About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member
if god is all loving why isnt everyone invited into heaven? why would you have to EARN something you're born with as a natural right. just because people do bad things doesnt mean theyre bad people, everybody is doing they best that they can and the best that they know, and who is anyone to say what is wrong?
but people arent doing the best they can.
they are killing, rapping our children, drugs made by man..
killing and rapping is not wrong?


Well-Known Member
i used to pray to jesus a lot, and he left me hanging, and now i ask the universe and she NEVER fails. thank you almighty - not god
we are all variables in a giant physics equation leading to an inevitable, common, and unifying end that all we know is all we are.

we are all going to die and be forgotten.
our religions and our languages will die and the universe will keep spinning at exactly the same speed it always has.


Well-Known Member
we are all variables in a giant physics equation leading to an inevitable, common, and unifying end that all we know is all we are.

we are all going to die and be forgotten.
our religions and our languages will die and the universe will keep spinning at exactly the same speed it always has.
you dont know that. our languages and religions havent been forgotten yet?


New Member
yea i know...i just want him to give me proven facts. not theories. lol. he wont be able to cuz there are none.

The meek (not necessarily the weak) will inherit the earth.

I typically claim theory for the sake of argument, not because I don't know or understand. Its not about proving in faith as much as believing in your heart and confirming it within your mind by His Truth/Virtue.

This is why the false and evil things attempt to distort your mind to keep your conscience from seeing the consistencies and benefits of Truth/Virtue between heavenand your heart from believing.

The idea of FAITH is to beleive in things that are not until they are.

Do you know how many people wanted to wait and see if God would flood the earth like Noah was telling them; and when they finally saw, it was to late.

Do you know what happened when Adama nd Eve chose to see what the Fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Gopd and Evil would do and what happened once they finally did?​


Well-Known Member
god told adam and eve not to eat the fruit.


The meek (not necessarily the weak) will inherit the earth.

I typically claim theory for the sake of argument, not because I don't know or understand. Its not about proving in faith as much as believing in your heart and confirming it within your mind by His Truth/Virtue.

This is why the false and evil things attempt to distort your mind to keep your conscience from seeing the consistencies and benefits of Truth/Virtue between heavenand your heart from believing.

The idea of FAITH is to beleive in things that are not until they are.

Do you know how many people wanted to wait and see if God would flood the earth like Noah was telling them; and when they finally saw, it was to late.

Do you know what happened when Adama nd Eve chose to see what the Fruit on the Tree of the Knowledge of Gopd and Evil would do and what happened once they finally did?​


New Member
we are all variables in a giant physics equation leading to an inevitable, common, and unifying end that all we know is all we are.

we are all going to die and be forgotten.
our religions and our languages will die and the universe will keep spinning at exactly the same speed it always has.

In the end the Truths of science and math will consistently complement the Truth of God's Invisible/Spirit/Word/Reality.


New Member
Whoaa .. I get up for 5 minutes and there is already 2 more pages.

If there is some kind of existence after death, it won't be an eternal conscious existence in Heaven/Hell. Reality is so complex, we may even just be reborn in a different dimension. Who knows

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, as long as it all fits into 6000 years. Ok, I'm tired of this.Have fun, all.

In the end the Truths of science and math will consistently complement the Truth of God's Invisible/Spirit/Word/Reality.


Well-Known Member

In the end the Truths of science and math will consistently complement the Truth of God's Invisible/Spirit/Word/Reality.
that is because god is only a variable. he is governed by the minds of man. he is limited by our imaginations. he is a creation. we are the creators.

i can not live my life knowing that i do not have the last say.
i have the ultimate control in my life. and unlike god, i have proven it to my self during every second of my existence.


New Member
Yes, its wrong...but its also wrong that a baby that isn't baptized before death can't make it to heaven.


I immediately though Abortion. The righteous are saved by faith; the Good Lord will forgive all wrongs if you sincerely mean it and let Him. Jesus Christ is the only one I know that has covered himself enough through obedient sacrifice to do such a redemptive thing.

According to Jesus: "The children are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"

It is a very bad thing to knowingly teach them to do wrong.​


Well-Known Member
ok but what if god IS real. then when you die and you go to hell and you'll be like man i wish i listened more.
but if it isnt who will be there to punish us for believing or not believing?
its faith, he could be there, he may not be there.
but when i die just in case there is a heaven. i want a spot


New Member
ok but what if god IS real. then when you die and you go to hell and you'll be like man i wish i listened more.
but if it isnt who will be there to punish us for believing or not believing?
its faith, he could be there, he may not be there.
but when i die just in case there is a heaven. i want a spot
Watch this video.. Not only is it funny, but it gets across a good message.

YouTube - An Atheist Meets God

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'll teach my kids any way I want.The way I know is right.And they can choose religion or not for themselves when theyre old enough.

I immediately though Abortion. The righteous are saved by faith; the Good Lord will forgive all wrongs if you sincerely mean it and let Him. Jesus Christ is the only one I know that has covered himself enough through obedient sacrifice to do such a redemptive thing.

According to Jesus: "The children are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven"

It is a very bad thing to knowingly teach them to do wrong.​


Well-Known Member
ok but what if god IS real. then when you die and you go to hell and you'll be like man i wish i listened more.
but if it isnt who will be there to punish us for believing or not believing?
its faith, he could be there, he may not be there.
but when i die just in case there is a heaven. i want a spot
but what if god isnt real. then we die and we realize that we wasted our LIVES.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
See, that's the scare tactic organized religion uses.Quite frankly, if I go to hell because I didn't believe a certain way, then fuck whatever god would put me there,he or she is noone I'd worship.
ok but what if god IS real. then when you die and you go to hell and you'll be like man i wish i listened more.
but if it isnt who will be there to punish us for believing or not believing?
its faith, he could be there, he may not be there.
but when i die just in case there is a heaven. i want a spot


New Member
ok but what if god IS real. then when you die and you go to hell and you'll be like man i wish i listened more.
but if it isnt who will be there to punish us for believing or not believing?
its faith, he could be there, he may not be there.
but when i die just in case there is a heaven. i want a spot

Amen, again.​