Kush Knight
Well-Known Member
@UncleBuck No? Would researching him be a good way to spend the next hour?
@UncleBuck No? Would researching him be a good way to spend the next hour?
Shit thats funny. yeah one quick google, and i got the whole gist of the white supremacy act just from the results' headlines.nah. you can though.
i was gonna tell you all about how dr kynes thinks phillipe rushton, the royalty of whte nationalism and white supremacy, is totally not racist at all.
that's pretty much all you need to know about kynes, other than the fact that as a 30 year old he was working at walmart, still works for about that wage as a 50 year old, and lives with approximately 8 other family members. no joking either.
Shit thats funny. yeah one quick google, and i got the whole gist of the white supremacy act just from the results' headlines.
So you think its about owning slaves and not about money eh?so i'm gonna go with you know they exist, and you are just trying to revise history. that makes you a liar, which is even worse than being dumb.
See, making a statement without any previous knowledge, just made me look stupid. i proved one of my own points.NUH UH! he's a respected scholar! not racist at all!
The Civil War WAS fought over slavery in that it was a constitutional violation by the North which involved runaway slaves which started the secession of Southern States, this violation was a form of violation of State's Rights which is where the confusion comes from so, yes it was about state's rights and it was about slavery both..;
I read that the North wasn't against slavery, but feared a build up of a black population, because they weren't an agrarian society like the South. Brutal treatment of slaves isn't possible out in the open. Slaves were more like rich people's pets(in the North). It's similar psychology to why livestock animal abuse is overlooked by most of society, but people get a conniption when you put a dog in a carrier on the roof of a car.Good point. Lincoln, a segregationist, did not emancipate out of benevolence, he did it as a war tactic. Lincoln has often been portrayed as a great lover of freedom, which is not exactly accurate given his power lust.
So you think its about owning slaves and not about money eh?
if the south was all about "states rights", why did they perform the biggest federal power grab ever at the time and force every single state in the north to conform to their will via the fugitive slave act?
Answer is, everyone had their own agendas! lol
Yes, they got the fugitive slave act passed which gave RIGHTS to the southern states to retrieve their slaves! i.e. States rights. When Northern states started violating this agreement the Southern states got pissed and seceded. Bottom line it was all about the immoral practice of slavery. The southern states treated slaves NOT as humans but as property to be bought, sold or even disposed of, any way they chose. Slaves had NO rights or protections. If a slave owner got mad at a slave he might whip him to death and no one blinked an eye. People can talk about good slave owners and I'm sure there were a few but bottom line is human beings were raped, murdered, and tortured and it was legal. The sad thing is that slavery is STILL practiced in the world.if the south was all about "states rights", why did they perform the biggest federal power grab ever at the time and force every single state in the north to conform to their will via the fugitive slave act?
Yes, they got the fugitive slave act passed which gave RIGHTS to the southern states to retrieve their slaves! i.e. States rights. When Northern states started violating this agreement the Southern states got pissed and seceded.
Nah, it's as funny as when Democrat candidates like Al Gore hold up a national election searching for imaginary hanging chads and lose anyway. The four counties he asked for recounts in would have all been Bush's anyway so it was a waste of our time and money.not before deciding that states rights were only for southern states who wanted to enslave people and making all the northern states abide by their wishes.
biggest federal power grab ever at the time, and it belonged to those who claimed to believe in states rights.
it's as funny as when anti-government tea party candidates like joe miller use the federal government to contest an election outcome that they didn't like.