I'm an awesome chef, I can make a mean poptart...

I read this a while ago and this thread reminded me of it:


Go to the goddamn grocery and get steak. Yes, the grocery. A little ammonia is not going to kill you, you pussy. You want to be all fancy and grass-fed and environmentally conscious, go ahead, I don't give a shit, just get a fucking steak. Ribeye is good. And, yes, bone-in. Schmuck. Take the steak home. Get a bigass frying pan and put the shit on the stove, cranking the heat up as far as that fucker will go. Take a shitload of salt—rocksalt, you dumb motherfucker, none of that fine-grained crap here—and toss it around the bottom of the pan. When the pan is hot as all fuck—it should scorch the shit out of your finger if you're stupid enough to touch it—put the fucking steak on there. You can crack some pepper on the top of the steak as the bottom is searing, but don't even talk to me about garlic or onion powder or COMPOUND FUCKING BUTTER, asshole. This is steak, all you fucking need is salt and pepper. After a bit (3 minutes for pink, 5 for cooked good), flip that shit over and do the same fucking thing you just did with the other side, i.e. sit on your ass and wait for your motherfucking steak to be ready, you useless assbag. When you're done, sling that shit on a plate. Beringer's 1996 Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley Private Reserve makes an absolutely delightful accompaniment, particularly if you've taken care to let it breathe a bit before quaffing. Also, make some fucking potatoes, because that's what you eat with a fucking steak. God, sometimes I just want to smack the shit out of you.
Chicken katsu!
Pound organic chicken thighs flat and drench them in a bowl of egg and cornstarch wash amended with white pepper and sea salt ( pre fukishima)

Press Into a plate of panko and fry them up.

Sauce-secret recipe

You learned how to make chicken strips...
How to make ravioli
-get real drunk
-open the freezer and find the one year old bag of frozen raviolis in there
-put some water on the stove and turn it on to post Hiroshima
-stumble back to the boiling water with the raviolis in hand, youll probably drop them all on the floor cause your hammered drunk, but the strainer will take care of the dog hair eventually so theres no worries there
-set the timer for six minutes on your phone because while your out smoking a cigarette youll forget you were even cooking
-use your hammer and screwdriver to open the sauce can cause theres no way youll find a can opener while your smashed. Tools of destruction on the other hand come out of nowhere.
-strain the ravioli with whatever you have that has holes in it. Tennis racquet works fine if your in a bind.
-then put it back in the pot with the sauce thats been warmed and garnish with whatever the hell isnt rotten in the fridge and enjoy.image.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg Enjoy!
What's the best way to reheat a McDonald's fucking Cheeseburger?
One of the kids refused to eat theirs out of yesterdays Happy Meal so I'm planning on making it the basis of my lunch today.
I don't have a microwave, so I thought maybe I'd wrap it in foil and put it on top of the wood fucking burner for a while? Or maybe in the exhaust manifold of the van for a bit?

Any thoughts?
I bring these to potluck dinners as an app

Slice fresh jalapenos down the middle like little boats
sautee some spicy sausage and mulch it up real fine
mix sausage in 8oz of softened cream cheese
fill up little jalapeno boats and place them on cookie sheet
sprinkle permesan cheese on them at pop them in the oven at 375 till golden brown and the house smells delicious
1lb of sausage, 10-12 jalapenos, 8-12oz of cream cheese, parmasan
You'll be a hit at the party if you bring these babies
stolen diabolical firecrackers so if i make them youll cum ;)
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What's the best way to reheat a McDonald's fucking Cheeseburger?
One of the kids refused to eat theirs out of yesterdays Happy Meal so I'm planning on making it the basis of my lunch today.
I don't have a microwave, so I thought maybe I'd wrap it in foil and put it on top of the wood fucking burner for a while? Or maybe in the exhaust manifold of the van for a bit?

Any thoughts?
Car engine is really a good idea....wrap it in tin foil drive your kids to school pop the hood and share the wealth
I make a mean KD that my kids actually ask for a lot.....dumbasses....anywho I'm thinking I may start serving diabolicals' pop tarts for dessert!
What's the best way to reheat a McDonald's fucking Cheeseburger?
One of the kids refused to eat theirs out of yesterdays Happy Meal so I'm planning on making it the basis of my lunch today.
I don't have a microwave, so I thought maybe I'd wrap it in foil and put it on top of the wood fucking burner for a while? Or maybe in the exhaust manifold of the van for a bit?

Any thoughts?

Cheeseburgers require eau de tailpipe :) save some time and stuff both kid and cheeseburger in.

PS restrain yourself from eating wiring while you are under there. Fucking hate it when they nibble on the hitch wiring, damn goats.
Cheeseburgers require eau de tailpipe :) save some time and stuff both kid and cheeseburger in.

PS restrain yourself from eating wiring while you are under there. Fucking hate it when they nibble on the hitch wiring, damn goats.
I see what you did there, very clever lmao
I cooked a pot roast on the engine of my truck from Indiana to Texas once, no kidding it was deelish.
How to make ravioli
-get real drunk
-open the freezer and find the one year old bag of frozen raviolis in there
-put some water on the stove and turn it on to post Hiroshima
-stumble back to the boiling water with the raviolis in hand, youll probably drop them all on the floor cause your hammered drunk, but the strainer will take care of the dog hair eventually so theres no worries there
-set the timer for six minutes on your phone because while your out smoking a cigarette youll forget you were even cooking
-use your hammer and screwdriver to open the sauce can cause theres no way youll find a can opener while your smashed. Tools of destruction on the other hand come out of nowhere.
-strain the ravioli with whatever you have that has holes in it. Tennis racquet works fine if your in a bind.
-then put it back in the pot with the sauce thats been warmed and garnish with whatever the hell isnt rotten in the fridge and enjoy.View attachment 3288057View attachment 3288058 View attachment 3288059 Enjoy!
Good job plating that up....looks restaurant style:P