First grow, purely home-made, CFL.


Well-Known Member
One night in flowering and i already seen signs of its sex!

So far, i am about 90% sure its a girl. Which makes me happy with the 50-50 odds of a single plant. Pictures soon.
Grats man! Can't wait for the pics. And your plant is gonna do sooo good with that new light your getting.


New Member
Grats man! Can't wait for the pics. And your plant is gonna do sooo good with that new light your getting.

Yeah man, my fingers are crossed right now for that light. Apperently my freind might need it. But i will ask him later today if i can use it now that im flowering.


New Member
What do you mean? If you mean the wrinkles, i think i over watered it on accident. And thats how it responds to it. Other than that everything is still on track. Its looking better now that the soil is less wet.


New Member
I know so short and stout. Both my dad and my freinds dad want to know my topping teqnique. They are simply amazed by the four branches. While im sitting here perfectly understanding haha. Almost time for lights out. I love growing this plant lol.


Well-Known Member
I know so short and stout. Both my dad and my freinds dad want to know my topping teqnique. They are simply amazed by the four branches. While im sitting here perfectly understanding haha. Almost time for lights out. I love growing this plant lol.
I used that pic in post 112. then I tried it on some of the male clones I have.


New Member
Sorry for not posting any pics guys, i can not find any Double A batteries to save my life. Lol, but what i have is good news, despite the fact that i have yet to see any obviously determinable pre-flowers, i was informed that these seeds were feminized.. And i talked with my "breeder" haha, and hes telling me hes going to give me a nice handfull of feminized seeds for future grows. All the same strain of course, the one that im growing. I also asked him what soil and nutes he uses, much to my suprise he uses Fox Farms through and through, ocean forest/light warrior. With Grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. Hes telling me to use ALL of them together when flowering, as this seems to produce the best yeilds off this strain. But man am i happy, lots of positive info for my grow. Update with pics soon guys hang in there.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for not posting any pics guys, i can not find any Double A batteries to save my life. Lol, but what i have is good news, despite the fact that i have yet to see any obviously determinable pre-flowers, i was informed that these seeds were feminized.. And i talked with my "breeder" haha, and hes telling me hes going to give me a nice handfull of feminized seeds for future grows. All the same strain of course, the one that im growing. I also asked him what soil and nutes he uses, much to my suprise he uses Fox Farms through and through, ocean forest/light warrior. With Grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom. Hes telling me to use ALL of them together when flowering, as this seems to produce the best yeilds off this strain. But man am i happy, lots of positive info for my grow. Update with pics soon guys hang in there.
I use foxfarm also. I like it and it is very easy to mix.

This may help it is a good mix for 1 gal. of water.

Note: Use water only every other time. I here alot of people over do it with the grow big. Even FoxFarm has the same warning.


Well-Known Member
you lucky bastard! steady supply of purple hazexNL#5? hell yeah. good for you my friend! I'll be around, waiting on pics! :)


New Member
PICS! Finally.

The four tops: one of them is growing a little slower than the other three, but im still happy with it.

Overall top veiw, mmm bushy goodness.

Side View.