About HomoSexuality

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
And away we go.First of all,If I get any neg rep, I'll just assume its you prophecy, and like any good witch worth her salt, I will REPAY.

You could be astonising to some they way you articulate yourself with me. This seems to be an argument of the Law of the Jews with that of the Gentiles, not to forget the law of the pagans.

When Jesus Christ was posed wit the question that his mother and brothers were outside while he was giving a teaching he posed the question "who is my mother and my brothers; those who do the will of my God are my mother, my sister, and my brothers".

This is just bullshit you Christian use to keep people from questioning faith.If you have to scare folks into believing, you're not worth believing. To deny or oppress a greater understanding of the truth can be a type of sin/wrong or shortcoming which is less them ones original destiny; and what's life if this path is chose? "to each their own" But get the hell out of my life.
You really sound like a guy on here that went away.He was a nut too.Just because we don't believe in your god, we're all delusional...typical fundamentalist attack. Furthermore, do you know that there is a line between "loving your enemy" and "hating what is evil"?

Both are encouraged by the disciples of Jesus witin the Christian Bible. It is a matter of heart and mind. Do not be decieved, do not be anipulated in vain.​
I have wanted to answer this since yesterday; but the high spoilers were in effect. Though I wasn't high of the green; thank God(?).

What you have explained sounds like Buddhism; worshipping the creation, worshipping the Creator; harmony; when you speak of worshipping the ground you walk on and the winds and the rain; possibly a better word is "homage"?

Pagans have no sense of spirit...oh fuck you, man.Pagans have been around far longer than Christians.I'd daresay paganism has a much deeper grasp of spirit than you. It is the Spirit from which these things evolved that should have a distinctive hierchy/priority; not to confuse the pagans who have no desire, reverence, or sense of the Spirit. It can be confusing when you put it that way (worshipping the ground and things) make the world a better place while you 're hear if you can, why not?

And I see you as short on sanity and good sense. I don't see you as a pagan, just short on reasoning. Homage these things to God/Spirit for you are moer than them within his order of creation; though at best you are one with hem.​
Lesser God...Only a lesser god would need to employ fear and lies to keep worshippers. Ladies, I been here before; through the error of King Solomon; I have learned not to worship a lesser God; thank you Jesus of the same Spirit. If you are willing; he is able.

My heart says you're an asshole.One thing I have realized in your argument sarah and friends (excuse me) is that you are generalizing. Where there is alot of delusion in Christianity and the world; through the testimony of Jesus and the other consistent Truth of the prophets and saints of God's word, I have overcome delusion.
Whenever in doubt, trust your heart.

Once again, your truth is not everyone's truth.Purge your mind of the lies and illusions with the Truth and develop the balance of Truth/Virtue in heart and mind withthe Gods of Heaven who lives in both your heart and heaven.

The six thousand years thing...how, in the modern world anyone can believe such a huge bunch of bullshit is a true testimony to their intelligence.
yep...the world was created in 6000 years...lol...which explains dinosaur fossils on the planet that are millions of years old...hahaha...wow...they reject that science...yet they accept their computer. makes perfect sense to me...lol


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with Christians who just mind their own business and don't stick their heads up everyone's ass devoting their life to convert good people. I respect people's beliefs, I just don't agree with them.
thank you.
i feel the same way about other religions because i'm christian.
i dont like those christians that stand on corners with signs trying to change people.
thats not the way to do it.
and they always have judgmental things written on them.
i almost want to yell out
it says in the bible not to judge!


Well-Known Member
religion...in general...is a way to scare people into acting like sheep. follow the leader. do what i say or you will suffer eternal damnation. well...im not a sheep i am an intelligent thinking human being who thinks its all a bunch of bull lol.


New Member
thank you.
i feel the same way about other religions because i'm christian.
i dont like those christians that stand on corners with signs trying to change people.
thats not the way to do it.
and they always have judgmental things written on them.
i almost want to yell out
it says in the bible not to judge!

And the same even goes with atheists... I have seen many atheists who are just as bad as Christians when it comes to trying to convert people. I only argue with people like Prophecy, because he clearly can not respect my atheism.


Well-Known Member
can you tell me one positive thing christianity has done for this world. and please back it up with examples. not saying the whole earth or something like that. a landmark decision or event that put mankind on the right path...im all ears, because as far as im concered, more people have died in the name of religion than anything else on this earth. theres my side lets hear yours?


Well-Known Member
can you tell me one positive thing christianity has done for this world. and please back it up with examples. not saying the whole earth or something like that. a landmark decision or event that put mankind on the right path...im all ears, because as far as im concered, more people have died in the name of religion than anything else on this earth. theres my side lets hear yours?
an argument is that millions more have been born and baptized in the name of god than have been killed in his name. but that isnt a very good argument.


Well-Known Member
can you tell me one positive thing christianity has done for this world. and please back it up with examples. not saying the whole earth or something like that. a landmark decision or event that put mankind on the right path...im all ears, because as far as im concered, more people have died in the name of religion than anything else on this earth. theres my side lets hear yours?
if your asking for proof god exists, that would defeat the point of faith!


New Member
can you tell me one positive thing christianity has done for this world. and please back it up with examples. not saying the whole earth or something like that. a landmark decision or event that put mankind on the right path...im all ears, because as far as im concered, more people have died in the name of religion than anything else on this earth. theres my side lets hear yours?

Well it is true that religion was the number one cause of war in the history of our world. . But there are also a lot of Christians who interpret the Bible in a not-so-extreme way, and they are fine with me. But in general, the world would be better off without it.


Well-Known Member
Well it is true that religion was the number one cause of war in the history of our world. . But there are also a lot of Christians who interpret the Bible in a not-so-extreme way, and they are fine with me. But in general, the world would be better off without it.
exactly. religion doesnt have to be sooo intense....


New Member
And away we go.First of all,If I get any neg rep, I'll just assume its you prophecy, and like any good witch worth her salt, I will REPAY.

The six thousand years thing...how, in the modern world anyone can believe such a huge bunch of bullshit is a true testimony to their intelligence.

Emotional truama: what does this term mean to you. You obviously have a problem with someone who may or may not have been posng as a Christian, but, it wasn't me. I stand on what I have said, you need to clean your glases if you lnow what I mean.

Again, I empathize with you.​


Well-Known Member
hehe stoney i loved that post...u make me laugh hun. and a lot of things in christianity are derived from paganism...lol. they forget that sometimes i think. but in all honesty...i think that most christians in general are good hearted people. some aspects of the bible story are great. i think that its important to treat people with kindness and respect. i like that church teaches that...now if all religions could just do that...well...it wouldnt be so bad. but they have to start chastising everyone who doesnt follow "their" specific god and religion. they try and make it too complicated. keep it simple. love yourself and the people around you...regardless of what they believe...u are first and foremost human. we need not forget that.


Well-Known Member
no proof just something that has benefited mankind, not 'saving their souls from the devil'
i dont know about saving their souls from the devil....
i know what i've read in the bible. and i know that people that are sick or dying that pray have more recoveries than non believers.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about saving their souls from the devil....
i know what i've read in the bible. and i know that people that are sick or dying that pray have more recoveries than non believers.
i bet Buddhist countries have less murders than christian countries.


New Member
I have faith in myself. I only know for sure 2 things... I am here now, and I am going to die. I'd rather not worry about burning in Hell forever when this may very well be the only chance we get at life. Very few self-proclaimed Christians are actually true Christians.. So we are all going to Hell people.


Well-Known Member
I have faith in myself. I only know for sure 2 things... I am here now, and I am going to die. I'd rather not worry about burning in Hell forever when this may very well be the only chance we get at life. Very few self-proclaimed Christians are actually true Christians.. So we are all going to Hell people.
ok that doesnt make me feel good.. but i can believe it.
i think god is more forgiving than people portray him as.
jesus did die for our sins. (OUR SINS)
it says if he believe in jesus and except him into our hearts and soul jesus will stand up for you infrount of god.