Just want easy to make vape liquid

So seems so many ways but none that just say this works right in vape pens. Seen the nicotene pens and the liquid is thin compared to iso finished oil. Want to use the cheap nicotene refill pens because it just seems like if they can vape nic liquid then some type of iso extracted mix should work but I don't know.
I have fantastic bud, to much, and want to use it and not leaf mater. Have the trics from the leaf mater as well to through in, you know, kief from screening. Anyway. Can you make iso "oil", mix it with what, and fill a vape pen with the wicks in the tank so nothing touches the actual red hot coils?? Seen the expensive wax pens and the wax and or the flower material actually contacts the heating coils. Don't know what science people subscribe to but red hot metal contacting pretty much anything what will burn will make carbon smoke out of it and at least make smoke and not just vapor. So to sum up I want vapor in a reasonable pen and I can make it. PG, VG, ISO, all are different animals and would like to know what if I need to thin mix to fill pen to use that is safe and will do the job and or any other good ways that don't take months to make. Thanks...
didn't I answer a threads like this from you here yesterday?

BHO/shatter and PEG400usp works, but separated after a week of storage.

QWISO oil extractions and PEG400usp works perfectly with NO separation, even after 6+ months in storage. I make master batches of 75-100ml at a time for my patients and myself.
Well so many opposing opinions. Why oh why is there not a post that says what to do that works of course, to make ISO into a vape liquid?? Also all the discussions about, decarboxylate and doing that makes little sense. Correct me if I am wrong but you heat any product, concentrates, flowers etc and when that occurs you get the effects. Cooking, burning, vaping heats, so why would this not do what it always has done to make the process of usable thc work? Heat is the key and all uses use heat. I keep reading that making liquid will separate with whatever, pg, vg, etc. ISO, BHO, Co2 all posts say they don't mix or stay mixed so if you put that in a pen vaporizer you will not get even vaping is how I see it and just a mess. So Please, PLEASE someone tell me can ISO be mixed and if so in what and for use in pens like nic pens. Seems if you get it to a viscosity that stays consistant even the cheap refillable nic pens should function but what do I know right. BHO, Co2 are both a pain in the butt compared to ISO extraction and PG+/VG is a long soaking process from what I have read. Alcohol is fast and clean at 99% it is evaporated completely when done right and all you have left is the concentrate. If you burn/heat that to vapor, or smoke it is heated and the thc/cbd's will be active. What am I missing here. So if you can help. If not well sort of know the co2, bho, pg/vg processes are not what I am looking to learn about so lets keep the ISO extraction method as our subject please. Seems this should have a good receipe that works for liquid. Hope to hear the method that works without one post saying one thing and the next saying no way as all the things I keep reading have been stating. Thanks...
didn't I answer a threads like this from you here yesterday?

BHO/shatter and PEG400usp works, but separated after a week of storage.

QWISO oil extractions and PEG400usp works perfectly with NO separation, even after 6+ months in storage. I make master batches of 75-100ml at a time for my patients and myself.

I did not know that BHO would separate from PEG400USP.

I did not know because I do not make BHO. :)
Well so many opposing opinions. Why oh why is there not a post that says what to do that works of course, to make ISO into a vape liquid?? Also all the discussions about, decarboxylate and doing that makes little sense. Correct me if I am wrong but you heat any product, concentrates, flowers etc and when that occurs you get the effects. Cooking, burning, vaping heats, so why would this not do what it always has done to make the process of usable thc work? Heat is the key and all uses use heat. I keep reading that making liquid will separate with whatever, pg, vg, etc. ISO, BHO, Co2 all posts say they don't mix or stay mixed so if you put that in a pen vaporizer you will not get even vaping is how I see it and just a mess. So Please, PLEASE someone tell me can ISO be mixed and if so in what and for use in pens like nic pens. Seems if you get it to a viscosity that stays consistant even the cheap refillable nic pens should function but what do I know right. BHO, Co2 are both a pain in the butt compared to ISO extraction and PG+/VG is a long soaking process from what I have read. Alcohol is fast and clean at 99% it is evaporated completely when done right and all you have left is the concentrate. If you burn/heat that to vapor, or smoke it is heated and the thc/cbd's will be active. What am I missing here. So if you can help. If not well sort of know the co2, bho, pg/vg processes are not what I am looking to learn about so lets keep the ISO extraction method as our subject please. Seems this should have a good receipe that works for liquid. Hope to hear the method that works without one post saying one thing and the next saying no way as all the things I keep reading have been stating. Thanks...

I will offer my opinion.

I have invested much into vaping with ISO made concentrates. Much into decarbing too.

I have come to a new realization about decarbing. Whether it is buds or oil made with alcohol, all of my decarbing will be done with zero heat. I will not exceed room temperature. 100 days of being kept in the dark, the product should be fully decarbed with all medicinal properties. Heat decarbing is a convenience that causes damage to beneficial elements.

Making e-cannabis oil from an alcohol extract.

You have 2 options that I am aware of. You can mix your concentrate with PG USP. How long it will stay infused depends on how much heat you use to mix them and how clean the initial extract is. I have noticed that the more clean the extract, the longer it will stay infused. If you choose this route, you are best off consuming what you mix up within 2 weeks. This method, you should try to avoid glass and in some cases stainless steel clearomizers because it can be very harsh. With the more inexpensive plastic units it is usually nice and smooth. I have steered away from this method because it requires heat to infuse the mixture and that means you are losing a lot of medicinal properties.

My preferred method: Use PEG400 NF/USP instead of the PG USP. It stays infused well with alcohol based extracts. A couple of downsides are the PEG400 is thicker than the PG USP so most units do not work well with it, they flood over and have other problems. Also, you can consider this to be a down side, the PEG tastes bad. This is easily solved by adding a drop or two or three of some organic flavorings per gram of concentrate, these flavorings are meant for e-cigarettes, any e-cigg flavoring should work, I just prefer the organic. Then you can make your concentrate taste pretty much like whatever you want. Watermelon, berry, peppermint, raspberry, etc. Here is a link to the flavorings I like to use. https://highdesertvapes.com/categories/DIY/DIY-Flavors/NF-Organic/

A good thing with the PEG400 NF/USP and using the flavoring, which helps to thin it out a little, you can mix your concentrate without adding heat, at least I was able to. You are limited on the clearomizer that it will work with. My favorite is the KangerTech AeroTank Mini. You will need a variable voltage pen battery. I like the eGo C Twist 650 VV.

I am baked right now from hitting my AeroTank Mini on a VV pen battery.
AeroTankMini QWET with banana nut flavor 8-12-14 033.jpg

I think I got my AeroTank Mini from My Vapor Shop. All glass and stainless steel construction. I have not had any trouble using mine with the PEG400 mix. Lately I have been using banana nut and raspberry flavorings.

I prefer the oil not being decarbed for my e-ciggs. A little difference between the two. Each offers a different buzz, small differences. The non decarbed oils are more noticeable on tasting the strains.
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50/50 ratio of qwiso oil and peg400usp. by weight NOT by volume. works perfectly with out any separation, and the peg400usp is NOT too thick as to cause "draw" issues. NO need to decarb the thc base, as the ONLY reason to ever decarb is for ingestion, not for smoking.

I offer my patients a choice of flavorings: cotton candy, bubblegum, strawberry, blueberry, amaretto, and mountain dew. 1 drop of flavoring per 5ml of thc juice is perfect.
Not smoking! Vaping. We don't want smoke and cannabis flowers or oils need heat to make thc work. Period. If never any heat then no amount of PG vapor will do a thing.
50/50 ratio of qwiso oil and peg400usp. by weight NOT by volume. works perfectly with out any separation, and the peg400usp is NOT too thick as to cause "draw" issues. NO need to decarb the thc base, as the ONLY reason to ever decarb is for ingestion, not for smoking.

I offer my patients a choice of flavorings: cotton candy, bubblegum, strawberry, blueberry, amaretto, and mountain dew. 1 drop of flavoring per 5ml of thc juice is perfect.
Once again can we stick to accurate verbage. We are not smoking, we are vaping. Not in any way the same. Now as for decarbing, when you cook any food infused product it happens. Now if there is a certain temp a pen must attain then I don't know what that might be or what pen that does not cost $150 bucks will do it well. Also have read peg400usp, not to be confused I hope with whatever the NF/USP is as posted above, seems to have posts that say it separates and well more than one say the same thing and it tastes bad. No experiance with it so not sure where to purchase or if it will work with wick type vape pens, nic pens have wicks and empty cartriges. Or what type of pen that will work without the hassles of them fucking up. Let me know. Nic pens are cheap and refillable and the liguid never touches the heat source or am I wrong? Seems anything that touches the heating coils will make a sticky horrible mess and make smoke. LMK how wrong I might be and thanks so much....
I Ecig go type battery will work with a $5.00 plastic tank just fine. I use a better battery now and tend to run mine at around 9 watts when using my e-THC juice (how is that for a term). Nondecarbed QWET or QWISO will work fine.

The only thing that gets fucked up at all are the atomizers. I change them out every 1-2 times I refill the tank and they only cost a few bucks. A bunch is retained in it once it stops working well so I soak it in ethanol and use for the next extraction. You won't want top use that tank for anything else, but it lasts a while. Vape Pen.JPG

I am talking about tank systems like the picture attached.
sorry I meant vaping. I know the difference.

my atmos AND my power pen vapes my thc juice mixture damn near perfectly. I have no issues of clogged atomizers, or anything bad. been using the same cart (refilled about 30x) and no issues. still puffs strong every where I go.

ok, used .5 ml of EJMix and a gram of shatter. Warmed the ejmix in a shot glass sitting in a bowl of freshly boiled water, then added the errl in three chunks. I initially thought that there was no way in hell that small amount of ejmix would dissolve and bond with a full gram, but I stirred the hell out of it until it was completely mixed each chunk, then continued to stir for another 10 min or so. It is thick in the nautilus (as seen by the bubbles, they have a lava lamp like effect), but it hits well and will get you medicated in a hurry. so far i think I prefer the DBC coil in an igo-w because of the taste, but this is definitely very stealthy! I will report back later after further testing... (the things i put myself through in the name of science)
Just one thing wanted. Will ISO extract mixed with PG400 USP work with Vapor pens. Will it work with the cheaper nicotene ones that have tanks you refill? Will it work with the wick type systems in the nic vape pens, in other words do you have to have a special pen. Last if this will work and it will continue to work till the liquid is used up? what mix ratio is the one to use. I have read a lot about separation with the mix in the pens so want that not to happen. Is there one good, real person out there that knows how this works and or can state how well it works or doesn't and if there is something better without the extreme measures it takes or months for a PG/VG extraction, a Co2 extraction, or a BHO one. It seems ISO is good and clean and fast as it can be done and I have done ISO a long time back but not for vaping. Please someone, anyone tell me because I am ready but can't get a concensous and well to many say no it won't and or it will taste bad etc. Thanks for a good, final answer as I hope any response will be. If you don't know please don't try and explain other methods because I understand them and am only interested in ISO unless it just won't work. TY.
see my POST #7

ive helped you in both threads spelling everything out exactly as how it WILL work. then you come back with the same ass questions which have already been answered.

I cant help you any more, as the help has already been typed out for you. take care, and good luck.
If you are looking for consensus on anything, you have come to the wrong place. Snaps, who posts I appreciate, like EJ Mix. I think it tastes like crap though am getting used to the small amounts I am using. I like RSO oil mixed with straight PG. Grow Goddess, whose info I also love, doesn't. She liked naturally decarbed oil with PEG 400 and flavoring. We are all chefs creating things...

Facts (or close to them):
1.) Your terms on vaping and mine don't match up. I posted a pic of what I use for battery and "tank". Matthend did the same. Any such system with a battery and a tank will work. After that, you are back to preference.
2.) QWISO, QWET, RSO, BHO, etc all will work.
3.) All will have horrible separation with VG. All will separate with PG except RSO from my experience. PEG400 has far less separation. With EJ Mix there is none. All of this contingent on mixing it well and not being a fool. I have had zero separation by using a small amount of EJ Mix and then using PG for the rest of my mix.
4.) Ratio is up to you. I like 2-3 parts of whatever mix per part of oil. I like to take a few puffs. This is up to you. I also suspect depending on what system you use it may be relevant.
5.) Don't confuse a PG or VG tincture with anything that could be used for vaping. For vape juices, you need to use the "hash oils" listed above on #2.

Demon Trich gave you everything. You just need to make a call and do it!
If you are looking for consensus on anything, you have come to the wrong place. Snaps, who posts I appreciate, like EJ Mix. I think it tastes like crap though am getting used to the small amounts I am using. I like RSO oil mixed with straight PG. Grow Goddess, whose info I also love, doesn't. She liked naturally decarbed oil with PEG 400 and flavoring. We are all chefs creating things...

Facts (or close to them):
1.) Your terms on vaping and mine don't match up. I posted a pic of what I use for battery and "tank". Matthend did the same. Any such system with a battery and a tank will work. After that, you are back to preference.
2.) QWISO, QWET, RSO, BHO, etc all will work.
3.) All will have horrible separation with VG. All will separate with PG except RSO from my experience. PEG400 has far less separation. With EJ Mix there is none. All of this contingent on mixing it well and not being a fool. I have had zero separation by using a small amount of EJ Mix and then using PG for the rest of my mix.
4.) Ratio is up to you. I like 2-3 parts of whatever mix per part of oil. I like to take a few puffs. This is up to you. I also suspect depending on what system you use it may be relevant.
5.) Don't confuse a PG or VG tincture with anything that could be used for vaping. For vape juices, you need to use the "hash oils" listed above on #2.

Demon Trich gave you everything. You just need to make a call and do it!
Calm down people. I was asking many questions and I said in the "other Post" that I may be in the wrong forum and I said sorry if I repost. There are many a name for the components of "vape" pens also and not a word on the comercially obtainable, cheap priced, nicotene ones that all seem to come with wicks and or what the "tanks", atomizers, Carbonizers really are and or which exactly works. Also many a post that says Peg400, PGusp etc with many a negative statements on taste, separation, etc... I don't understand the hate but that is fine. Now in the advice I read that "hash oil" is the only way to go and well seems ISO is that but with so many terms that might be interchangable or not I am not even sure if that is right. Wick tanks work with iso mixed with PG400usp, NFusp, EJmix, which sounds like an over priced mix that can be made without the cost but what do I know. Quote: "Avoid VG altogether when doing this. The main things people seem to use are straight PG, PEG400, and the aforementioned EJ Mix which is a blend of PG, PEG200,PEG400 and PEG600. Pros and cons.... The oil and PG separate fairly easily. The stuff still works though. PEG holds better. EJ Mix holds perfectly. But, for me anyway as others seem to feel differently, PEG has a bad flavor. Very chemically. I also think it produces a harsher hit."

Also keep seeing posts that contradict saying things like separation, pen burn outs, etc, that just don't support some of the statements made in these few posts. So I make ISO, first wash how long btw? and then mix that with 50/50% by weight, "PEG400 usp", where to procure?? and that should be great is what I read here but no real good 101 education about the exact pens that will work well. If RSO is so many ways then maybe you can understand with so many ways it seems and so many opinions and the risk of wasting money time and product I am just trying to get a true concensuse and or a response that leaves no questions to the answers. Thanks and try to understand. I will be using the best bud you can grow, buy, find anywhere so it will make very high concentration of thc/cbd. Also the whole depate on heating and how hot and or decarbing is not clear. What nic pens, if any, let you know the heat that is produced and well what is the required amount of heat? Heat must be enough in some part of the process or you will not get thc/cbd to evape and or have any effect. So still hoping. Name the types, brands, tanks, with accurate decriptions, that will do it and won't fail fast if there are those. Where are the heat sources, etc, in the what are they called parts of the pens? the names of the pens components are not just known by everyone that has never really used one. Sorry if y you don't like my questions you think are redundant but it is not easy to extrapolate from one post that is negative the one that is positive which one it workable. Thanks..
There are plenty of other posts, threads and tutorials on how to make ISO. Also visit the skumpharm research site and you will get more info than you want.

You keep asking about the pens and whatnot but you keep getting answers. My battery is a Sigelei Zmax and I love it. Tanks - anything works. Aero tank mini dual coil is a good one. My opinion, skip anything that is designed to look like a cigarette.

Bottom line, vaping this stuff isn't much different than nicotine so go to a vape store and get what you want. There are tons of products out there. We all have made our own choices on what we like.

On RIU, you have to decide who you think is sane and honest. You will never find consensus.

My recommendation would be to make some ISO, heat it on a coffee warmer to decarb, decide what you want to use (PG, PEG, EJ MIx) and give it a go.

No one is being a hater. It seems like you are just overthinking this and/or not reading all the info on the forum. It is true that no one wants to rewrite what is already posted, stickyied, etc.
There are plenty of other posts, threads and tutorials on how to make ISO. Also visit the WWW.SKUNKPHARMRESEARCH.COM site and you will get more info than you want.

You keep asking about the pens and whatnot but you keep getting answers. My battery is a Sigelei Zmax and I love it. Tanks - anything works. Aero tank mini dual coil is a good one. My opinion, skip anything that is designed to look like a cigarette.

Bottom line, vaping this stuff isn't much different than nicotine so go to a vape store and get what you want. There are tons of products out there. We all have made our own choices on what we like.

On RIU, you have to decide who you think is sane and honest. You will never find consensus.

My recommendation would be to make some ISO, heat it on a coffee warmer to decarb, decide what you want to use (PG, PEG, EJ MIx) and give it a go.

No one is being a hater. It seems like you are just overthinking this and/or not reading all the info on the forum. It is true that no one wants to rewrite what is already posted, stickyied, etc.
I tried to fix Growindad's post...........the site is www.skunkpharmresearch.com

I made some thc-juice and didn't like it.Photo11040245_kindlephoto-342216151.jpg I'm sure with better more potent weed a stronger liquid could be made but with what i've got being and all day toker,its just not potent enough for me.I posted a video on how to make the e-liquid in the other thread.....anyway...

Luckily I bought a glass globe wax vape and it's great!

Just load a dab of iso wax/hash/oil whatever you wanna call it:) into the heating coil and it's good for a couple hits.

@Oilthatworks1 .......Amazon is where you can find everything you need in one place.GL
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