Questions on Plant Counts


Active Member

I believe I have read all of the bills and subsequent amendments, but I'm confused in regards to plant counts. With the way it's worded I assume we can have 12 Plants Flowering, but I see no mention of a "Unusable Marijuana", or Veg/Seedling count.

Does someone have an answer to this? It seemed vague in the bill, and that's disconcerting to me.

Thank you

I believe I have read all of the bills and subsequent amendments, but I'm confused in regards to plant counts. With the way it's worded I assume we can have 12 Plants Flowering, but I see no mention of a "Unusable Marijuana", or Veg/Seedling count.

Does someone have an answer to this? It seemed vague in the bill, and that's disconcerting to me.

Thank you

12 plants total. That includes plants in flower, vegative, clones, etc. You are also allowed 2.5 ounces of dried "usable" marijuana. The only grey area is plants that you have harvested and are in the process of drying. It's technically not a "plant" any longer, but it's also not dried "usable" marijuana either.
And if you mess those numbers up you can spend a majority of the rest of your life bankrupt and behind bars for narcotics trafficking and cultivation. It's also important to note that none of this hinders the federal government from taking those exact same actions with a gram over 1 ounce and only 1 plant, regardless of the number of MMMP cards you hold. I would suggest any MJ patient/caregiver invest every penny they can in a legal retainer at the best law firm they can afford (sarcasm). And then there are the rest of us simply living in fear of the threat of what could be ...

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im always 5 plants under my total allotted number, and 1 zip under that amount. Im also maxed out on my cards at 6.
Allowing cops and lawyers to parse words for self serving interests creates a threat implicitly harmful to our society. This drug war is a criminal substance prohibition unquestionably and simply based upon a federal schedule I controlled substance classification that REQUIRES NO accepted medical use within the United States. How anyone can get past that contradiction in the facts of the matter and into counting and weighing medicine of a state licensed patient is simply beyond reason. Furthermore, our MMMA law (section 8 ) allows for an affirmative criminal defense (immunity) implicitly for an uninterrupted supply, NOT 2.5 ozs and/or 12 plants. We need to wholly reject this game and these players before we'll have any hope of ending this nearly century old war against the People on our own soil.
In California with just your mmj rec its 12 immature or 6 mature plants. Not and. So that means when you flip to flower you have to cull 6 of your vegging plants lol

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Allowing cops and lawyers to parse words for self serving interests creates a threat implicitly harmful to our society. This drug war is a criminal substance prohibition unquestionably and simply based upon a federal schedule I controlled substance classification that REQUIRES NO accepted medical use within the United States. How anyone can get past that contradiction in the facts of the matter and into counting and weighing medicine of a state licensed patient is simply beyond reason. Furthermore, our MMMA law (section 8 ) allows for an affirmative criminal defense (immunity) implicitly for an uninterrupted supply, NOT 2.5 ozs and/or 12 plants. We need to wholly reject this game and these players before we'll have any hope of ending this nearly century old war against the People on our own soil.
The craziest part of all is that cocaine, meth, heroin, oxy, and other super hard drugs are schedule 2 meaning they are considered MORE ACCEPTABLE THAN MARIJUNA?!?!?!?! WTF is wrong with our country?
12 plants means 12 plants. You can split hairs about roots 1 vs 2 leaves, etc, but if it is green, alive and standing on its own, it counts toward the 12.

This page has quite a bit of information on the program and direct links to the laws etc.

Dr. Bob
how is this not spam?

Is that strait from your friends at the Traverse Narcotics Team bob?
They still hav your laptop with all of the caregiver info that matty insisted patients gave up before being allowed a cert ?
Fuckin parasites... We clear?
Actually just putting out good information that is appreciated by many, if the PM's I get are any clue. Sorry you don't like it. You don't have to read it. Would you like instructions on how to set up your account to ignore my posts? Otherwise, some of the posts in here from some of the members really put a bad light on Michigan Medical Marijuana.

But it is a free country and you can do what you want if the board allows it. All you do is bring attention to me and my practice with your childish antics and free advertising is free advertising.

Dr. Bob
Actually just putting out good information that is appreciated by many, if the PM's I get are any clue. Sorry you don't like it. You don't have to read it. Would you like instructions on how to set up your account to ignore my posts? Otherwise, some of the posts in here from some of the members really put a bad light on Michigan Medical Marijuana.

But it is a free country and you can do what you want if the board allows it. All you do is bring attention to me and my practice with your childish antics and free advertising is free advertising.

Dr. Bob
You do realize that your "professional" buddies (pot lawyers) and yourself (pot docs) are special interest groups and such political cronyism has a tangible cost to every medicinal patient correct? I think what chaps a lot of folks ass around here is your subjective view from that pedestal you stand upon while the rest of us hold a real world objective view that you guys are pricing patients out of medicine for your own personal gain ...
You do realize that your "professional" buddies (pot lawyers) and yourself (pot docs) are special interest groups and such political cronyism has a tangible cost to every medicinal patient correct? I think what chaps a lot of folks ass around here is your subjective view from that pedestal you stand upon while the rest of us hold a real world objective view that you guys are pricing patients out of medicine for your own personal gain ...

You know, really. What do you want me to say about that? Would you rather everything be free? Or that there be no standards or lawyers to argue the case? Perhaps the issue is you don't like the legal or medical system because it doesn't meet your needs, and as a result you simply want to attack anything legal or medical?

You can really do what you wish about your medical care. And legal advice for that matter. Folks that are experts and within the system have put out good information on how not to run afoul of it, to help patients, but it is up to the individual to decide if they want to take the advice. Many do, some don't, others (including our dear departed bloody) just like to have tantrums about it. Whatever choice you make, you have to own your decision.

Dr. Bob
You know, really. What do you want me to say about that? Would you rather everything be free? Or that there be no standards or lawyers to argue the case? Perhaps the issue is you don't like the legal or medical system because it doesn't meet your needs, and as a result you simply want to attack anything legal or medical?

You can really do what you wish about your medical care. And legal advice for that matter. Folks that are experts and within the system have put out good information on how not to run afoul of it, to help patients, but it is up to the individual to decide if they want to take the advice. Many do, some don't, others (including our dear departed bloody) just like to have tantrums about it. Whatever choice you make, you have to own your decision.

Dr. Bob

Michigan's medical marijuana law shields patients from prosecution, Supreme Court rules

state Supreme Court ruled Thursday the state's voter-approved statute protects patients from prosecution even if they >>have not<<sought a marijuana registry card.

In its first major ruling on the medical marijuana law, the unanimous court said the law expressed the voters'

"intent to permit both registered and >unregistered<patients to assert medical reasons for using marijuana as a defense to any prosecution involving marijuana."

Like i said you have to pay the lawyers and 'dr' who helped draft the rules here for the right to use a medical defense-

And then prove your medical use....
(keep a diary...thats what saved alot out west)
-titrate logs
-amounts dosage times and frequency of useage

But this article tells it like it is---

Tells me you can have as many plants and as much medicine as you feel comfortable defending your$elf in court with Bob the dispensary folks are doing now

Im thinking they and the cpu(60%pot lawyers)krew who were in bed with the devil from the beginning and selling out pts rights as a bargaining chip for their distribution friends are in for a wake up call now from our illustrious AG defender of medical pts rights...:lol::clap:
-now that he has a mandate and the voters have spoken

I said it before two 1/2 years ago when they banned me there under mendonesian..(for speaking too close to the truth)

...telling pts one thing and the lawyers there telling and representing deep pocket dispensary interests secretly another-

.drs and lawyers...and wanna be dispensary(profiteer) owners

Like the long hair bre thread where he brags about making 55gl drums of administrator no less-

How did you guys first come out with your 'unambiguous compliance' bullshit words....defense proof...or conviction proof....???

Isnt that what you guys were touting when you had to kill joe cains msg about FMs.....

Your whole group was transparent to me from the beginning coming from where i came from and knowing what i know about most of you guys deceiving pts here

But this forum is a 2.5oz plant crowd....
-have you seen most of their little plants for themselves and their 'pts'....
-still trying to scare them huh bob?

And yea bob the shit is free if you grow and your friends at 3ma would like us all to believe we are gonna have to pay thru the nose to use a free plant.....
-one way or another if you guys get your way-

250$@oz cgs.....hahahaha

To dying and sick folks no less
trying to capitalize on the sick and dying....and unfortunate
pffffffft! ---grrrrrrrrrrr!

Why did you get fired from that place you worked @in petoskey again.......?

--this article to me spells out the courts ruling clearly but due to the fact the lawyers and 'dr' are trying to run the show here in our state they have basically gotten everyone to cop to a plea and forfeit their right to a trial by jury....cant even say the word 'medical marijuana' unless you pay the lawyers and dr big bucks-

and if you do get a court date you are rolling the dice-

You do realize that your "professional" buddies (pot lawyers) and yourself (pot docs) are special interest groups and such political cronyism has a tangible cost to every medicinal patient correct? I think what chaps a lot of folks ass around here is your subjective view from that pedestal you stand upon while the rest of us hold a real world objective view that you guys are pricing patients out of medicine for your own personal gain ...

Your pissin me off now bob!:cuss:

Why dont you stay at 3ma......???

And help the couple folks talking to themselves over there keep saying the rules you guys helped get implemented.....
You are entitled to your opinion. You are welcome to do what you want, some folks would rather stay out of trouble than try and fight their way out of it based on what they 'think' the law means. I tend to prefer to keep things safe for patients.

Dr. Bob
You know, really. What do you want me to say about that? Would you rather everything be free? Or that there be no standards or lawyers to argue the case? Perhaps the issue is you don't like the legal or medical system because it doesn't meet your needs, and as a result you simply want to attack anything legal or medical?

You can really do what you wish about your medical care. And legal advice for that matter. Folks that are experts and within the system have put out good information on how not to run afoul of it, to help patients, but it is up to the individual to decide if they want to take the advice. Many do, some don't, others (including our dear departed bloody) just like to have tantrums about it. Whatever choice you make, you have to own your decision.

Dr. Bob

I was just trying to point out your subjective arrogance that draws such criticism here. Marijuana as medicine is expensive regardless of the current criminalization games and need for a parallel unsubsidized medical community. If there was integrity within our criminal justice system, patients would not be taxed by it ever. If there was integrity within our medical system, there would be no need for pot docs or all the other costs associated with such. It seems pretty simple, as you keep "winning" legislatively (regulatory capture), more and more of us are losing and I just cannot support that ...
I was just trying to point out your subjective arrogance that draws such criticism here. Marijuana as medicine is expensive regardless of the current criminalization games and need for a parallel unsubsidized medical community. If there was integrity within our criminal justice system, patients would not be taxed by it ever. If there was integrity within our medical system, there would be no need for pot docs or all the other costs associated with such. It seems pretty simple, as you keep "winning" legislatively (regulatory capture), more and more of us are losing and I just cannot support that ...

I try and follow the law always now a days bob....not break it
Even if its fucked up--im too old to play that game

I prefer civil works better

I learned young....

what you think is safe for pts and what i think may be two different things based on what i know and have seen of you and things you have done

I have many retired X 'cop' friends....bob

-E lansing....msp.....detroit....sheriffs ...lapd....x swat snipers and decorated vietnam and gulf vets

....prosecutors nephews...legislators daughters.....even a retired marshall

....bikers ...carpenters...indians and cowboys...

drs...pilots....and lawyers...

....bakers and candelstick makers....hookers and virgins

I smoke with them much as i can

-you get to know alot of folks by the time you get to my age doc

-most of the cops retired always say they wondered why people would go to jail for the they know

and ..."do what i want"....?
whatever i do it will be in private and as safely as i can and without any attention....

I enjoy my freedom and room to practice it....
-its my God given right

Im of the mentality there is the law....then theres whats right

------>kinda hard to enforce a law no one follows<-------(bob)

...even my retired friends agree

We're seeing that more and more here now......
-no matter how you guys try and feed us the 'rules'......BOB

The jig is up bob...genie wont go back in the lamp....

everyone knows and thinks now you CAN grow $ on trees.....been a secret for a long time doc

......secrets out.....8-)

The rules are the same now as they were before we had a law....doc
-the law just made them worse tho now if you get caught up in sum bullshit....more expensive and less penalties once the courts are clogged up with all this bullshit

....its by design for profit on both sides.....even the blind can :shock:see that

thanks to a couple ....'groups' here trying to cash in on the whole thing imo

wouldn't let the pts organize and now they are so fractured humpty dumpty couldn't put them back together.....

Theres just way way more latitude bob with all the idiots now that have come out of the closet.....i prefer to stay in the closet

What we have here in michigan is a 'quasi' law....

what do i 'think' the law is...?
what it says.......

I think the newspaper article is pretty clear tho bob

The voters intended a medical defense WITH or WITHOuT a card.....supreme courts words

Now 'plant counts'......?

What do you as a grower feel comfortable with?

What do you feel you could present as a defense for a medical need in court???

how much justice can you afford....?

.....smoke it it...juice it....topical...internal....up ur ur nose....(sativex)...however you need to get the medical benefits that help you best in your medical situation.....

-some of that can take an awful lot of plants to accomplish....doc

-you need to write people for more than they need 'doc'
-to have safe pts dont get that....other drs are starting to

I mean full set of cards = 72 plants

Anyone that needs to grow more than that deserves (not imo) whatever if they are caught up.....

I could grow 100lbs on that 'legal'....?

Not under our ""law""[sic].......hell they want to say you cant even possess more than 2.5oz at a time....

Or i could grow my 2.5oz for myself and not look over my shoulder

anyone that is 'trying' to grow medicine will cross the threshold of whats legal and what they can get away with doc
and what they feel is right with what their circumstances dictate....

Especially if they or someone they love is sick or dying
My wife passed from breast cancer....i know all about it

I have many many friends doc with serious health issues...cancers...pain...physiological and psychological bullshit

everyone i know benefits in some way from using this telling me i may be wrong for helping them....??
-fuk u

No one can stay within the parameters all the time PERIOD

Its by design know that

So to keep comin in here and spewing the law to all us in here you might catch some of these newbies looking to grow pot and make alot of $$ and they will think twice about what you are saying and telling them but a great many of us have been doing this before there was a law and will be doing it for our health long after this bullshit law is gone

so imo 'bob' you should not be trolling for fresh fish here and i am perplexed as how you get away with the bullshit you do-

(I think im starting to have an epiphany tho):shock:

its just you know there are still many many jumping on the wagon every week looking for answers and drs to tell them everything will be ok....your trolling for fresh fish

...fuk off already will u

Im thinking you are ruining this site intentionally so you can come in here and hook fresh ones that dont know about you and your antics
.....smoke sum pot and mellow and come to the light bob....the dark side of drinking is taking your better half

Sometimes i would feel sorry for you but this time having them go into my profile and edit motherfucker!

i agree with northern labs when he called you guys out on 3ma and said you guys were deep cover imbedded feds.....i am starting to think so too...

I have seen feds with dreads and deep cover nazi fuks b4

all in the name of the state doing their bidding and being duped into thinking its right.....

It fuking aint

as long as i breath doc i will share the magic of this medicinal plant and its benefits with whoever comes across my path and needs it.....

as cheaply as i can and free if i can help it-

thats the way its supposed to be......BOB-:o

those who would try to use the plant for their own selfish agenda and self serving motives and for nothing but $$ will find out what kind of karma the plant has waiting for them....

distribution profiteers and drs and lawyers will come and go but us real soldiers will still be in the trenches here still fighting for what we believe in....:blsmoke:

and another thing after reading TM13....i believe in 'socialized medicine'
available to not obamination care....thats just romney care with another name

-and i don't care what others think of that

Okay dokie and good luck with that. I don't see why you keep mentioning my name in something I really don't see as relating to me at all. Just a rant against the system and you keep mentioning my name for reasons unknown.

How nice for you. It is good to have convictions.
PS, for the record, marijuana is great. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to help people have the opportunity to use it to ease their suffering.
so I reported BOoB as spam, but I guess he IS allowed to spew his utter bullshit with links to his "business" in his signature, but we cant post things of the like with out them being deleted. I wonder if BOoB and RIU have some kind of interest with each other.