I was ripped off yesterday!!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Aloha Gang,

I came back from another island only to find these guys hanging around my "stash"! They managed to uproot a few plants. Well, I guess it's time to break out the old trusty "crossbow" from Hasegawa General Store in Hana Maui. I bought this thing over thirty years ago. I have taken down many a pig over the the years with this 'tool of death'.

It's bad enough that I have to constantly worry about helicopters above, now I have to deal with razorbacks too?



Well-Known Member
haha fuck those hogs man. if i were you i would spray the plants around it with cayenne pepper so then get it in there mouth and eyes haha i do it to the deer where i live

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Sucks, dude.

What do you do with pigs you kill? Eat them?
you know these things are incredibly smart,right? In the past if I catch a baby I'll make it a family pet. But the big 150 to 200 pound buggars I prefer to just shoot with a crossbow.
On rase occasions I do a catch & release program of my own. But they are pretty unruly and that takes awhile. I usually get pretty beat up when I do that.

Unfortunately as a "guerilla Farmer", these guys come with the territory!


Well-Known Member
Drew420man, you're a pos and I hope some punk cop pulls you over for a regular traffic stop and blasts in you the face with pepper spray.

Puna, sucks to hear about your crop. Hawaii is a beautiful place I usually visit once a year to Maui, but have not for the past three.
Goodluck next time man.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
haha fuck those hogs man. if i were you i would spray the plants around it with cayenne pepper so then get it in there mouth and eyes haha i do it to the deer where i live
I imagine dealing with deer is much easier than dealing with pigs with four legs?

One of the best aspects of outdoor growing is having your plants take on the smell of whatever is growing next them. I like to have my plants grow near mango trees. Then they take on that Mango flavor, and it's an awesome taste! But I'm not into putting cayenne pepper on my plants thank you!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Drew420man, you're a pos and I hope some punk cop pulls you over for a regular traffic stop and blasts in you the face with pepper spray.

Puna, sucks to hear about your crop. Hawaii is a beautiful place I usually visit once a year to Maui, but have not for the past three.
Goodluck next time man.
bterz, I always grow using "grow bags". This way I can move my 'girls', at the drop of a hat. Anytime I sense the slightest thing wrong, "bam", they are gonna. Digging holes in the ground and going that route. I find myself constantly holding my "butt cheeks" with the anticipation something could go wrong. In the past, I have grown in the trees to keep the "rip offs" at bay. But it was only possible because of "grow bags".

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I guess if your spot is going to be raided by the pigs, this is the best case scenario. At least these ones won't arrest you and throw you in a cell.


Well-Known Member
you know these things are incredibly smart,right? In the past if I catch a baby I'll make it a family pet. But the big 150 to 200 pound buggars I prefer to just shoot with a crossbow.
On rase occasions I do a catch & release program of my own. But they are pretty unruly and that takes awhile. I usually get pretty beat up when I do that.

Unfortunately as a "guerilla Farmer", these guys come with the territory!

Yeah, I know wild pigs are smart.

I just wanted to know what happens after you killed one. It isn't like a mouse or something. You can't just kill it and give it to your cat. Something has to be done with it.:confused:

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know wild pigs are smart.

I just wanted to know what happens after you killed one. It isn't like a mouse or something. You can't just kill it and give it to your cat. Something has to be done with it.:confused:
most of the time when I tend my plants I take one of my "Pit Bulls" with me. I have two bitches that are awesome! Both come from hunting lines. One is a pure breed(Red). She has what is called 'Cow markings'. Normally Pit Bull(Reds) are a beautiful brownish red color over their entire body. But my red with cow markings is all white with brownish/red spots on her body. Making her resemble a cow of sorts. But my other Pit Bull is crossed with a "Whippet". She is the one with "wheels" in the family. I normally use to track & find, and eventually corner the pigs. Then the other one is used to chew up the mark!

I use to have what I called the 'Pig Stadium' aka Thunderdome, to those oink bastards!!! Thunderdome was built several years back. It's an enclosed arena only accessible by ramp. A ramp that is used for my 'Pit Bulls' to enter 'ThunderDome', and to leave it. A pig is in it 24/7 . I put the ramp in for my dogs to get training in the art of pig hunting. What to do when you get the pig cornered , (the most dangerous time).

So like I said when I go to my patches I'm usually take one of my dogs with me. Mainly to chase pigs away,but they are good smelling danger,trouble ,etc.,etc..

If the pig is a clean kill(crossbow death). We(family) will get an "Imu"(Hawaiian ground oven) going. Special rocks(puka-puka rocks) are used split trunks of banana trees are used too. A burlap sack to hold heat in. Pig is buried in the ground with Hawaiian Salt in the Imu. It will stay there for several hours(4 or more hours). Upon digging it up. The pig is now like shredded, juicy, tender pork meat with a nice smoke/salt flavor. Get yourself some rice & poi and away we go!!!!!

If the pig isn't put in an Imu or given to a neighbor. At the very least I let my two dogs rip apart the dead carcass. That way they get to do what comes natural.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I see. I've seen the ground oven thing on TV before, but I've never actually eaten anything cooked in one.

I've got some Hawaiian friends, but they're hardcore crackers. Won't eat anything that you can't get from QFC. :p


Well-Known Member
Puna bud can I see a picture of your pitbull :D

What island are you on if u dont mind me asking.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
And Florida girl can be the Hula girl dancing, since she knows so much about Luau's.. :D

LOL... I went to one in HI.... it was such a tourist event. I would have much preferred a smaller family type luau to the one I went to. I have to say... Hawaiian food does not agree with me.... I almost hurled when I tried the Poi.

I did go up on stage with about 200 other people to learn the hula.... I was stuck in the back of the herd and couldn't see a thing :(