I was ripped off yesterday!!


Active Member
get some fishing line and make a perimeter aound your plants..that should keep them out
fishing line works for deer but i don't know about them pigs, they look like little powerhouses, and proboably would walk right through it. i guess you live by the ocean tho jahman, so you proboably have access to 100+ lb fishing line.


Well-Known Member
my mom's friend had one as a pet, they are supposedly very intelligent, moreso then dogs. A .22 wouldn't do shit for a pig! they are tough and fishing line would be useless too!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
gangababy is right. !00 pd test line wouldn't do much for holding a 150 to 200 pd sow going crazy. A .22 will do damage. But not sure how long it will take before pig stays down from a .22? Some of you might think a .22 is nothing. But .22 caliburs guns are the choice of the Mafia hitman. Why? Nothing like a .22 running all thru one's body looking for a place to exit!

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
Puna bud can I see a picture of your pitbull :D

What island are you on if u dont mind me asking.
bterz, I live on the Big Island in the Puna District.(Long been considered the wild,wild west of Hawaii). I'm lucky if I see one police car in three days time driving around Puna. I'm less than 45 minutes away by car from Kilauea Volcano. The volcano that has been erupting for the past 25 years straight!

I have included a picture of my "red" She was the 'runt' of her litter. But has grown into a 70 to 75 pound piece of muscle. What has made me happy is my Pit Bull has taken to guarding my two year old. She follows him where ever he goes outside!



Well-Known Member
That's cool. My parents dog is 1/2 chow,1/2 german shepard whenever I'm visiting she always positions herself in between me and the door keeping watch! Dogs are so loyal, they are the best protection.


Active Member
Puna, your "pit bull" is beautiful. I have an APBT she too was the runt and out grew her sisters and brothers. shes about 75pounds also and a year old, the sweetest dog in the world, very protective she would sleep inbetween my gf and I when we first started dating... as I was "hers" not this new girls


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...pigs=cops....you have to worry about two types of pigs...that sucks man...sorry I found that funny....ha ha ha pigs:mrgreen:

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
okay, now that we are talking a little bit about my area. Kilauea Volcano is not a threat to me at this time. But it is a bit unnerving to look below my feet and realize that every single inch of my property is covered with lava!
Sure, I have "top soil", and it varies from 1/2 inch to two inches deep, under that lava as far as the eye can see.

I give you Madame Pele and all her glory! Like I said this bitch has been going off for over 25 years straight! But volcanic land is some of the most fertile land I have ever seen. Everything, and anything grows out of it!

