About HomoSexuality


Well-Known Member
theres some really good videos on youtube that discuss how christianity is delusional...i think he might benefit from watching them...you have to be able to question your own faith. i dont think he's done that yet.


New Member
But they ALWAYS come up with some kind of argument. It's a no win battle with hardcore Christians. All I can do is pity the fools. I think they are just full of denial.


Well-Known Member
and to whoever gave me the negative rep...what for? i was just talking about an article i read that theorized that the higher a persons iq, the less likely they are to believe in god...i didnt write the article...lol. dont shoot the messenger.


Well-Known Member
theres some really good videos on youtube that discuss how christianity is delusional...i think he might benefit from watching them...you have to be able to question your own faith. i dont think he's done that yet.
if you are christian you are allowed to question you faith? ground breaking!

you must be excluding roman catholics.
our grandmas would slap us silly.


New Member
if you are christian you are allowed to question you faith? ground breaking!

you must be excluding roman catholics.
our grandmas would slap us silly.
Ooh don't worry... Christianity will be gone forever sooner than you think. More and more people are watching the videos and reading in-depth about it and realizing that it's all bullshit.


Well-Known Member
they make excuses for their beliefs. i think that if you have to make excuses...then theres a problem. and seriously prophecy dude...u need to leave our online community. you arent going to change the minds of the people here. i think in a sense we worship cannabis...lol. fuck god...i can see, feel, smell, touch and smoke weed and it makes me feel better than any prayer ever could.


New Member
they make excuses for their beliefs. i think that if you have to make excuses...then theres a problem. and seriously prophecy dude...u need to leave our online community. you arent going to change the minds of the people here. i think in a sense we worship cannabis...lol. fuck god...i can see, feel, smell, touch and smoke weed and it makes me feel better than any prayer ever could.

Amen to THAT.


New Member
theres some really good videos on youtube that discuss how christianity is delusional...i think he might benefit from watching them...you have to be able to question your own faith. i dont think he's done that yet.
Ladies, I been here before; through the error of King Solomon; I have learned not to worship a lesser God; thank you Jesus of the same Spirit. If you are willing; he is able.

One thing I have realized in your argument sarah and friends (excuse me) is that you are generalizing. Where there is alot of delusion in Christianity and the world; through the testimony of Jesus and the other consistent Truth of the prophets and saints of God's word, I have overcome delusion.
Whenever in doubt, trust your heart.

Purge your mind of the lies and illusions with the Truth and develop the balance of Truth/Virtue in heart and mind withthe Gods of Heaven who lives in both your heart and heaven.



Well-Known Member
yea i got a neg rep saying i have nice lips for sucking cock, and that they have a high iq and believe...lol. i would question how high of an iq tho...hahaha


Well-Known Member
they make excuses for their beliefs. i think that if you have to make excuses...then theres a problem. and seriously prophecy dude...u need to leave our online community. you arent going to change the minds of the people here. i think in a sense we worship cannabis...lol. fuck god...i can see, feel, smell, touch and smoke weed and it makes me feel better than any prayer ever could.
but did god create weed?
mother nature created everything.

man created god to answer all of the questions that science couldnt.


New Member
Ladies, I been here before; through the error of King Solomon; I have learned not to worship a lesser God; thank you Jesus of the same Spirit. If you are willing; he is able.

One thing I have realized in your argument sarah and friends (excuse me) is that you are generalizing. Where there is alot of delusion in Christianity and the world; through the testimony of Jesus and the other consistent Truth of the prophets and saints of God's word, I have overcome delusion.
Whenever in doubt, trust your heart.

Purge your mind of the lies and illusions with the Truth and develop the balance of Truth/Virtue in heart and mind withthe Gods of Heaven who lives in both your heart and heaven.


Exactly .. Whenever in doubt, trust your heart. Not your brain. Your brain is what is tricking you into believing the shit that has been spoon fed to you your whole life. BE YOUR OWN GOD. I don't follow a God, and I am a good person with a good heart.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
According to the Bible the world was created in 6000 years.

I don't know if I have ever wrote it down, but I have a theory that includes the "Seven Day" Theory/Reality of the Book of Genesis with the Theory of Evolution.

It is basically based on God telling us that "a day is like a thousand years and a thousands years are like a day".

Can you see where I am going withthis?

How many man days is a day to God?


Well-Known Member
why dont you explain to me how im wrong in my thinking instead of making general statements yourself. i would like for you to write something acknowledging all the questions i had in my post. make me a valid argument that proves me wrong. not just "the bible says so" or "because god is in my heart". i want a valid argument for my thoughts.


New Member
they make excuses for their beliefs. i think that if you have to make excuses...then theres a problem. and seriously prophecy dude...u need to leave our online community. you arent going to change the minds of the people here. i think in a sense we worship cannabis...lol. fuck god...i can see, feel, smell, touch and smoke weed and it makes me feel better than any prayer ever could.
Is that what you think; I come as a beleiver in heaven. Not necessarily as a Chroisitian alone.

From the looks of it ot seems to me that your goal is to convert me.​


Well-Known Member
yep...the world was created in 6000 years...lol...which explains dinosaur fossils on the planet that are millions of years old...hahaha...wow...they reject that science...yet they accept their computer. makes perfect sense to me...lol