nothing you say is racist, and watch out for those marxists!
and there he goes derailing into marxism.

republicans are great, nothing you say is racist, and watch out for those marxists!
in a thread about "income inequality" and "wealth gaps" you are amazed that Marxism comes up? just because Marxism is the dirty little secret you lefties are ashamed of doesnt make it "hate speech"

if you dont wanna hear about marxism, the best way is to NOT EMBRACE MARXIST RHETORIC.

Having Money Makes Getting More Money Easier.

that's groundbreaking shit right there!

your unstated but obvious solution is Redistribution Of Wealth, one of the cornerstones of Marxism

yet even when Marxism becomes dominant, "inequality" persists, every single time.

crying and weeping at the "unfairness" of some being successful, while others are unsuccessful is pointless.

want more money?

go earn it.

The solution I support is to enact a 28th amendment to the Constitution which would overturn the four supreme court decisions previously listed and remove the financial influence in American politics.

So pretty much the complete opposite of Marxism. I support capitalism.

The economic system we currently have redistributes the wealth to the top 1%, which is ironic considering you're the one supporting and defending it.

Either way, you seem to be trying to shift the discussion to solutions when we're still in the middle of identifying the causes. So I'll ask you a third time, what was the cause of the increase in economic inequality starting roughly around 1980? Illegal immigration, outsourced jobs and offshore American businesses didn't all happen at the same time, and those are problems we've always faced as a country to one degree or another.
You're not addressing economic inequality, you're just saying the economy got better, which doesn't answer the question I asked you; What caused the sharp increase in economic inequality starting ~1980?

If the economy gets better, everyone does better, but the only people that have done any better since ~1980 are the top 1%, having garnered 93% of the gains while 99% of Americans have garnered the remaining 7%


Notice where those lines diverge. Your explanation doesn't address the cause


"service economy" jobs pay far less than manufacturing jobs.

when good paying jobs are offshored to escape confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and the total lack of tariffs and import taxes, the net result is lower wages across the board.

add in huge numbers of unskilled labourers from other nations competing for those same Mcjobs, and the wages are depressed even further.

a rising tide lifts all boats... unless the left drills holes in our hull and dumps concrete in our bilge.

the schemes instituted by YOUR side (and some rascals who claim to be on my side too, of course) have scuttled our economy, and it will continue to sink.

those with wealth and Capital are insulated from the economic meltdown (for now) and thus are not going broke, and some are even profiting by it, through the very Offshoring you claim to despise, yet your favoured policies make it inevitable.

but by all means, focus on your "unfairness" nonsense, rather than the actual causes and the only realistic solutions