About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member
yea but if there is nothing after death then it doesnt matter what you believed in. but if heaven and hell are real your screwed if you didnt wanna believe it


New Member
yea but if there is nothing after death then it doesnt matter what you believed in. but if heaven and hell are real your screwed if you didnt wanna believe it
lol I guess I am. We'll see... It's not like I can help it. It's not really a choice to believe in God or not. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't fully believe.


New Member
See, that's the scare tactic organized religion uses.Quite frankly, if I go to hell because I didn't believe a certain way, then fuck whatever god would put me there,he or she is noone I'd worship.
The darkside: Lindsey Lohan is beating it, Brittany Spears is beating it; by the Spirit of the Most High God, no bullsh-t.

You are not the only one who has been put through hell by loved ones, again Jesus Christ. I am not trying to force anything on you; "we reap what we sow";

maybe regardless of what others is have or will do to you; you need to commit yourself in a non selfish way to do good to yourself and be faithful to the revelations of your heart and conscience.

What the devil use to scare God through Jesus Christ hopes to use to discipline.​

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Now you're trying to use the sympathy tactic...."Aw, put through hell by loved ones...awww...Jesus can fix that..." I'm not one of your sheep, I don't want or believe in YOUR god.
The darkside: Lindsey Lohan is beating it, Brittany Spears is beating it; by the Spirit of the Most High God, no bullsh-t.

You are not the only one who has been put through hell by loved ones, again Jesus Christ. I am not trying to force anything on you; "we reap what we sow";

maybe regardless of what others is have or will do to you; you need to commit yourself in a non selfish way to do good to yourself and be faithful to the revelations of your heart and conscience.

What the devil use to scare God through Jesus Christ hopes to use to discipline.​


New Member
but what if god isnt real. then we die and we realize that we wasted our LIVES.

If you are seving the right Spirit, the Spirit of Truth; no matter how much hell comes before you, you will never die in vain; only those who never turn to the Light and knowingly practice wicked and evil things will die in vain and/or go to hell.

God is as real as you let Him be.


New Member
Whenever in Doubt, trust (always be faithful to) your heart.

God fathers us with His Truth/Virtue/Word in our


The Truth shall set you Free


New Member
People basically worship God out of fear of going to Hell.. Which just doesn't seem right.


I worship God out of a (reverence) desire to reap heaven.

However, to know that my enemies and oppressors will see hell is a justifying feeling.

The more faithful my walk/relationship with Him the greater my reward/Justice will be from him.

Justice is one of primary my motivation.


New Member
the truth is a lie.

Some truths are a lie; but you said the truth; notice the difference betweeen "a" and "the".

My God's Truth is not a lie; it is the Truth, I testify to that; to myself if no one else.


New Member
if god is all loving why isnt everyone invited into heaven? why would you have to EARN something you're born with as a natural right. just because people do bad things doesnt mean theyre bad people, everybody is doing they best that they can and the best that they know, and who is anyone to say what is wrong?


God is also a Just and Orderly God; these things are of His Virtue.

With this in mind; He knows our heart; sincerity good grace and mercy will lead you down the paththat will give you your justice by faith, not necessarily and/or immediaely by sight.

Noise pollution and iniquity could be the reason why you didn't get it when you were asking right away; or maybe you were and didn't realize it right away.

It always has the truest worth in the invisible/spiritual.