First grow, purely home-made, CFL.

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
s/panda you are a uk grower did you get your nutes off the net or from a hydroponics shop?
what did you pay and were did you get them from if not the net (i will understand if you don't want to say the shop as it would give away which area you live in unless you travelled to get there)

i have the same moisture meter from wilkos i don't trust the ph meter. but that is just my opinion.

Your plant she looks lovely and bushy


Well-Known Member
Actually im in california man :) But i used to live in glasgow scotland.

I got them at my local hydro store. They are called Constantly growing hydroponics.

They have a website here.

Constantly Growing - Your Number One Source For Hydroponics

Yeah, the ph meter seems a bit dodgy to me to. It always fluxuates a few times before it gives me consistent readings.
i got a cheap ph meter too and sometimes i wonder if it is giving me real data or a random answer

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
i thought you were a uk grower but now i remember, i have yet to find a hydroponics shop (not internet) in the uk that stock fox farm (i wonder why?).

i got a ph pen a month or so ago now, when i am grow in soil i check my run off as a guide to ph. it seam a better indicator. i would not take the reading on one of those as being an accurate measurement of the ph just a rough guild. but others might find that they work well for them.

good luck with the new nute S/panda


New Member
Im thinking the non abundance of fox farm nutes in the UK may have to do with its made here.

I am extreamely happy with the results im seeing after watering with the nutrients+molassas.

The leaves are lush green and i am seeing small tips of bud formations starting.
It also has grown noticably more within the past few hours, no signs of nutrient burn or anything like that.


New Member
So as i was sniffing the buds very first tips, just little tiny things.

I looked down a couple of stems and saw the most beautiful thing ever. Two little pistils in a V. Pic soon

So happy.


Well-Known Member
Holy crap man she looks absoloutely amazing!!!!!!! Thegigglepimp is an awesome guy so good choice to buy a light off. ( Even though I've never really talked to him ive been reading his journal from the start). How many weeks into flowering do you expect she will take?


New Member
Im told it will take 11 weeks to flower, for more purple that is. He says the purpling mostly occurs in the last two or three weeks of flowering. So it actually depends on how i want it to be. I was thinking 9 weeks would be good.


New Member
No pistil shots yet.
but i have a couple from today, i took it outside for a while to see what that was like, pretty impressed actually. it didnt hurt the plant at all, anyways.

Sorry blurry, but this is the same top yesterday before i gave it the fox farm nutes.


Well-Known Member
Im told it will take 11 weeks to flower, for more purple that is. He says the purpling mostly occurs in the last two or three weeks of flowering. So it actually depends on how i want it to be. I was thinking 9 weeks would be good.
Sounds good man cant wait for the harvest!


Well-Known Member
WOW!!!!,,,,,,,I Started At The Front Of Your Thread, At First As I Read, Didn't Think She Was Going To Make It!!!!,,,,,,Then She Started Coming Back, & Getting Better & Bigger,,,,,& To The Last Post They Are Looking Awesome!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,I'm Sure You Have Learnt Alot, These Last Few Month's!!!!,,,,,,Hat's Off Bro!!!!!,,,,,,,,& Best Of Luck!!!,,,Later, HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


New Member
WOW!!!!,,,,,,,I Started At The Front Of Your Thread, At First As I Read, Didn't Think She Was Going To Make It!!!!,,,,,,Then She Started Coming Back, & Getting Better & Bigger,,,,,& To The Last Post They Are Looking Awesome!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,I'm Sure You Have Learnt Alot, These Last Few Month's!!!!,,,,,,Hat's Off Bro!!!!!,,,,,,,,& Best Of Luck!!!,,,Later, HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

Thanks alot hatch good to have you in my thread bro.

I have learned alot, almost too much, if i had the supplies i think i can do just about perfect.

In a little while or tomorro i will post some pics of my first clone:blsmoke:
