one of the great conservative legal minds of our time: voter ID is bullshit


Well-Known Member
Like OJ Simpson, one day "karma" will come back to bite you and no one will be to blame but yourself.
life seems to be going pretty damn well for me at the moment, so maybe that is karma paying me back for calling out your racism.

ya know, i bet it is.


Well-Known Member
If you've actually pmed the mods because other members were giving you a hard time, to many of us on here, that would be considered snitching.
You can't call people racists and pedophiles, then turn around and run to the mods when you get it back.

See how that works?


Well-Known Member
If you've actually pmed the mods because other members were giving you a hard time, to many of us on here, that would be considered snitching.
You can't call people racists and pedophiles, then turn around and run to the mods when you get it back.

See how that works?
i am certainly allowed to call you a racist after you cite jared taylor and defend him.

if citing and defending jared taylor does not make you a racist, then what does, beenthere?


Well-Known Member
Solid effort, I'll give you a 6/10 for including the link.

You are still really creepy to me though, even if I do appreciate a solid troll effort instead of your usual bullshit.
do you think i'm just trolling when i point out correctly that you are racist?


Well-Known Member
i am certainly allowed to call you a racist after you cite jared taylor and defend him.

if citing and defending jared taylor does not make you a racist, then what does, beenthere?
Then if you've whined to the mods about being called a snitch, many members here consider that snitching.
So, they'd be correct, follow me?


Well-Known Member
do you think i'm just trolling when i point out correctly that you are racist?
I think in your mind you actually believe this. Your mind is so damaged though that it matters so little to me that I don't even address it most of the time.

I don't get your obsession with me though. It's like a crush or something and is disturbing. You are like that little boy pulling pigtails. If you want my cock you are going about it all wrong.


Well-Known Member
Then if you've whined to the mods about being called a snitch, many members here consider that snitching.
So, they'd be correct, follow me?
no, i don't follow you.

the snitch allegation is a baseless one. whenever i ask for any evidence of it, you and your racist buddies produce zero evidence.

labeling you a racist after you cite and defend jared taylor is appropriate.


Well-Known Member
no, i don't follow you.

the snitch allegation is a baseless one. whenever i ask for any evidence of it, you and your racist buddies produce zero evidence.

labeling you a racist after you cite and defend jared taylor is appropriate.
You snitch every time someone calls you a snitch.

and for some reason the half a dozen posts where sheskunk calls me a "snitch" magically remain.
Even though you reported each and every one. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
so you are opposed to civil rights and want to allow businesses to deny service based on skin color, but that is not a racist stance?
Could you be more dishonest? I'm not sure but I'm thinking probably.

about those baseless claims of you snitching...

what's your count up to now btw?


Well-Known Member
you just said that you favor allowing businesses to deny service based solely on skin color.

did you not?
I actually said it's not my business what people do with their business. My preference for handling people who conduct business in ways I disagree with is by boycotts, not big brother. I would not give money to racist shits on purpose. I probably do every day without knowing it though because of people like you.

You can twist that into whatever you need it to mean if it helps you feel better about yourself. You obviously have some serious feelings of inadequacy. Have you thought about maybe doing something outside?


Well-Known Member
I actually said it's not my business what people do with their business. My preference for handling people who conduct business in ways I disagree with is by boycotts, not big brother. I would not give money to racist shits on purpose. I probably do every day without knowing it though because of people like you.

You can twist that into whatever you need it to mean if it helps you feel better about yourself. You obviously have some serious feelings of inadequacy. Have you thought about maybe doing something outside?
why are you trying to deny the fact that you are opposed to civil rights, and favor allowing businesses to deny service based on skin color?

Your way forces David Duke to serve while doing who knows what to people's food
Why do we need title II?
It's outlived it's usefulness.
I still have no problem with David Duke opening a restrictive restaurant
you have stated outright that you have no problem allowing david duke to open a whites only restaurant.

so why do you call me "dishonest" when i point out that you favor allowing businesses to deny service based solely on skin color?

why do you say you support civil rights and boycotts, but oppose title II, which came about because of civil rights boycotts?

why do you want to protect racist food spitters?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Buck is your solution for people to keep their mouth shut about their racism, so they can stab you in the back?

I personally prefer they're a big mouth like yourself so I know right off to stay the fuck away.