I try and follow the law always now a days bob....not break it
Even if its fucked up--im too old to play that game
I prefer civil disobedience....it works better
I learned young....
what you think is safe for pts and what i think may be two different things based on what i know and have seen of you and things you have done
I have many retired X 'cop' friends....bob
-E lansing....msp.....detroit....sheriffs ...lapd....x swat snipers and decorated vietnam and gulf vets
....prosecutors nephews...legislators daughters.....even a retired marshall
....bikers ...carpenters...indians and cowboys...
drs...pilots....and lawyers...
....bakers and candelstick makers....hookers and virgins
I smoke with them all....as much as i can
-you get to know alot of folks by the time you get to my age doc
-most of the cops retired always say they wondered why people would go to jail for the shit....now they know
and ..."do what i want"....?
whatever i do it will be in private and as safely as i can and without any attention....
I enjoy my freedom and room to practice it....
-its my God given right
Im of the mentality there is the law....then theres whats right
------>kinda hard to enforce a law no one follows<-------(bob)
...even my retired friends agree
We're seeing that more and more here now......
-no matter how you guys try and feed us the 'rules'......BOB
The jig is up bob...genie wont go back in the lamp....
everyone knows and thinks now you CAN grow $ on trees.....been a secret for a long time doc
......secrets out.....
The rules are the same now as they were before we had a law....doc
-the law just made them worse tho now if you get caught up in sum bullshit....more expensive and less penalties once the courts are clogged up with all this bullshit
....its by design for profit on both sides.....even the blind can

see that
thanks to a couple ....'groups' here trying to cash in on the whole thing imo
wouldn't let the pts organize and now they are so fractured humpty dumpty couldn't put them back together.....
Theres just way way more latitude bob with all the idiots now that have come out of the closet.....i prefer to stay in the closet
What we have here in michigan is a 'quasi' law....
what do i 'think' the law is...?
what it says.......
I think the newspaper article is pretty clear tho bob
The voters intended a medical defense WITH or WITHOuT a card.....supreme courts words
Now 'plant counts'......?
What do you as a grower feel comfortable with?
What do you feel you could present as a defense for a medical need in court???
how much justice can you afford....?
.....smoke it ...eat it...juice it....topical...internal....up ur ass....in ur nose....(sativex)...however you need to get the medical benefits that help you best in your medical situation.....
-some of that can take an awful lot of plants to accomplish....doc
-you need to write people for more than they need 'doc'
-to have safe pts
....you dont get that....other drs are starting to
I mean full set of cards = 72 plants
Anyone that needs to grow more than that deserves (not imo) whatever if they are caught up.....
I could grow 100lbs on 50plants.....is that 'legal'....?
Not under our ""law""[sic].......hell they want to say you cant even possess more than 2.5oz at a time....
Or i could grow my 2.5oz for myself and not look over my shoulder
anyone that is 'trying' to grow medicine will cross the threshold of whats legal and what they can get away with doc
and what they feel is right with what their circumstances dictate....
Especially if they or someone they love is sick or dying
My wife passed from breast cancer....i know all about it
I have many many friends doc with serious health issues...cancers...pain...physiological and psychological bullshit
everyone i know benefits in some way from using this plant....you telling me i may be wrong for helping them....??
-fuk u
No one can stay within the parameters all the time PERIOD
Its by design numbnut.....you know that
So to keep comin in here and spewing the law to all us in here you might catch some of these newbies looking to grow pot and make alot of $$ and they will think twice about what you are saying and telling them but a great many of us have been doing this before there was a law and will be doing it for our health long after this bullshit law is gone
so imo 'bob' you should not be trolling for fresh fish here and i am perplexed as how you get away with the bullshit you do-
(I think im starting to have an epiphany tho)
its just you know there are still many many jumping on the wagon every week looking for answers and drs to tell them everything will be ok....your trolling for fresh fish
...fuk off already will u
Im thinking you are ruining this site intentionally so you can come in here and hook fresh ones that dont know about you and your antics
.....smoke sum pot and mellow and come to the light bob....the dark side of drinking is taking your better half
Sometimes i would feel sorry for you but this time having them go into my profile and edit shit.....you motherfucker!
i agree with northern labs when he called you guys out on 3ma and said you guys were deep cover imbedded feds.....i am starting to think so too...
I have seen feds with dreads and deep cover nazi fuks b4
all in the name of the state doing their bidding and being duped into thinking its right.....
It fuking aint
as long as i breath doc i will share the magic of this medicinal plant and its benefits with whoever comes across my path and needs it.....
as cheaply as i can and free if i can help it-
thats the way its supposed to be......BOB-
those who would try to use the plant for their own selfish agenda and self serving motives and for nothing but $$ will find out what kind of karma the plant has waiting for them....
distribution profiteers and drs and lawyers will come and go but us real soldiers will still be in the trenches here still fighting for what we believe in....
and another thing after reading TM13....i believe in 'socialized medicine'
available to all.....no not obamination care....thats just romney care with another name
-and i don't care what others think of that